Belted Kingfisher Making Off with His Fish

March 23, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Belted Kingfisher Making Off with His FishBelted Kingfisher Making Off with His FishI knew a belted kingfisher was near based on his call and seeing flashes of blue darting among the trees along the water, but I couldn't get a clear shot of him. Moments later I saw a small splash and as I positioned the camera I saw him darting off. I took several images praying I'd get one in focus. This is the one I got as he was flying off with a fish. He would return later and I got a couple of images of him perched on a branch but I really want to get a kingfisher as he fishes. Someday...


I knew a belted kingfisher was near based on his call and seeing flashes of blue darting among the trees along the water, but I couldn't get a clear shot of him. Moments later I saw a small splash and as I positioned the camera I saw him darting off. I took several images praying I'd get one in focus. This is the one I got as he was flying off with a fish. He would return later and I got a couple of images of him perched on a branch but I really want to get a kingfisher as he fishes. Someday...



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