Troy Marcy Photography: Blog en-us (C) Troy Marcy Photography (Troy Marcy Photography) Mon, 18 Nov 2024 22:33:00 GMT Mon, 18 Nov 2024 22:33:00 GMT Troy Marcy Photography: Blog 96 120 Hedge Apple Tree in the Fall Hedge Apple Tree in the FallHedge Apple Tree in the FallI couldn't help but pull over to photograph this vibrant hedge apple tree glowing in a this pasture. It stood out beautifully on a cold, rainy November day.


I couldn't help but pull over to photograph this vibrant hedge apple tree glowing in a this pasture. It stood out beautifully on a cold, rainy November day.


(Troy Marcy Photography) apple Canon 24-70 f/2.8L Canon EOS R Central Illinois colors dark Dawson Lake fall hedge landscape mood moody Moraine View State Park nature November Rain rain tree Mon, 18 Nov 2024 22:32:33 GMT
Finding Solace in the Fog Finding Solace in the FogFinding Solace in the FogThere is nothing like alone time with my camera and nature. Sometimes we need to find peace and clarity in the fog.


There is nothing like alone time with my camera and nature. Sometimes we need to find peace and clarity in the fog.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Canon 24-70 f/2.8L Canon EOS R Central Illinois dark Dawson Lake landscape mood moody Moraine View State Park nature November Rain rain Fri, 15 Nov 2024 00:28:17 GMT
Remnants of Fall Remnants of FallRemnants of FallThis is best viewed wide to really appreciate the panoramic view of misty landscape across the lake. I love the foreground tree with just a few remaining leaves. With the November rain and winds, fall won't last much longer. These transitions are so important as we move from one season to the next. Life is full of transitions that come whether we are ready for them or not.


This is best viewed wide to really appreciate the panoramic view of misty landscape across the lake. I love the foreground tree with just a few remaining leaves. With the November rain and winds, fall won't last much longer. These transitions are so important as we move from one season to the next. Life is full of transitions that come whether we are ready for them or not.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Canon 24-70 f/2.8L Canon EOS R Central Illinois dark Dawson Lake landscape mood moody Moraine View State Park nature November Rain rain Thu, 14 Nov 2024 01:37:26 GMT
Sun Bursting Through the Rain Sun Bursting Through the RainSun Bursting Through the RainIt was absolutely pouring at this point. The light was incredible as the sun was getting lower in the sky and trying to burst through.


It was absolutely pouring at this point. The light was incredible as the sun was getting lower in the sky and trying to burst through.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Canon 24-70 f/2.8L Canon EOS R Central Illinois dark Dawson Lake landscape mood moody Moraine View State Park nature November Rain rain Sun, 10 Nov 2024 21:07:30 GMT
Red Through the Rain Red Through the RainRed Through the RainThe rain can't stop this view...I just love this island of trees. What a perfect spot for a park bench.


The rain can't stop this view...I just love this island of trees. What a perfect spot for a park bench.


(Troy Marcy Photography) across added against almost and as autumn's bit bridge bright can colors down. drenched drops especially feel I image. in it lake last leaves looking love Loved much nice of on out person pouring rain scene scene. showing sky some splashes standing still surface surface. textures the this to vibrant was water. were which while You Sat, 09 Nov 2024 21:40:12 GMT
Rainy Fall Landscape Rainy Fall LandscapeRainy Fall LandscapeLoved this scene in person almost as much as I love the image. I was standing on the bridge looking out across the lake as it was pouring down. The leaves, while drenched, still showing the last bit of autumn's colors, which were vibrant against the bright sky and bright lake surface. The rain drops added some nice textures to the scene, especially the splashes on the surface of the water. You can almost feel this scene.


Loved this scene in person almost as much as I love the image. I was standing on the bridge looking out across the lake as it was pouring down. The leaves, while drenched, still showing the last bit of autumn's colors, which were vibrant against the bright sky and bright lake surface. The rain drops added some nice textures to the scene, especially the splashes on the surface of the water. You can almost feel this scene.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Canon 24-70 f/2.8L Canon EOS R Central Illinois dark Dawson Lake landscape mood moody Moraine View State Park nature November Rain rain Fri, 08 Nov 2024 02:01:50 GMT
Fall Road Fall RoadFall RoadMoody Black and White image of the beautiful winding roads around Dawson Lake. The atmosphere was magnificent.


Moody Black and White image of the beautiful winding roads around Dawson Lake. The atmosphere was magnificent.


(Troy Marcy Photography) and black Canon 24-70 f/2.8L Canon EOS R Central Illinois dark Dawson Lake landscape mood moody Moraine View State Park nature November Rain rain white Thu, 07 Nov 2024 01:43:41 GMT
November Rain November RainNovember RainThis image was made this morning during a steady and persistent rain. I just love the composition of the trees reaching out over the water with the remaining splash of fall colors. I'm loving this November rain.


This image was made this morning during a steady and persistent rain. I just love the composition of the trees reaching out over the water with the remaining splash of fall colors. I'm loving this November rain.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Canon 24-70 f/2.8L Canon EOS R Central Illinois dark Dawson Lake landscape mood moody Moraine View State Park nature November Rain rain Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:01:01 GMT
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Enjoying Thistle Ruby-throated Hummingbird Enjoying ThistleRuby-throated Hummingbird Enjoying ThistleIt is always nice to get out and enjoy nature. Its so necessary for my mental health even if its just for a couple of hours. I had to work for this image. I observed a humming bird flying from thistle plant to thistle plant. Of course it would dart away if I moved towards it at all, so I decided to sit in the grass well below the height of the thistle blooms and practice some patience. This was one of the only images I could get of the hummingbird's eye...most of my images are from the back. The patience and work paid off and I was rewarded with an image.


It is always nice to get out and enjoy nature. Its so necessary for my mental health even if its just for a couple of hours. I had to work for this image. I observed a humming bird flying from thistle plant to thistle plant. Of course it would dart away if I moved towards it at all, so I decided to sit in the grass well below the height of the thistle blooms and practice some patience. This was one of the only images I could get of the hummingbird's eye...most of my images are from the back. The patience and work paid off and I was rewarded with an image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) a all always an and are at away back. below bird blooms could couple course dart decided enjoy even eye...most flying for from get grass had health height hours. humming hummingbird's I if image. images in is it Its just mental moved my nature. necessary nice observed of off one only out paid patience patience. plant plant. practice rewarded sit so some the This thistle to towards was well with work would Sun, 01 Sep 2024 22:28:44 GMT
Caught in Mid-bite Caught in Mid-biteCaught in Mid-biteI'm loving this look I got from a giraffe mid-bite at the Indianapolis Zoo.


I'm loving this look I got from a giraffe mid-bite at the Indianapolis Zoo.


(Troy Marcy Photography) animals Canon EOS R captive animals giraffe Indiana Indianapolis July Summer Zoo Tue, 23 Jul 2024 19:04:32 GMT
Rhino Mom and Calf Rhino Mom and CalfRhino Mom and CalfRhino mom and her calf posing together at the Indianapolis Zoo.


Rhino mom and her calf posing together.


(Troy Marcy Photography) animals Calf Canon EOS R captive animals Indiana Indianapolis July Rhino Summer Zoo Mon, 22 Jul 2024 22:41:43 GMT
Profile of a Chimpanzee Profile of a ChimpanzeeProfile of a ChimpanzeeThe Indianapolis Zoo has a new Chimpanzee enclosure that lets you get close to these amazing animals. Their eyes can be so expressive. This guy was chewing on lettuce.


The Indianapolis Zoo has a new Chimpanzee enclosure that lets you get close to these amazing animals. Their eyes can be so expressive.


(Troy Marcy Photography) and animals black Canon EOS R captive animals chimpanzee Indiana Indianapolis July Summer white Zoo Thu, 18 Jul 2024 01:16:48 GMT
Dolphin Dive Dolphin DiveDolphin DiveI thought this was a pretty unique view of a dolphin diving back into the water as seen through the aquarium glass from below at the Indianapolis Zoo.


I thought this was a pretty unique view of a dolphin diving back into the water as seen through the aquarium glass from below.


(Troy Marcy Photography) action animals aquarium Canon EOS R captive animals dolphin Indiana Indianapolis July Summer Zoo Wed, 17 Jul 2024 15:33:41 GMT
A Shy Wink A Shy WinkA Shy WinkOne of the sea lions at the Indianapolis Zoo gave us this shy wink.


One of the sea lions at the Indianapolis Zoo gave us this shy wink.


(Troy Marcy Photography) animals Canon EOS R captive animals Indiana Indianapolis July lion sea shy Summer wink Zoo Mon, 15 Jul 2024 19:33:59 GMT
The Illinois River from Lover's Leap The Illinois River from Lover's LeapThe Illinois River from Lover's LeapFor Central Illinois, Starved Rock State Park offers some of the most beautiful views. After a hike up to Lover's Leap, I was able to make this image. I was thinking about waiting around for a sunset but the clouds were moving in. I was happy with this view and composition showing a little bit of the rocky bluffs in the lower right and featuring the incredible view of the Illinois river.


For Central Illinois, Starved Rock State Park offers some of the most beautiful views. After a hike up to Lover's Leap, I was able to make this image. I was thinking about waiting around for a sunset but the clouds were moving, but I was happy with this view and composition showing a little bit of the rocky bluffs in the lower right and featuring the incredible view of the Illinois river.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Canon 24-70 f/2.8L Canon EOS R Illinois landscape Leap Lover's Matthiessen State Park nature Starved Rock view Sun, 16 Jun 2024 21:38:07 GMT
Peace Along the Vermilion River Peace Along the Vermilion RiverPeace Along the Vermilion RiverOne of the most relaxing spots at Matthiessen State Park is this spot along the Vermilion River. It was so relaxing walking out on a rock and just sitting while listening to the water trickle by. We had this spot to ourselves and it was heaven.


One of the most relaxing spots at Matthiessen State Park is this spot along the Vermilion River. It was so relaxing walking out on a rock and just sitting while listening to the water trickle by. We had this spot to ourselves and it was heaven.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Canon 24-70 f/2.8L Canon EOS R Illinois landscape Matthiessen Matthiessen State Park nature Park peace River Starved Rock State Vermilion Fri, 14 Jun 2024 15:23:54 GMT
Wildcat Canyon Falls Wildcat Canyon FallsWildcat Canyon FallsIt was more like a trickle than a waterfall in the Wildcat Canyon on Tuesday but I was thankful and surprised that there was any water at all. Julie and I had this beautiful canyon almost to ourselves. I was able to get out the tripod and take a long exposure image. It was well worth the hike.


It was more like a trickle than a waterfall in the Wildcat Canyon on Tuesday but I was thankful and surprised that there was any water at all. Julie and I had this beautiful canyon almost to ourselves. I was able to get out the tripod and take a long exposure image. It was well worth the hike.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Canon 24-70 f/2.8L Canon EOS R Canyon Falls hike Illinois landscape Matthiessen State Park nature Starved Rock Wildcat Thu, 13 Jun 2024 02:29:16 GMT
Green Heron in Good Light Green Heron in Good LightGreen Heron in Good LightI always consider myself lucky to find Green Herons and especially lucky when I find them in good light. They typically are in very dense cover along bodies of water. This one was stalking fish along the pond in the open and in good light.


I always consider myself lucky to find Green Herons and especially lucky when I find them in good light. They typically are in very dense cover along bodies of water. This one was stalking fish along the pond in the open and in good light.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Birds Bloomington Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Green Heron Illinois McLean County nature Tipton Park wildlife Thu, 06 Jun 2024 21:13:49 GMT
Banking Great Blue Heron Banking Great Blue HeronBanking Great Blue HeronI thought this image of a Great Blue Heron banking as he was about to land, gave a unique perspective and view of its massive wing span.


I thought this image of a Great Blue Heron banking as he was about to land, gave a unique perspective and view of its massive wing span.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Birds Bloomington Blue Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Great Heron Illinois McLean County nature Tipton Park wildlife Wings Wed, 05 Jun 2024 22:39:15 GMT
Juvenile Male Purple Martin on a Perch Juvenile Male Purple Martin on a PerchJuvenile Male Purple Martin on a PerchI enjoyed photographing this juvenile male purple martin while it was sitting still on a perch. This one has a few spots of the color starting on his chest...teenagers!


I enjoyed photographing this juvenile male purple martin while it was sitting still on a perch. This one has a few spots of the color starting on his chest...teenagers!


(Troy Marcy Photography) Birds Bloomington Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Illinois juvenile martin McLean County nature purple Tipton Park wildlife Wed, 05 Jun 2024 16:57:38 GMT
Male Purple Martin Flyover Male Purple Martin FlyoverMale Purple Martin FlyoverPurple Martins are my dad's favorite bird and I always enjoy watching them fly. They offer several challenges when it comes to photography. They are elusive flyers that dart, turn, and dive quickly as they capture bugs. They don't seem to sit still for long. Also, getting the exposure right with their darker feathers is difficult. If I underexpose, I don't get their pretty colors. While this image isn't perfect, I love the wings and tail feather positions and I like the way the light is bringing out some of the colors. This one is for dad.


Purple Martins are my dad's favorite bird and I always enjoy watching them fly. They offer several challenges when it comes to photography. They are elusive flyers that dart, turn, and dive quickly as they capture bugs. They don't seem to sit still for long. Also, getting the exposure right with their darker feathers is difficult. If I underexpose, I don't get their pretty colors. While this image isn't perfect, I love the wings and tail feather positions and I like the way the light is bringing out some of the colors. This one is for dad.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Birds Bloomington Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Illinois In-flight Martin McLean County nature Purple Tipton Park wildlife Tue, 04 Jun 2024 21:49:14 GMT
Great Blue Heron Through the Reeds Great Blue Heron Through the ReedsGreat Blue Heron Through the ReedsAfter a pesky Red-winged blackbird chased this Great Blue Heron off, I was able to track him through the reeds right in front of me. I was close enough to hear his wings.


After a pesky Red-winged blackbird chased this Great Blue Heron off, I was able to track him through the reeds right in front of me. I was close enough to hear his wings.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Bird Birds Bloomington Blue Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Flight Great Heron Illinois in McLean County nature Tipton Park wildlife Mon, 03 Jun 2024 21:42:57 GMT
Front Row Seat to Nature Front Row Seat to NatureFront Row Seat to NatureHow about this scene? A Great Blue Heron minding his own business while a Red-winged Black Bird is landing on his back to chase him off from a nearby nest all with an audience of various types of turtles watching. Its like the discovery channel right here at Tipton Park.


How about this scene? A Great Blue Heron minding his own business while a Red-winged Black Bird is landing on his back to chase him off from a nearby nest all with an audience of various types of turtles watching. Its like the discovery channel right here at Tipton Park.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Birds Blackbird Bloomington Blue Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Great Heron Illinois McLean County nature Red-winged Tipton Park Turtles wildlife Mon, 03 Jun 2024 18:17:21 GMT
What a Look What a LookWhat a LookWe locked eyes and I got this image. Interesting look he has going on here. I think he is sticking his tongue out or maybe its his tiktok pose?


We locked eyes and I got this image. Interesting look he has going on here. I think he is sticking his tongue out or maybe its his tiktok pose?


(Troy Marcy Photography) Birds Blackbird Bloomington Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Illinois McLean County nature Red-winged Tipton Park wildlife Sun, 02 Jun 2024 21:15:27 GMT
Red-winged Blackbird on a Reed Red-winged Blackbird on a ReedRed-winged Blackbird on a ReedI appreciate the simplicity of this image. I love the contrast of the red-winged blackbird against the white backdrop of the water.


I appreciate the simplicity of this image. I love the contrast of the red-winged blackbird against the white backdrop of the water.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Birds blackbird Bloomington Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Illinois McLean County nature red-winged Tipton Park wildlife Sun, 02 Jun 2024 15:29:57 GMT
Red-winged Blackbird in Flight Red-winged Blackbird in FlightRed-winged Blackbird in FlightRed-winged blackbirds were all over the place at Tipton Park. I had some fun practicing my birds-in-flight images. Not as challenging as the purple martins I also photographed but lots of fun. Gotta lover that flash of red color.


Red-winged blackbirds were all over the place at Tipton Park. I had some fun practicing my birds-in-flight images. Not as challenging as the purple martins I also photographed but lots of fun. Gotta lover that flash of red color.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Birds Blackbird Bloomington Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Illinois McLean County nature Red-winged Tipton Park wildlife Fri, 31 May 2024 20:11:24 GMT
Mute Swan Through the Reeds Mute Swan Through the ReedsMute Swan Through the Reeds

Male Mute SwanMale Mute Swan Enjoying a Nice Day at the ParkEnjoying a Nice Day at the Park Mute Swan PoseMute Swan Pose Nipping the Tail FeathersNipping the Tail Feathers The ChaseThe Chase Mute Swan on the AttackMute Swan on the Attack Territorial Mute SwanTerritorial Mute Swan

Here is a series of Mute Swan images from Tipton Park.  My favorite is the view of the Male Mute Swan as I photograph him through the reeds. It was fun observing the male patrolling the entire lake chasing off any geese he saw to protect his family.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm birds canon County eos f/5.6l Illinois McLean Park r Tipton wildlife Thu, 30 May 2024 19:32:21 GMT
Mom's Always Watching Mom's Always WatchingMom's Always WatchingI wasn't even that close to this little family but the mom was very aware that I was there. Look at the cute little swans!


I wasn't even that close to this little family but the mom was very aware that I was there. Look at the cute little swans!


(Troy Marcy Photography) Birds Bloomington Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Illinois McLean County Mute nature Swan Tipton Park wildlife Thu, 30 May 2024 05:43:53 GMT
Mute Swan and her Cygnets Mute Swan and her CygnetsMute Swan and her CygnetsI was blessed by this scene at Tipton park today. I never managed to get super close to the cygnets but I'm happy with this view. The light and atmosphere were perfect.


I was blessed by this scene at Tipton park today. I never managed to get super close to the cygnets but I'm happy with this view. The light and atmosphere were perfect.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Birds Bloomington Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R Cygnets Illinois McLean County Mute nature Swan Tipton Park wildlife Thu, 30 May 2024 00:53:52 GMT
Cedar Waxwing in Magical Light Cedar Waxwing in Magical LightCedar Waxwing in Magical LightIts hard enough to get a bird to sit and pose but its incredible rare to get one to pose long enough for a photo in such magical light. The canopy of leaves typically sucks the light out of a scene, but every now and then a sliver of warm sunlight manages to find the subject. I was just thankful I had my camera ready and settings dialed in to capture this Cedar Waxwing posing so regally.


Its hard enough to get a bird to sit and pose but its incredible rare to get one to pose long enough for a photo in such magical light. The canopy of leaves typically sucks the light out of a scene, but every now and then a sliver of warm sunlight manages to find the subject. I was just thankful I had my camera ready and settings dialed in to capture this Cedar Waxwing posing so regally.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 5-19-24 Birds Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R cedar light McLean County nature warm waxwing wildlife Thu, 23 May 2024 00:26:34 GMT
Cedar Waxwing Party of 3 Cedar Waxwing Party of 3Cedar Waxwing Party of 3I felt like I was interrupting family dinner when I photographed these 3 cedar waxwings. Unfortunately the limb was blocking the other two but I don't mind since I got this guy looking back at me with its mouth full. I got my image and moved along so they could enjoy their dinner time.


I felt like I was interrupting family dinner when I photographed these 3 cedar waxwings. Unfortunately the limb was blocking the other two but I don't mind since I got this guy looking back at me with its mouth full. I got my image and moved along so they could enjoy their dinner time.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 5-19-24 berry Birds Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R cedar McLean County nature waxwing wildlife Tue, 21 May 2024 20:30:28 GMT
Song Sung Blue Song Sung BlueSong Sung BlueThis was the first indigo bunting that I photographed this season. I heard it singing above me and quickly adjusted my camera settings to get this image. It was difficult against the bright sky in harsh light. I love the beautiful blue of these birds and I titled it Song Sung Blue in honor of my mom's favorite, Neil Diamond.


This was the first indigo bunting that I photographed this season. I heard it singing above me and quickly adjusted my camera settings to get this image. It was difficult against the bright sky in harsh light. I love the beautiful blue of these birds and I titled it Song Sung Blue in honor of my mom's favorite, Neil Diamond.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 5-19-24 Birds bunting Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R indigo McLean County nature wildlife Mon, 20 May 2024 21:21:03 GMT
White-eyed Vireo Portrait White-eyed Vireo Portrait-2White-eyed Vireo Portrait-2It was a bit frustrating hearing the birds but not being able to get a good look or image due to the heaving leaf coverage that comes this late in the migration season, but this white-eyed vireo made it all worth it. It flew right across the trail and stayed low enough for me to have just a few moments to photograph it. I was even lucky enough to catch the light in the eyes to show off the white nicely. White-eyed Vireo PortraitWhite-eyed Vireo PortraitIt was a bit frustrating hearing the birds but not being able to get a good look or image due to the heaving leaf coverage that comes this late in the migration season, but this white-eyed vireo made it all worth it. It flew right across the trail and stayed low enough for me to have just a few moments to photograph it. I was even lucky enough to catch the light in the eyes to show off the white nicely.


It was a bit frustrating hearing the birds but not being able to get a good look or image due to the heaving leaf coverage that comes this late in the migration season, but this white-eyed vireo made it all worth it. It flew right across the trail and stayed low enough for me to have just a few moments to photograph it. I was even lucky enough to catch the light in the eyes to show off the white nicely.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 5-19-24 Birds Canon 400mm f/5.6L Canon EOS R McLean County nature vireo white-eyed wildlife Sun, 19 May 2024 21:56:46 GMT
Sunrise for Grace Sunrise for GraceSunrise for GraceI photographed this sunrise from the balcony of the beach condo we were staying at on Tybee Island the weekend of our daughter's graduation from SCAD. For me sunrises represent new beginnings and fresh starts. As Grace graduated, I couldn't help but be proud and excited for what is next. She has her whole life in front of her. Enjoy this time of your life Grace! Sincerely, Your Proud Dad.


I photographed this sunrise from the balcony of the beach condo we were staying at on Tybee Island the weekend of our daughter's graduation from SCAD. For me sunrises represent new beginnings and fresh starts. As Grace graduated, I couldn't help but be proud and excited for what is next. She has her whole life in front of her. Enjoy this time of your life Grace! Sincerely, Your Proud Dad.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 Canon EOS f/4L Georgia Island nature R Savannah sunrise Tybee wildlife Tue, 20 Jun 2023 19:05:30 GMT
Hermit Thrush Among the Redbud Blooms Hermit Thrush Among the Redbud BloomsHermit Thrush Among the Redbud BloomsA cooperative Hermit Thrush perched among limbs of redbud blooms made for a striking subject. Very rarely do these birds sit still or come out of the brush for a photo but this hermit gave me a few seconds of its time.


A cooperative Hermit Thrush perched among limbs of redbud blooms made for a striking subject. Very rarely do these birds sit still or come out of the brush for a photo but this hermit gave me a few seconds of its time.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon eos f/5.6l hermit migration nature r thrush wildlife Sat, 29 Apr 2023 02:07:58 GMT
Hermit Thrush Among the Redbud Blooms


A cooperative Hermit Thrush perched among limbs of redbud blooms made for a striking subject. Very rarely do these birds sit still or come out of the brush for a photo but this hermit gave me a few seconds of its time.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird Canon EOS f/5.6L hermit migration nature R thrush wildlife Sat, 29 Apr 2023 01:24:59 GMT
Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-3 Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-3Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-3

Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-7Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-7 Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-6Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-6 Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-5Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-5

Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-2Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-2

Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-4Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-4 Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-8Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing-8 Ruby-crowned Kinglet at EwingRuby-crowned Kinglet at Ewing

These Ruby-crowned Kinglets were all over Ewing Park tonight.  They are an early and welcome sign that the migration is in progress.  I love how personable and photogenic these little birds are.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird Canon 7D eos f/5.6l migration nature r wildlife Thu, 27 Apr 2023 02:07:09 GMT
Golden Summer Golden SummerGolden SummerI Love these vibrant little finches all summer long. They always seem to cheer me up. My grandpa, who was not into birding but appreciated nature, would always say, "look at the beautiful canary!"


I Love these vibrant little finches all summer long. They always seem to cheer me up. My grandpa, who was not into birding but appreciated nature, would always say, "look at the beautiful canary!"


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon color county eos ewing f/5.6l goldfinch illinois mclean nature park r wildlife Wed, 15 Jun 2022 00:59:44 GMT
Blue Jay on a Spring Day Blue Jay on a Spring DayBlue Jay on a Spring DaySimple portrait of a Blue Jay on a Spring Day.


Simple portrait of a Blue Jay on a Spring Day.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 400mm bird blue canon colors county eos ewing f/5.6l illinois jay mclean migration nature park portrait r spring wildlife Mon, 30 May 2022 17:24:13 GMT
Hopping into Summer Hopping into SummerHopping into SummerI caught this vibrant cardinal mid-hop among the dense bushes and flowers at Ewing Park. Hopping into summer!


I caught this vibrant cardinal mid-hop among the dense bushes and flowers at Ewing Park. Hopping into summer!


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 400mm action bird canon cardinal county eos ewing f/5.6l flowers hopping illinois mclean migration nature park r spring wildlife Sun, 29 May 2022 20:48:16 GMT
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet with a Nice Meal Ruby-Crowned Kinglet with a Nice MealRuby-Crowned Kinglet with a Nice MealI was lucky to catch this ruby-crowned kinglet with a fresh catch so it would actually sit long enough for a photo. These little kinglets are so quick and are in constant movement.


I was lucky to catch this ruby-crowned kinglet with a fresh catch so it would actually sit long enough for a photo. These little kinglets are so quick and are in constant movement.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 400mm bird canon county eos ewing f/5.6l illinois insect kinglet macro mclean migration nature park r ruby-crowned wildlife Sat, 28 May 2022 01:19:41 GMT
Black-throated Green Warbler with a Worm Black-throated Green Warbler with a WormBlack-throated Green Warbler with a WormThis black-throated green warbler found a little worm among the leaves fairly high up in the canopy of leaves. What a stunningly vibrant head on this little warbler.


This black-throated green warbler found a little worm among the leaves fairly high up in the canopy of leaves. What a stunningly vibrant head on this little warbler.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 400mm bird black-throated canon county eos f/5.6l funk's green grove illinois mclean migration nature r warbler wildlife Wed, 25 May 2022 23:18:02 GMT
Sweet Posing Great Crested Flycatcher Sweet Posing Great Crested FlycatcherSweet Posing Great Crested FlycatcherOne of my favorite flycatchers, this great crested flycatcher posed nicely as it had a beautiful spot to watch for any unsuspecting insects. The wooded trails of Funk's Grove was very active with several types of flycatchers on Sunday.


One of my favorite flycatchers, this great crested flycatcher posed nicely as it had a beautiful spot to watch for any unsuspecting insects. The wooded trails of Funk's Grove was very active with several types of flycatchers on Sunday.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 400mm bird canon county crested eos f/5.6l flycatcher funk's great grove mclean migration nature r wildlife woods Wed, 25 May 2022 01:54:40 GMT
Philadelphia Vireo Philadelphia VireoPhiladelphia VireoI thought this was another warbling vireo when I first saw it but after looking through my camera's view finder and the back of the screen, I thought this had a good chance of being my first good photo of a Philadelphia Vireo. Once I was able to look more closely on my computer, I do believe this is a Philadelphia Vireo.


I thought this was another warbling vireo when I first saw it but after looking through my camera's view finder and the back of the screen, I thought this had a good chance of being my first good photo of a Philadelphia Vireo. Once I was able to look more closely on my computer, I do believe this is a Philadelphia Vireo.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park migration 2022 nature philadelphia vireo wildlife Tue, 24 May 2022 01:09:35 GMT
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Yellow-bellied FlycatcherYellow-bellied FlycatcherI kept hearing this guy calling from up above the canopy of leaves. I thought it was a flycatcher but I wasn't sure so I quickly used my Merlin app to help confirm that it was a yellow-bellied flycatcher. It flew down below the leaves long enough to get a quick photo.


I kept hearing this guy calling from up above the canopy of leaves. I thought it was a flycatcher but I wasn't sure so I quickly used my Merlin app to help confirm that it was a yellow-bellied flycatcher. It flew down below the leaves long enough to get a quick photo.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos f/5.6l flycatcher funk's grove illinois mclean migration nature r wildlife yellow-bellied Mon, 23 May 2022 22:28:01 GMT
Summer Song of a Dickcessel Summer Song of a DickcisselSummer Song of a DickcisselAs I was walking the trails at Funk's Grove I heard several Dickcissels singing from the prairie just past the tree line. As soon as I turned the corner and left the shady, wooded trails their songs amplified and, along with the fresh sun, the feeling of summer was beautiful and refreshing. I couldn't wait to try to get an image of of these beautiful, grassland birds mid-song.


As I was walking the trails at Funk's Grove I heard several Dickcessels singing from the prairie just past the tree line. As soon as I turned the corner and left the shady, wooded trails their songs amplified and, along with the fresh sun, the feeling of summer was beautiful and refreshing. I couldn't wait to try to get an image of of these beautiful, grassland birds mid-song.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county dickcessel eos f/5.6l funk's grove illinois mclean migration nature r song spring wildlife Mon, 23 May 2022 01:28:37 GMT
Mississippi Kite Enjoying some Baseball Mississippi Kite Enjoying some BaseballMississippi Kite Enjoying some BaseballNot one of my best images, but one I wanted to share...this Mississippi Kite was flying over my son's BHS Freshman baseball game at our home field tonight. I was taking photos of the team and saw this the bird hovering fairly high up. I genuinely thought it was a cooper's hawk and barely took a couple of images before focusing back on the game. I'm glad I took this image so I could confirm that it was actually a Mississippi Kite. I guess it wanted to take a moment to enjoy the game.


Not one of my best images, but one I wanted to share...this Mississippi Kite was flying over my son's BHS Freshman baseball game at our home field tonight. I was taking photos of the team and saw this the bird hovering fairly high up. I genuinely thought it was a cooper's hawk and barely took a couple of images before focusing back on the game. I'm glad I took this image so I could confirm that it was actually a Mississippi Kite. I guess it wanted to take a moment to enjoy the game.


(Troy Marcy Photography) action baseball bhs bird bird-in-flight bloomington high school boys canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r freshmen kite mississippi peoria notre dame raiders sports Thu, 19 May 2022 03:30:49 GMT
Contortionist Cedar Waxwing gets a Berry Contortionist Cedar Waxwing gets a BerryContortionist Cedar Waxwing gets a BerryThis Cedar Waxwing showed off its flexibility as it contorted its neck to pull this berry from the stem. Once again, the camera can freeze a moment that our eyes only have a fraction of a second to process.


This Cedar Waxwing showed off its flexibility as it contorted its neck to pull this berry from the stem. Once again, the camera can freeze a moment that our eyes only have a fraction of a second to process.


(Troy Marcy Photography) canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r cedar waxwing contortionist hidden creek trail illinois mclean county migration nature wildlife Mon, 16 May 2022 02:13:53 GMT
Cedar Waxwing In Flight Cedar Waxwing In FlightCedar Waxwing In FlightI always enjoy watching these birds flock together, especially as they find some berries to mack on. I caught this one as it was taking off to find another clump of berries to attack.

I always enjoy watching these birds flock together, especially as they find some berries to mack on. I caught this one as it was taking off to find another clump of berries to attack.

(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 action art canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r cedar waxwing hidden creek trail illinois in flight mclean county migration nature spring wildlife Sun, 15 May 2022 02:27:09 GMT
A Green Heron at Hidden Creek-3 A Green Heron at Hidden Creek-3A Green Heron at Hidden Creek-3What a beautiful bird the Green Heron is. This set of images was taken at Hidden Creek Trail in Normal, Illinois.

A Green Heron at Hidden Creek-2A Green Heron at Hidden Creek-2What a beautiful bird the Green Heron is. This set of images was taken at Hidden Creek Trail in Normal, Illinois. A Green Heron at Hidden CreekA Green Heron at Hidden CreekWhat a beautiful bird the Green Heron is. This set of images was taken at Hidden Creek Trail in Normal, Illinois.

What a beautiful bird the Green Heron is. This set of images was taken at Hidden Creek Trail in Normal, Illinois.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r green heron hidden creek trail il mclean county nature spring migration wildlife Sat, 14 May 2022 02:27:42 GMT
Indigo Bunting's Evening Song Indigo Bunting's Evening SongIndigo Bunting's Evening SongThe park was quiet tonight, for the most part, except for this beautiful little indigo bunting singing its song. This was taken at about 7:15 just before the sun started to set. Between this bird's beautiful song and the hot weather this evening, it truly felt like summer had arrived.


The park was quiet tonight, for the most part, except for this beautiful little indigo bunting singing its song. This was taken at about 7:15 just before the sun started to set. Between this bird's beautiful song and the hot weather this evening, it truly felt like summer had arrived.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird blue bunting canon county creek eos f/5.6l hidden illinois indigo mclean nature r song trail wildlife Thu, 12 May 2022 02:20:45 GMT
Yellow Warbler at Ewing 2022-2 Yellow Warbler at Ewing 2022-2Yellow Warbler at Ewing 2022-2Yellow warblers, with their vibrant yellow flashes in the shrubs, demand attention every time I come across them. This little warbler gave me some nice looks before diving for cover.

Yellow Warbler at Ewing 2022-3Yellow Warbler at Ewing 2022-3Yellow warblers, with their vibrant yellow flashes in the shrubs, demand attention every time I come across them. This little warbler gave me some nice looks before diving for cover. Yellow Warbler at Ewing 2022Yellow Warbler at Ewing 2022Yellow warblers, with their vibrant yellow flashes in the shrubs, demand attention every time I come across them. This little warbler gave me some nice looks before diving for cover.

Yellow warblers, with their vibrant yellow flashes in the shrubs, demand attention every time I come across them. This little warbler gave me some nice looks before diving for cover.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park il mclean county nature spring migration 2022 wildlife yellow yellow warbler Tue, 10 May 2022 20:15:15 GMT
Black and White Warbler 2022 at Ewing-2 Black and White Warbler 2022 at EwingBlack and White Warbler 2022 at EwingThe black and white warble was one of the first warblers I saw during the migration this spring. It is always to see them patrolling the stumps of trees looking for a meal. Black and White Warbler 2022 at Ewing-2Black and White Warbler 2022 at Ewing-2The black and white warble was one of the first warblers I saw during the migration this spring. It is always to see them patrolling the stumps of trees looking for a meal. I was able to capture this one as it was taking off from one tree to find another. It is cool to see the wave motion in the wings as it took flight.


The black and white warble was one of the first warblers I saw during the migration this spring. It is always to see them patrolling the stumps of trees looking for a meal. I was able to capture this one as it was taking off from one tree to find another. It is cool to see the wave motion in the wings as it took flight.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird black and white warbler canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park migration 2022 nature spring wildlife Mon, 09 May 2022 20:25:14 GMT
Northern Parula Colors Northern Parula ColorsNorthern Parula ColorsNorther Parula's are gorgeous little migrant birds and I always enjoy their arrival. This particular one seemed to be show an even more vibrant blue and yellow combo.

Norther Parula Takes FlightNorther Parula Takes FlightI managed to capture this beautiful norther parula in flight as it was flitting form branch to branch.

Norther Parula's are gorgeous little migrant birds and I always enjoy their arrival. This particular one seemed to be show an even more vibrant blue and yellow combo.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park il mclean county migration nature northern parula wildlife Mon, 09 May 2022 01:43:40 GMT
Prothonotary Warbler's Morning Song Prothonotary Warbler's Morning SongProthonotary Warbler's Morning SongNothing like walking the trail at Centennial Park and hearing a beautiful song through the trees. I managed this photo by shooting through the tree leaves just in time to see this beautiful Prothonotary Warbler singing. I moved a few steps to capture another, more clear, image of this beautiful bird.

Prothonotary Warbler in the MorningProthonotary Warbler in the MorningNothing like walking the trail at Centennial Park and hearing a beautiful song through the trees. I managed this photo by shooting through the tree leaves just in time to see this beautiful Prothonotary Warbler singing. I moved a few steps to capture another, more clear, image of this beautiful bird.

Nothing like walking the trail at Centennial Park and hearing a beautiful song through the trees. I managed this photo by shooting through the tree leaves just in time to see this beautiful Prothonotary Warbler singing. I moved a few steps to capture another, more clear, image of this beautiful bird.


(Troy Marcy Photography) canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r centennial park il mclean county migration 2022 nature prothonotary warbler wildlife Sat, 07 May 2022 04:15:34 GMT
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Series Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Series-4Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Series-4These images of the Gray-blue Gnatcatcher were taken at Ewing Park on 4-30-22. I love watching these birds and their striking eyebrow is my favorite feature besides their blue color.

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher SeriesBlue-gray Gnatcatcher SeriesThese images of the Gray-blue Gnatcatcher were taken at Ewing Park on 4-30-22. I love watching these birds and their striking eyebrow is my favorite feature besides their blue color. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Series-2Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Series-2These images of the Gray-blue Gnatcatcher were taken at Ewing Park on 4-30-22. I love watching these birds and their striking eyebrow is my favorite feature besides their blue color. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Series-3Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Series-3These images of the Gray-blue Gnatcatcher were taken at Ewing Park on 4-30-22. I love watching these birds and their striking eyebrow is my favorite feature besides their blue color.

These images of the Gray-blue Gnatcatcher were taken at Ewing Park on 4-30-22. I love watching these birds and their striking eyebrow is my favorite feature besides their blue color.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 bird blue-gray gnatcatcher canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park illinois mclean county migration nature spring wildlife Fri, 06 May 2022 20:50:29 GMT
Prairie Warbler Series Prairie Warbler SeriesPrairie Warbler SeriesI've seen several prairie warblers now after never seeing one before this year for McLean County. These rare warblers aren't so rare this year and I'm loving every encounter. I have had them fly within a few feet of me without much worry as they search for their next insect.

Prairie Warbler Series-2Prairie Warbler Series-2I've seen several prairie warblers now after never seeing one before this year for McLean County. These rare warblers aren't so rare this year and I'm loving every encounter. I have had them fly within a few feet of me without much worry as they search for their next insect. Prairie Warbler Series-3Prairie Warbler Series-3I've seen several prairie warblers now after never seeing one before this year for McLean County. These rare warblers aren't so rare this year and I'm loving every encounter. I have had them fly within a few feet of me without much worry as they search for their next insect.

I've seen several prairie warblers now after never seeing one before this year for McLean County. These rare warblers aren't so rare this year and I'm loving every encounter. I have had them fly within a few feet of me without much worry as they search for their next insect.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 art bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r hidden creek trail illinois mclean county migration nature normal prairie warbler wildlife yellow Fri, 06 May 2022 00:57:51 GMT
Hooded Warbler at Hidden Creek Trail Hooded Warbler at Hidden Creek TrailHooded Warbler at Hidden Creek TrailWhat better on a cool, spring day? A Hoodie? This Hooded Warbler series was taken of a vibrant hooded warbler at Hidden Creek Trail in Normal, Illinois.

Hooded Warbler at Hidden Creek Trail-3Hooded Warbler at Hidden Creek Trail-3What better on a cool, spring day? A Hoodie? This Hooded Warbler series was taken of a vibrant hooded warbler at Hidden Creek Trail in Normal, Illinois. Hooded Warbler at Hidden Creek Trail-2Hooded Warbler at Hidden Creek Trail-2What better on a cool, spring day? A Hoodie? This Hooded Warbler series was taken of a vibrant hooded warbler at Hidden Creek Trail in Normal, Illinois.

What better on a cool, spring day? A Hoodie? This Hooded Warbler series was taken of a vibrant hooded warbler at Hidden Creek Trail in Normal, Illinois.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r colors hidden creek trail hooded warbler illinois mclean county migration nature normal wildlife yellow Thu, 05 May 2022 21:11:20 GMT
Black-throated Blue Warbler Series Black-throated Blue Warbler Series-2Black-throated Blue Warbler Series-2This brilliant Black-throated Blue Warbler gave me some of the most beautiful, unobstructed views this evening. What a striking little bird!

Black-throated Blue Warbler SeriesBlack-throated Blue Warbler SeriesThis brilliant Black-throated Blue Warbler gave me some of the most beautiful, unobstructed views this evening. What a striking little bird! Black-throated Blue Warbler Series-3Black-throated Blue Warbler Series-3This brilliant Black-throated Blue Warbler gave me some of the most beautiful, unobstructed views this evening. What a striking little bird!

This brilliant Black-throated Blue Warbler gave me some of the most beautiful, unobstructed views this evening. What a striking little bird!


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 bird black-throated blue warbler canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r hidden creek trail illinois mclean county migration nature wildlife Thu, 05 May 2022 04:53:48 GMT
Has it Stopped Raining Yet? Has it Stopped Raining YetHas it Stopped Raining YetOf the two days I've been able to photograph Spring birds this year, it has rained at least part of the day. This beautiful cardinal and I locked eyes and both wondered if the rain had finally let up.


Of the two days I've been able to photograph Spring birds this year, it has rained at least part of the day. This beautiful cardinal and I locked eyes and both wondered if the rain had finally let up.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 animal canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r cardinal ewing park migration nature spring wildlife Wed, 04 May 2022 02:54:00 GMT
Prairie Warbler Taking Flight Prairie Warbler Taking FlightPrairie Warbler Taking FlightI captured this image of the prairie warbler as it was taking off. There is something special about birds and they way they move and use their wings. I've been trying to capture this in images and it isn't easy but it is a fun challenge.


I captured this image of the prairie warbler as it was taking off. There is something special about birds and they way they move and use their wings. I've been trying to capture this in images and it isn't easy but it is a fun challenge.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 400mm bird canon county eos ewing f/5.6l flight il mclean migration nature park prairie r warbler wildlife Mon, 02 May 2022 20:42:51 GMT
Hooded Warbler is Vibrant in the Shadows Hooded Warbler is Vibrant in the ShadowsHooded Warbler is Vibrant in the ShadowsThe hooded warbler is a gorgeous little warbler. This little guy was difficult to photograph. It was constantly moving up and down the creek banks choosing to stay under the cover of brush and tree roots. The cloudy, wet conditions didn't help either, but I love the vibrancy of its colors that helped to pierce the dark conditions.


The hooded warbler is a gorgeous little warbler. This little guy was difficult to photograph. It was constantly moving up and down the creek banks choosing to stay under the cover of brush and tree roots. The cloudy, wet conditions didn't help either, but I love the vibrancy of its colors that helped to pierce the dark conditions.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park hooded warbler mclean county migration nature wildlife Mon, 02 May 2022 01:24:38 GMT
Prairie Warbler in a Crabapple Tree Prairie Warbler in a Crabapple TreePrairie Warbler in a Crabapple TreeI went out in the storms and rain this morning with the hopes of getting to see some warblers and especially the prairie warbler that has been reported at Ewing all week long. The morning was very birdie despite the weather and I took hundreds of photos of birds, but this was the image I couldn't wait to get home and share. This is my first prairie warbler and it gave me several good looks and poses. I was thankful when it posed in the crabapple tree for me. I just love the Spring.


I went out in the storms and rain this morning with the hopes of getting to see some warblers and especially the prairie warbler that has been reported at Ewing all week long. The morning was very birdie despite the weather and I took hundreds of photos of birds, but this was the image I couldn't wait to get home and share. This is my first prairie warbler and it gave me several good looks and poses. I was thankful when it posed in the crabapple tree for me. I just love the Spring.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 bird blooms canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r colors crabapple ewing park lifer migration nature prairie warbler red spring wildlife yellow Sat, 30 Apr 2022 20:34:39 GMT
Broad-winged Hawk Perched High Broad-winged Hawk Perched HighBroad-winged Hawk Perched HighWhile I was hunting for warblers at Ewing Park, this broad-winged hawk was perched high in the trees hunting for its next meal.


While I was hunting for warblers at Ewing Park, this broad-winged hawk was perched high in the trees hunting for its next meal.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird broad-winged canon eos ewing f/5.6l hawk migration nature park perched r wildlife Fri, 29 Apr 2022 03:31:34 GMT
Yellow-rumped Warbler in the Rain Yellow-rumped Warbler in the RainYellow-rumped Warbler in the RainI caught this yellow-rumped warbler flying in-between branches as the rain was falling. The rain didn't slow the warblers down one bit.


I caught this yellow-rumped warbler flying in-between branches as the rain was falling. The rain didn't slow the warblers down one bit.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 400mm action bird bird-in-flight canon eos ewing f/5.6l light low migration nature park r rain warbler wildlife yellow-rumped Thu, 28 Apr 2022 20:09:22 GMT
Norther Waterthrush Blending In Norther Waterthrush Blending InNorther Waterthrush Blending InThis little northern waterthrush was hopping around on the dark, damp trail looking for insects. If it wasn't hopping around so much, I don't think I would have been able to see it.


This little northern waterthrush was hopping around on the dark, damp trail looking for insects. If it wasn't hopping around so much, I don't think I would have been able to see it.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird camouflage canon eos ewing f/5.6l migration nature northern park r spring waterthrush wildlife Wed, 27 Apr 2022 01:42:48 GMT
Prothonotary Warbler in a Bradford Pear-2 Prothonotary Warbler in a Bradford Pear-2Prothonotary Warbler in a Bradford Pear-2The Prothonotary Warbler is such a beautiful warbler. I was completely surprised to see this breathtaking bird among a group of Nashville Warblers in a blooming Bradford Pear tree. Spring migration is such a magical time of year!

Prothonotary Warbler in a Bradford PearProthonotary Warbler in a Bradford PearThe Prothonotary Warbler is such a beautiful warbler. I was completely surprised to see this breathtaking bird among a group of Nashville Warblers in a blooming Bradford Pear tree. Spring migration is such a magical time of year!

The Prothonotary Warbler is such a beautiful warbler. I was completely surprised to see this breathtaking bird among a group of Nashville Warblers in a blooming Bradford Pear tree. Spring migration is such a magical time of year!


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park migration nature wildlife prothonotary warbler Tue, 26 Apr 2022 00:01:35 GMT
Worm-eating Warbler Worm-eating WarblerWorm-eating WarblerAnother lifer bird for me yesterday at Ewing Park was the worm-eating warbler. Thankfully a couple of experienced birders spotted it and helped track it down for me. It was a challenge as it hunkered under some cover as it was searching under leaves for its next meal.

Worm-eating Warbler Looking for InsectsWorm-eating Warbler Looking for InsectsAnother lifer bird for me yesterday at Ewing Park was the worm-eating warbler. Thankfully a couple of experienced birders spotted it and helped track it down for me. It was a challenge as it hunkered under some cover as it was searching under leaves for its next meal. Worm-eating Warbler Coming up for AirWorm-eating Warbler Coming up for AirAnother lifer bird for me yesterday at Ewing Park was the worm-eating warbler. Thankfully a couple of experienced birders spotted it and helped track it down for me. It was a challenge as it hunkered under some cover as it was searching under leaves for its next meal.

Another lifer bird for me yesterday at Ewing Park was the worm-eating warbler. Thankfully a couple of experienced birders spotted it and helped track it down for me. It was a challenge as it hunkered under some cover as it was searching under leaves for its next meal.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park migration nature spring warbler wildlife worm-eating Mon, 25 Apr 2022 21:22:40 GMT
Kentucky Warbler Kentucky WarblerKentucky WarblerIt was so nice being able to get out and photograph some birds tonight. I was even blessed with this lifer bird for me, the Kentucky Warbler. It was a damp, rainy, gray day for photography, but this bright little warbler stood out nicely. I love its little black mask.


It was so nice being able to get out and photograph some birds tonight. I was even blessed with this lifer bird for me, the Kentucky Warbler. It was a damp, rainy, gray day for photography, but this bright little warbler stood out nicely. I love its little black mask.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park kentucky warbler low light migration nature wildlife Mon, 25 Apr 2022 02:34:49 GMT
Foster's Tern Foster's TernFoster's TernThe Foster's Tern was a difficult little bird to get in focus as it would dart by me and swoop down to the water and back up. It was fun to watch as it would target small fish.

Foster's Tern Searching for FishFoster's Tern Searching for FishThe Foster's Tern was a difficult little bird to get in focus as it would dart by me and swoop down to the water and back up. It was fun to watch as it would target small fish.

The Foster's Tern was a difficult little bird to get in focus as it would dart by me and swoop down to the water and back up. It was fun to watch as it would target small fish.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm beach bird bird-in-flight burgess canon carolina coastal eos f/5.6l foster's myrtle nature preserve r russell south tern wildlife Tue, 19 Apr 2022 01:07:00 GMT
Shorebirds In Flight Shorebirds In FlightShorebirds In FlightThere were many flocks of these shorebirds working the mud flats along the inlets at the Russell Burgess Coastal Preserve near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I believe this mixed flock are mostly Dunlins and Dowitchers.


There were many flocks of these shorebirds working the mud flats along the inlets at the Russell Burgess Coastal Preserve near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I believe this mixed flock are mostly Dunlins and Dowitchers.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action beach birds birds-in-flight burgess canon carolina coastal dowitcher dunlin eos f/5.6l myrtle nature preserve r russell south wildlife Mon, 18 Apr 2022 20:53:38 GMT
Red-tailed Hawk B&W Portrait Red-tailed Hawk B&W PortraitRed-tailed Hawk B&W PortraitI really love this intimate black and white close-up of a red-tailed hawk. This beautiful bird was posing in some pretty harsh midday light at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina.


I really love this intimate black and white close-up of a red-tailed hawk. This beautiful bird was posing in some pretty harsh midday light at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm and b&w bird black brookgreen canon carolina eos f/5.6l gardens hawk nature r red-tailed south white wildlife Sat, 16 Apr 2022 00:19:59 GMT
Laughing Gull Flyby Laughing Gull FlybyLaughing Gull FlybyThe laughing gulls were plentiful at Myrtle Beach over Spring Break. This one gave a good flyby to show off the pretty red eyes.


The laughing gulls were plentiful at Myrtle Beach over Spring Break. This one gave a good flyby to show off the pretty red eyes.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm beach bird burgess canon coastal eos f/5.6l flight gull in laughing myrtle nature preserve r russell wildlife Thu, 14 Apr 2022 00:39:53 GMT
Great Egret Flying Low Great Egret Flying LowGreat Egret Flying LowI love watching these elegant birds soaring so low that their large wings almost skim the water.


I love watching these elegant birds soaring so low that their large wings almost skim the water.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm beach bird burgess canon carolina coastal egret eos f/5.6l great myrtle nature preserve r russell south wildlife Tue, 05 Apr 2022 00:32:35 GMT
Egret Convention Egret ConventionEgret ConventionA collection of Great Egrets and Snowy Egrets in the same portion of this coastal creek in the Russell Burgess Coastal Preserve in South Carolina.


A collection of Great Egrets and Snowy Egrets in the same portion of this coastal creek in the Russell Burgess Coastal Preserve in South Carolina.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 canon eos r egret family fun great myrtle beach snowy south carolina spring break vacation Sun, 03 Apr 2022 00:36:46 GMT
Great Egret Flyby Great Egret FlybyGreat Egret FlybyI was blessed to have this insanely beautiful flyby of this great egret as it flew towards the last bit of evening light. This was taken at the Russell Burgess Coastal Preserve in South Carolina. I was on a boardwalk that put me at eye level with this bird as it flew by.


I was blessed to have this insanely beautiful flyby of this great egret as it flew towards the last bit of evening light. This was taken at the Russell Burgess Coastal Preserve in South Carolina. I was on a boardwalk that put me at eye level with this bird as it flew by.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird bird-in-flight burgess canon carolina coast coastal egret eos f/5.6l flyby great nature ocean preserve r russell south white wildlife Sat, 02 Apr 2022 18:06:55 GMT
Beauty in Brookgreen Gardens Beauty in Brookgreen GardensBeauty in Brookgreen GardensBrookgreen Gardens in South Carolina offered some of the most beautiful and picturesque views out of any organized gardens I've been too. Around every turn was another breathtaking scene. I truly could not capture the beauty in an image. This was just one of my feeble attempts to capture what my eye saw.


Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina offered some of the most beautiful and picturesque views out of any organized gardens I've been too. Around every turn was another breathtaking scene. I truly could not capture the beauty in an image. This was just one of my feeble attempts to capture what my eye saw.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 art beauty brookgreen canon carolina eos f/4l fine flowers gardens landscape moss nature r south spanish trees Sat, 02 Apr 2022 04:46:53 GMT
Fulvous Whistling-Duck Fulvous Whistling-DuckFulvous Whistling-DuckThis beautiful little Fulvous Whistling-Duck was resting among some leaves along the pond at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. The lowland zoo there was a fun little surprise.


This beautiful little Fulvous Whistling-Duck was resting among some leaves along the pond at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. The lowland zoo there was a fun little surprise.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird brookgreen canon carolina coast east eos f/5.6l fulvous gardens nature r south whistling-duck wildlife Fri, 01 Apr 2022 00:58:27 GMT
Snowy Egret Snowy EgretSnowy EgretThe snowy egrets were plentiful along the East Coast. This particular Egret at Brookgreen Gardens gave me several nice poses. Snowy Egret-2Snowy Egret-2The snowy egrets were plentiful along the East Coast. This particular Egret at Brookgreen Gardens gave me several nice poses. Snowy Egret-3Snowy Egret-3The snowy egrets were plentiful along the East Coast. This particular Egret at Brookgreen Gardens gave me several nice poses. Snowy Egret-4Snowy Egret-4The snowy egrets were plentiful along the East Coast. This particular Egret at Brookgreen Gardens gave me several nice poses.


The snowy egrets were plentiful along the East Coast. This particular Egret at Brookgreen Gardens gave me several nice poses.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon carolina coast east egret eos f/5.6l nature r snowy south wildlife Wed, 30 Mar 2022 23:29:06 GMT
Black-crowned Night-Heron-5 Black-crowned Night-Heron-5Black-crowned Night-Heron-5I was able to get several good looks at this Black-crowned Night-Heron while at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. What a beautiful bird! Black-crowned Night-Heron-4Black-crowned Night-Heron-4I was able to get several good looks at this Black-crowned Night-Heron while at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. What a beautiful bird! Black-crowned Night-Heron-3Black-crowned Night-Heron-3I was able to get several good looks at this Black-crowned Night-Heron while at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. What a beautiful bird! Black-crowned Night-Heron-2Black-crowned Night-Heron-2I was able to get several good looks at this Black-crowned Night-Heron while at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. What a beautiful bird! Black-crowned Night-HeronBlack-crowned Night-HeronI was able to get several good looks at this Black-crowned Night-Heron while at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. What a beautiful bird!


I was able to get several good looks at this Black-crowned Night-Heron while at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina. What a beautiful bird!


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm beach bird black-crowned brookgreen canon carolina eos f/5.6l gardens myrtle nature night-heron r south wildlife Tue, 29 Mar 2022 21:31:53 GMT
Posing White Ibis Posing White IbisPosing White IbisAmong many of the birds I was able to observe in South Carolina was the White Ibis and I have several images of them along the coast. This particular image was made at the Brookgreen Gardens. Such a cool looking bird and fun to watch patrolling the mud flats along the coastline.


Among many of the birds I was able to observe in South Carolina was the White Ibis and I have several images of them along the coast. This particular image was made at the Brookgreen Gardens. Such a cool looking bird and fun to watch patrolling the mud flats along the coastline.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird brookgreen canon carolina coast east eos f/5.6l gardens ibis nature r south white wildlife Tue, 29 Mar 2022 02:45:25 GMT
Good Morning North Myrtle Beach Good Morning North Myrtle BeachGood Morning North Myrtle BeachOne of the beautiful sunrises we were blessed with over Spring Break on North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


One of the beautiful sunrises we were blessed with over Spring Break on North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2022 atlantic canon eos r coast east family fun gull myrtle beach ocean south carolina spring break sunrise vacation Sun, 27 Mar 2022 23:53:05 GMT
Moon over Myrtle Beach Moon over Myrtle BeachMoon over Myrtle BeachOn our first night of our family vacation to South Carolina's Myrtle Beach, we were blessed with this incredible moon rise over North Myrtle Beach.


On our first night of our family vacation to South Carolina's Myrtle Beach, we were blessed with this incredible moon rise over North Myrtle Beach.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm atlantic beach break canon carolina coast east eos f/5.6l landscape moon myrtle nature night ocean r reflection sky south spring waves Sat, 26 Mar 2022 21:29:21 GMT
Female Wolf Stare Female Wolf StareFemale Wolf StareAn image from my 2019 trip to Wolf Park of a female wolf that I locked eyes with. Her eyes were simply mesmerizing and as I was looking at old images from that day, this was one that stood out and needed edited and shared.


An image from my 2019 trip to Wolf Park of a female wolf that I locked eyes with. Her eyes were simply mesmerizing and as I was looking at old images from that day, this was one that stood out and needed edited and shared.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 100-400 7d animal canon captive eyes indiana nature park wildlife wolf Tue, 15 Mar 2022 00:08:55 GMT
Intimate Moment Between Lesser Yellowlegs Intimate Moment Between Lesser YellowlegsIntimate Moment Between Lesser YellowlegsI love this moment I captured back in August of two lesser yellowlegs walking together in a flooded farm field. Many times there would be fights between two birds that got too close but these two seemed content with each other.


I love this moment I captured back in August of two lesser yellowlegs walking together in a flooded farm field. Many times there would be fights between two birds that got too close but these two seemed content with each other.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm and art b&w birds black canon central county eos f/5.6l illinois intimate lesser mclean nature r reflection white wildlife yellowlegs Wed, 22 Dec 2021 00:47:23 GMT
Backlit Red-tailed Hawk in Flight Backlit Red-tailed Hawk in FlightBacklit Red-tailed Hawk in FlightA beautiful red-tailed hawk with wings spread to show off those sun-lit feathers. Such a dramatic pose for a beautiful hawk.


A beautiful red-tailed hawk with wings spread to show off those sun-lit feathers. Such a dramatic pose for a beautiful hawk.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm art backlit bird canon county eos f/5.6l hawk il in-flight mclean midwest nature r red-tailed sun wildlife Sun, 19 Dec 2021 19:14:10 GMT
Polyphemus Moth-8 Polyphemus Moth-8Polyphemus Moth-8This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it.

Polyphemus Moth-9Polyphemus Moth-9This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it. Polyphemus Moth-12Polyphemus Moth-12This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It gets the name polyphemus from the giant cyclops from Greek mythology because of the markings that look like a giant eye. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it. Polyphemus Moth-7Polyphemus Moth-7This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It gets the name polyphemus from the giant cyclops from Greek mythology because of the markings that look like a giant eye. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it. Polyphemus Moth-6Polyphemus Moth-6This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It gets the name polyphemus from the giant cyclops from Greek mythology because of the markings that look like a giant eye. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it. Polyphemus Moth-5Polyphemus Moth-5This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It gets the name polyphemus from the giant cyclops from Greek mythology because of the markings that look like a giant eye. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it. Polyphemus Moth-4Polyphemus Moth-4This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It gets the name polyphemus from the giant cyclops from Greek mythology because of the markings that look like a giant eye. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it. Polyphemus Moth-2Polyphemus Moth-2This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It gets the name polyphemus from the giant cyclops from Greek mythology because of the markings that look like a giant eye. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it. Polyphemus MothPolyphemus MothThis polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It gets the name polyphemus from the giant cyclops from Greek mythology because of the markings that look like a giant eye. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it. Polyphemus Moth-11Polyphemus Moth-11This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It gets the name polyphemus from the giant cyclops from Greek mythology because of the markings that look like a giant eye. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it. Polyphemus Moth-10Polyphemus Moth-10This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It gets the name polyphemus from the giant cyclops from Greek mythology because of the markings that look like a giant eye. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it. Polyphemus Moth-3Polyphemus Moth-3This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It gets the name polyphemus from the giant cyclops from Greek mythology because of the markings that look like a giant eye. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it.


This polyphemus moth gave us a surprise. We had the plump, green caterpillar for quite a while in our butterfly house waiting for it to come out of its cocoon and it never did so we took it out and left it on the counter. This week it hatched and we found the giant moth sitting on our stack of mail. It made for a great macro photography and fine art subject. The moth is about the width of a full size pencil with its wings open. It is an impressive and beautiful insect. Even our curious cat was interested in it.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 100mm art beauty canon colors eos f/2.8l fine insect large macro moth nature polyphemus r wildlife Fri, 10 Dec 2021 01:32:06 GMT
Beautiful American Kestrel Beautiful American KestrelBeautiful American KestrelI locked eyes with this beautiful American Kestrel today. This is the smallest falcon and one of my favorite little birds of prey in the winter around Central Illinois.


I locked eyes with this beautiful American Kestrel today. This is the smallest falcon and one of my favorite little birds of prey in the winter around Central Illinois.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 1.4extender 2021 400mm a american bird canon county eos f/5.6l falcon kestrel mclean nature on pose r small wildlife winter wire Sat, 04 Dec 2021 03:43:38 GMT
Juvenile Playing in the Water Juvenile Playing in the WaterJuvenile Playing in the WaterA dreamy image of a juvenile bald eagle going for a fish...or maybe just splashing in a puddle like many kids like to do. The Mississippi mist adds a dreamy fog to this image impeding some sharpness but adding so much atmosphere.


A dreamy image of a juvenile bald eagle going for a fish...or maybe just splashing in a puddle like many kids like to do. The Mississippi mist adds a dreamy fog to this image impeding some sharpness but adding so much atmosphere.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm 7d bald bird canon dreamy eagle f/5.6l fog juvenile mississippi mist nature river splash water wildlife Thu, 02 Dec 2021 23:45:02 GMT
Stillness in Motion Stillness in MotionStillness in MotionFreezing a moment like this is priceless and never gets old. The beauty and power of a bald eagle fishing is a sight to behold and an image to cherish.


Freezing a moment like this is priceless and never gets old. The beauty and power of a bald eagle fishing is a sight to behold and an image to cherish.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2018 action bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon 7d eagle fishing l&d14 mississippi river nature wildlife winter Thu, 02 Dec 2021 01:19:32 GMT
Fishing in the Fog Fishing in the FogFishing in the FogHere is an image I came across and remember not editing years ago because of the softer focus but that is exactly why I like it now. The atmosphere and mood in these foggy scenes is magical to me and not something I've ever photographed with eagles before. I have grown to appreciate capturing the atmosphere and environment as much as I enjoy photographing the subject. This was taken at Lock and Dam 14 on the Mississippi River.


Here is an image I came across and remember not editing years ago because of the softer focus but that is exactly why I like it now. The atmosphere and mood in these foggy scenes is magical to me and not something I've ever photographed with eagles before. I have grown to appreciate capturing the atmosphere and environment as much as I enjoy photographing the subject. This was taken at Lock and Dam 14 on the Mississippi River.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2018 atmosphere bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon 7d eagle environment fog mississippi river nature wildlife winter Tue, 30 Nov 2021 21:18:16 GMT
Standing on the Mississippi Standing on the MississippiStanding on the MississippiThis image was taken on an overcast day with mist on the water. I love the effect it gives to the images. This was take back in 2018 on the Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 14.


This image was taken on an overcast day with mist on the water. I love the effect it gives to the images. This was take back in 2018 on the Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 14.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2018 400mm 7d action art bald bird canon eagle f/5.6l fishing l&d14 mississippi mist nature river wildlife winter Tue, 30 Nov 2021 04:32:03 GMT
Bald Eagle over the Mississippi in B&W Bald Eagle over the Mississippi in B&WBald Eagle over the Mississippi in B&WPretty scene of a Mississippi River bald eagle soaring with common mergansers and other ducks in the background enjoying a winter day on the river.


Pretty scene of a Mississippi River bald eagle soaring with common mergansers and other ducks in the background enjoying a winter day on the river.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm 7d bald bird canon common eagle f/5.6l merganser mississippi nature river wildlife winter Mon, 29 Nov 2021 02:40:14 GMT
Warm Colors on a Cool Morning Warm Colors on a Cool MorningWarm Colors on a Cool MorningThere is nothing like sunrise colors on a cool morning to warm the heart.


There is nothing like sunrise colors on a cool morning to warm the heart.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm barn canon colors county eos f/5.6l illinois landscape mclean midwest nature r rural sunrise warm winter Sun, 28 Nov 2021 17:22:53 GMT
Turkey Turkey Day Turkey Turkey DayTurkey Turkey DayAn image of a male turkey all puffed up taken in the Spring. I figured today was the perfect day to dig it up and edit and share it.


An image of a male turkey all puffed up taken in the Spring. I figured today was the perfect day to dig it up and edit and share it.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 canon central county evergreen f/4l il illinois lake male mclean nature puffed-up spring turkey wild wildlife Fri, 26 Nov 2021 00:14:35 GMT
Happy Thanksgiving Happy ThanksgivingHappy ThanksgivingJust a quick edit to say Happy Thanksgiving!


Just a quick edit to say Happy Thanksgiving!


(Troy Marcy Photography) bald eagle bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon 7d mississippi river bald eagle nature wildlife Thu, 25 Nov 2021 23:19:15 GMT
Impressive Flyover Impressive FlyoverImpressive FlyoverThis is one of those flyovers that can be common along the Mississippi River. One that is so close that I couldn't even get the whole eagle in the image but offers a fantastic look at all of the details of this majestic bird.


This is one of those flyovers that can be common along the Mississippi River. One that is so close that I couldn't even get the whole eagle in the image but offers a fantastic look at all of the details of this majestic bird.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm 7d bald bird canon details eagle f/5.6l flyover in-flight mississippi nature river wildlife winter Thu, 25 Nov 2021 00:10:03 GMT
Black and White Eagle in Flight Black and White Eagle in FlightBlack and White Eagle in FlightI went with this high contrast black and white edit for this beautiful bald eagle as it flies into your living room.


I went with this high contrast black and white edit for this beautiful bald eagle as it flies into your living room.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm 7d and b&w bald bird black canon contrast eagle f/5.6l in-flight mississippi nature river white wildlife Wed, 24 Nov 2021 01:19:39 GMT
Catching the Fish in Motion Catching the Fish in MotionCatching the Fish in MotionThis has quite a bit of blur but in all of the right places. I love the motion conveyed in this image as the eagle swoops in and grabs a fish from the Mississippi River.


This has quite a bit of blur but in all of the right places. I love the motion conveyed in this image as the eagle swoops in and grabs a fish from the Mississippi River.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm 7d action bald bird blur canon eagle f/5.6l fishing mississippi motion nature river wildlife Tue, 23 Nov 2021 01:14:09 GMT
A Close Look at a Perfect Catch A Close Look at a Perfect CatchA Close Look at a Perfect CatchThis might be my new favorite Eagle images to this point. I love this close-up, intimate look of the eagle mid-flight with a great catch in its clutched talons. The wings are positioned perfectly so you can see the entire bird's face and I love the flared tail catching the light.


This might be my new favorite Eagle images to this point. I love this close-up, intimate look of the eagle mid-flight with a great catch in its clutched talons. The wings are positioned perfectly so you can see the entire bird's face and I love the flared tail catching the light.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm 7d bald bird canon eagle f/4.5l fish fishing in-flight mississippi nature river wildlife Sun, 21 Nov 2021 20:50:04 GMT
Beauty Along the Banks of the Mississippi Beauty Along the Banks of the MississippiBeauty Along the Banks of the MississippiAnother blast from the past. I really hope I can get back to see these beautiful birds this winter along the Mississippi. I love this iconic pose with wings fully extended. While the rocks in the background don't make for the most beautiful backdrop, they do give a sense of environment as these rocks line the Mississippi where the Eagles fish.


Another blast from the past. I really hope I can get back to see these beautiful birds this winter along the Mississippi. I love this iconic pose with wings fully extended. While the rocks in the background don't make for the most beautiful backdrop, they do give a sense of environment as these rocks line the Mississippi where the Eagles fish.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2015 400mm 7d american bald bird canon eagle f/5.6l mississippi nature river wildlife winter Sat, 20 Nov 2021 20:10:26 GMT
Catching Ice Cold Fish Catching Ice Cold FishCatching Ice Cold FishAn image from 2015 that I just edited of an American Bald Eagle catching a small fish from the ice cold Mississippi River.


An image from 2015 that I just edited of an American Bald Eagle catching a small fish from the ice cold Mississippi River.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2015 400mm 7d bald bird canon eagle f/5.6l mississippi nature river wildlife winter Sat, 20 Nov 2021 03:08:41 GMT
Bald Eagle Black and White Beauty Bald Eagle Black and White BeautyBald Eagle Black and White BeautyI'm a sucker for a high contrast black and white and when I can combine that with one of my favorite birds, it is magic.


I'm a sucker for a high contrast black and white and when I can combine that with one of my favorite birds, it is magic.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 14 400mm 7d and art b&w beauty bird-in-flight black canon contrast dam f/5.6l lock mississippi nature river white wildlife Fri, 19 Nov 2021 02:17:04 GMT
Hovering Beauty Hovering BeautyHovering BeautyAnother image of a Mississippi River Bald Eagle that I dug up and edited from the archives. I'm glad I found this image as I really love this pose and look form the eagle.


Another image of a Mississippi River Bald Eagle that I dug up and edited from the archives. I'm glad I found this image as I really love this pose and look form the eagle.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm 7d bald bird canon eagle f/5.6l in-flight mississippi nature river wildlife Thu, 18 Nov 2021 01:45:04 GMT
A Barn in a Bean Field A Barn in a Bean FieldA Barn in a Bean FieldThis beautiful old barn was just begging to be photographed. The morning light was perfect and the clouds, shot at a long exposure, created the perfect frame for the barn. The golden bean field contrasted beautifully with the cool tones of the sky and helped to anchor the image.


This beautiful old barn was just begging to be photographed. The morning light was perfect and the clouds, shot at a long exposure, created the perfect frame for the barn. The golden bean field contrasted beautifully with the cool tones of the sky and helped to anchor the image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) art barn bean canon central county eos exposure field illinois landscape long mclean nature r rural Wed, 17 Nov 2021 01:16:43 GMT
Be the Thorn Be the ThornBe the ThornThis palm warbler did its best impersonation of a thorn sitting perfectly still as I took this image.


This palm warbler did its best impersonation of a thorn sitting perfectly still as I took this image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm birds canon Canon 7D county eos f/5.6l illinois mclean midwest migration nature r wildlife Tue, 16 Nov 2021 02:39:40 GMT
Good Morning on the Farm Good Morning on the FarmGood Morning on the FarmA cool, crisp morning on a Midwest Farm in Central Illinois.


A cool, crisp morning on a Midwest Farm in Central Illinois.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon eos f/5.6l fall farm golden hour landscape nature r rural sunrise Mon, 15 Nov 2021 22:18:32 GMT
Rural Texture Rural TextureRural TextureMy thinking as I went about this image...I really wanted to show off the textures of this scene with the harvested field, bales of hay, and moody sky. A long exposure to smooth out the sky so it could contrast with all of the textures in the field did just the trick. The black and white edit helps to emphasize that contrast of textures and simply the whole scene.


My thinking as I went about this image...I really wanted to show off the textures of this scene with the harvested field, bales of hay, and moody sky. A long exposure to smooth out the sky so it could contrast with all of the textures in the field did just the trick. The black and white edit helps to emphasize that contrast of textures and simply the whole scene.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 b&w canon country eos f/4l landscape mood nature r rural texture Sun, 14 Nov 2021 20:54:43 GMT
Stocking Up for Winter Stocking Up for WinterStocking Up for WinterThis Robin has the right idea...stocking up on juniper berries before winter arrives!


This Robin has the right idea...stocking up on juniper berries before winter arrives!


(Troy Marcy Photography) autumn canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r fall lake evergreen midwest nature Sun, 14 Nov 2021 19:28:14 GMT
Spectacular Flyover Spectacular FlyoverSpectacular FlyoverI have many images in the archives that I haven't edited so it is fun to go back and enjoy/edit them from time to time. This was from one of my many trips to the Mississippi River during the winter months. I haven't been able to get back and photograph them for awhile now, but hopefully this year I can get back there again. This was one of the many spectacular flyovers that occurred after the bald eagle caught a fish and found its way back to the trees to eat.


I have many images in the archives that I haven't edited so it is fun to go back and enjoy/edit them from time to time. This was from one of my many trips to the Mississippi River during the winter months. I haven't been able to get back and photograph them for awhile now, but hopefully this year I can get back there again. This was one of the many spectacular flyovers that occurred after the bald eagle caught a fish and found its way back to the trees to eat.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 14 400mm 7d action and bald bird canon dam eagle f/5.6l fish flyover in-flight lock mississippi nature river wildlife Sun, 14 Nov 2021 00:17:13 GMT
Gathering Juniper Berries in Evening Light Gathering Juniper Berries in Evening LightGathering Juniper Berries in Evening LightI caught this yellow-rumped warbler enjoying some juniper berries just as the sun was going down. I just love when I can capture an image in these magical lighting conditions. It gives an intimate feel to any image.


I caught this yellow-rumped warbler enjoying some juniper berries just as the sun was going down. I just love when I can capture an image in these magical lighting conditions. It gives an intimate feel to any image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm berries bird canon county eos evergreen f/5.6l fall golden hour illinois intimate juniper lake mclean migration nature r tree warbler wildlife yellow-rumped Sat, 13 Nov 2021 23:13:44 GMT
Swamp Sparrow's Brilliant Colors Swamp Sparrow's Brilliant ColorsSwamp Sparrow's Brilliant ColorsThe colors and tones on the back feathers of this swamp sparrow are simply amazing.


The colors and tones on the back feathers of this swamp sparrow are simply amazing.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon colors county eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois lake mclean migration nature r sparrow swamp wildlife Fri, 12 Nov 2021 21:46:39 GMT
Tennessee Warbler Hideout Tennessee Warbler HideoutTennessee Warbler HideoutI took this image back on Oct. 23rd in the Prairie near Lake Evergreen. It was fun spotting this Tennessee Warbler hiding out in some prairie fluff.


I took this image back on Oct. 23rd in the Prairie near Lake Evergreen. It was fun spotting this Tennessee Warbler hiding out in some prairie fluff.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon color county eos evergreen f/5.6l lake mclean migration nature r tennessee warbler wildlife Thu, 11 Nov 2021 00:45:17 GMT
Yellow-rumped Warbler in the Prairie Yellow-rumped Warbler in the PrairieYellow-rumped Warbler in the PrairieI love the isolation and colors on this little yellow-rumped warbler as it sits on a stem back dropped by beautiful prairie.


I love the isolation and colors on this little yellow-rumped warbler as it sits on a stem back dropped by beautiful prairie.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon colors county eos evergreen f/5.6 lake mclean migration nature prairie r warbler wildlife yellow-rumped Wed, 10 Nov 2021 01:41:54 GMT
Tucked into the Trees Tucked into the TreesTucked into the TreesBeautiful scene of a barn tucked in among the colorful Autumn trees.


Beautiful scene of a barn tucked in among the colorful Autumn trees.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm autumn barn canon country county eos f/5.6l fall il landscape mclean r rural Mon, 08 Nov 2021 21:53:53 GMT
Autumn in the Pasture Autumn in the PastureAutumn in the PastureThis scene caught my eye as I was driving around McLean County in Late October. The trees were starting to change more and this vibrant orange was very beautiful and stood out among the green trees and grass. The cows seemed very content with their pasture.


This scene caught my eye as I was driving around McLean County in Late October. The trees were starting to change more and this vibrant orange was very beautiful and stood out among the green trees and grass. The cows seemed very content with their pasture.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm autumn canon color country county cows eos f/5.6l fall illinois landscape mclean nature pasture r rural Sun, 07 Nov 2021 22:27:05 GMT
Swamp Sparrow Pose Swamp Sparrow PoseSwamp Sparrow PoseGetting birds in good light is always a challenge but especially some of these sparrows that like to withdrawal into thick brush. Thankfully this swamp sparrow posed in the warm light long enough for me to take an image.


Getting birds in good light is always a challenge but especially some of these sparrows that like to withdrawal into thick brush. Thankfully this swamp sparrow posed in the warm light long enough for me to take an image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos evergreen f/5.6l fall lake mclean migration nature r sparrow swamp wildlife Sat, 06 Nov 2021 20:21:13 GMT
Late October in Central Illinois Late October in Central IllinoisLate October in Central IllinoisJust a simple, yet beautiful, panoramic view of harvested fields in the Midwest in late October at sunrise.


Just a simple, yet beautiful, panoramic view of harvested fields in the Midwest in late October at sunrise.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm blue canon central country county eos f/5.6l fields harvested hour illinois landscape mclean midwest nature panoramic r rural sunrise Thu, 04 Nov 2021 22:22:01 GMT
Golden-crowned Kinglet Blending In Golden-crowned Kinglet Blending InGolden-crowned Kinglet Blending InI like this angle showing off the colors of the beautiful Golden-crowned Kinglet even if it was blending in nicely with the bark of this tree.


I like this angle showing off the colors of the beautiful Golden-crowned Kinglet even if it was blending in nicely with the bark of this tree.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos evergreen f/5.6l golden-crowned il kinglet lake mclean migration nature r wildlife Thu, 04 Nov 2021 00:25:48 GMT
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3 Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3How cute is this little Ruby-crowned Kinglet from Lake Evergreen? While it looks fairly calm, this little bird was hopping all over the place.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet-2Ruby-crowned Kinglet-2How cute is this little Ruby-crowned Kinglet from Lake Evergreen? While it looks fairly calm, this little bird was hopping all over the place. Ruby-crowned Kinglet-5Ruby-crowned Kinglet-5How cute is this little Ruby-crowned Kinglet from Lake Evergreen? While it looks fairly calm, this little bird was hopping all over the place. Ruby-crowned Kinglet-4Ruby-crowned Kinglet-4How cute is this little Ruby-crowned Kinglet from Lake Evergreen? While it looks fairly calm, this little bird was hopping all over the place. Ruby-crowned KingletRuby-crowned KingletHow cute is this little Ruby-crowned Kinglet from Lake Evergreen? While it looks fairly calm, this little bird was hopping all over the place.

How cute is this little Ruby-crowned Kinglet from Lake Evergreen? While it looks fairly calm, this little bird was hopping all over the place.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois kinglet lake mclean nature r ruby-crowned wildlife Tue, 02 Nov 2021 23:08:43 GMT
Northern Harrier Soaring Northern Harrier SoaringNorthern Harrier SoaringI believe this is an adult female or an immature Northern Harrier as it was soaring above a plowed corn field in rural McLean county.


I believe this is an adult female or an immature Northern Harrier as it was soaring above a plowed corn field in rural McLean county.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county eos f/5.6l harrier illinois in-flight mclean nature northern of prey r raptor wildlife Tue, 02 Nov 2021 19:57:40 GMT
Northern Harrier on a Morning Hunt Northern Harrier on a Morning HuntNorthern Harrier on a Morning HuntI so love these birds...Northern Harriers are fun to watch as they swoop low over fields as they hunt. This image is the iconic pose as they almost hover in the wind hunting in the bean field below. This image was taken just as the sun was about to rise in rural McLean County.


I so love these birds...Northern Harriers are fun to watch as they swoop low over fields as they hunt. This image is the iconic pose as they almost hover in the wind hunting in the bean field below. This image was taken just as the sun was about to rise in rural McLean County.


(Troy Marcy Photography) autumn canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r central illinois dawn fall golden halloween harrier hour hunting illinois mclean county midwest nature northern wildlife Tue, 02 Nov 2021 00:44:55 GMT
Autumn Colors have Arrived Autumn Colors have ArrivedAutumn Colors have ArrivedAnd just like that....the Autumn colors have arrived in Central Illinois. This was taken on Lake Evergreen. There are spots of vibrant colors all around the Lake and countryside. I don't know how long they will last with some much cooler temperatures moving in this week. Enjoy them while you can!


And just like that....the Autumn colors have arrived in Central Illinois. This was taken on Lake Evergreen. There are spots of vibrant colors all around the Lake and countryside. I don't know how long they will last with some much cooler temperatures moving in this week. Enjoy them while you can!


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm autumn canon colors county eos evergreen f/5.6l fall geese halloween il lake landscape mclean nature r season vibrant wildlife Mon, 01 Nov 2021 00:55:39 GMT
Red-tailed Hawk in Morning Light Red-tailed Hawk in Morning LightRed-tailed Hawk in Morning LightI saw so many Red-tailed Hawks this morning and most didn't hang around long enough for a photo. This one, however, stayed and posed for me. I was thankful because the morning sun was perfect for a portrait.


I saw so many Red-tailed Hawks this morning and most didn't hang around long enough for a photo. This one, however, stayed and posed for me. I was thankful because the morning sun was perfect for a portrait.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon county eos f/5.6l hawk illinois mclean nature r raptor red-tailed wildlife Sun, 31 Oct 2021 23:21:47 GMT
Happy Halloween Happy HalloweenHappy HalloweenI had a fun time taking and editing this image of an old, abandoned farm house in rural McLean County. I thought it would make a perfect image for Halloween.


I had a fun time taking and editing this image of an old, abandoned farm house in rural McLean County. I thought it would make a perfect image for Halloween.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2021 abandoned b&w black and white canon 24-70 f/2.8l canon eos r creative edit farm happy halloween illinois landscape mclean county rural Sun, 31 Oct 2021 03:53:20 GMT
Orange-crowned Warbler Orange-crowned WarblerOrange-crowned WarblerI don't get to see a lot of these Orange-crowned Warblers, but when I do they are usually late in the season and are strikingly beautiful.


I don't get to see a lot of these Orange-crowned Warblers, but when I do they are usually late in the season and are strikingly beautiful.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois lake mclean migration nature orange-crowned r warbler wildlife Sun, 31 Oct 2021 02:14:07 GMT
Palm Warbler Vs Spider Palm Warbler Vs SpiderPalm Warbler Vs SpiderI love this image of a palm warbler sneaking up on a totally unsuspecting spider. The second image in this series shows the palm warbler with the spider but it isn't as in focus. It is so difficult maintaining focus on small, fast moving birds especially with leaves and sticks in the way...but it sure is a fun challenge.

Palm Warbler Vs Spider-2Palm Warbler Vs Spider-2I love this image of a palm warbler sneaking up on a totally unsuspecting spider. The second image in this series shows the palm warbler with the spider but it isn't as in focus. It is so difficult maintaining focus on small, fast moving birds especially with leaves and sticks in the way...but it sure is a fun challenge

I love this image of a palm warbler sneaking up on a totally unsuspecting spider. The second image in this series shows the palm warbler with the spider but it isn't as in focus. It is so difficult maintaining focus on small, fast moving birds especially with leaves and sticks in the way...but it sure is a fun challenge.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois insect lake mclean midwest nature palm r warbler wildlife Fri, 29 Oct 2021 20:24:48 GMT
Song Sparrow Song SparrowSong SparrowWhile common, song sparrows are still a very beautiful and striking bird. I love all of their dark streaks and patterns. They also have very pretty songs that fill the prairie.

Song Sparrow-2Song Sparrow-2While common, song sparrows are still a very beautiful and striking bird. I love all of their dark streaks and patterns. They also have very pretty songs that fill the prairie. Song Sparrow-3Song Sparrow-3While common, song sparrows are still a very beautiful and striking bird. I love all of their dark streaks and patterns. They also have very pretty songs that fill the prairie. Song Sparrow-4Song Sparrow-4While common, song sparrows are still a very beautiful and striking bird. I love all of their dark streaks and patterns. They also have very pretty songs that fill the prairie. Song Sparrow-5Song Sparrow-5While common, song sparrows are still a very beautiful and striking bird. I love all of their dark streaks and patterns. They also have very pretty songs that fill the prairie. Song Sparrow-6Song Sparrow-6While common, song sparrows are still a very beautiful and striking bird. I love all of their dark streaks and patterns. They also have very pretty songs that fill the prairie. Song Sparrow-7Song Sparrow-7While common, song sparrows are still a very beautiful and striking bird. I love all of their dark streaks and patterns. They also have very pretty songs that fill the prairie. Song Sparrow-8Song Sparrow-8While common, song sparrows are still a very beautiful and striking bird. I love all of their dark streaks and patterns. They also have very pretty songs that fill the prairie. Song Sparrow-9Song Sparrow-9While common, song sparrows are still a very beautiful and striking bird. I love all of their dark streaks and patterns. They also have very pretty songs that fill the prairie.

While common, song sparrows are still a very beautiful and striking bird. I love all of their dark streaks and patterns. They also have very pretty songs that fill the prairie.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm autumn canon canon eos r central illinois f/5.6l fall mclean county nature song sparrow Fri, 29 Oct 2021 02:03:20 GMT
Palm Warbler Profile Palm Warbler ProfilePalm Warbler ProfileI just love the sweet, confident pose this little Palm Warbler gave.


I just love the sweet, confident pose this little Palm Warbler gave.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm autumn bird canon central county eos evergreen f/5.6l fall illinois lake mclean midwest nature palm r warbler wildlife Thu, 28 Oct 2021 21:15:44 GMT
White-crowned Sparrow Glow White-crowned Sparrow GlowWhite-crowned Sparrow GlowI really like the airy, dreamy feel of this image of a White-crowned sparrow. Beautiful bird in a beautiful field.


I really like the airy, dreamy feel of this image of a White-crowned sparrow. Beautiful bird in a beautiful field.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm art bird canon county eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois lake mclean nature r sparrow white-crowned wildlife Wed, 27 Oct 2021 21:25:29 GMT
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet in Fall Goldenrod Ruby-Crowned Kinglet in Fall GoldenrodRuby-Crowned Kinglet in Fall GoldenrodThe sea of goldenrod is beautiful in the prairie right now especially when backlit by the sun AND even more so when a pretty little Ruby-crowned Kinglet is hopping from branch to branch.


The sea of goldenrod is beautiful in the prairie right now especially when backlit by the sun AND even more so when a pretty little Ruby-crowned Kinglet is hopping from branch to branch.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos evergreen f/5.6l kinglet lake mclean midwest nature prairie r ruby-crowned wildlife Wed, 27 Oct 2021 01:50:33 GMT
White-throated Sparrow-2 White-throated Sparrow-2White-throated Sparrow-2These White-throated Sparrows were all over the prairie in flocks. Like the white-crowned sparrow, they are a larger sparrow and fairly easy to spot, yet easily startled and flushed from the thick prairie flowers. While plentiful and common right now, they are beautiful sparrows.

White-throated Sparrow-9White-throated Sparrow-9These White-throated Sparrows were all over the prairie in flocks. Like the white-crowned sparrow, they are a larger sparrow and fairly easy to spot, yet easily startled and flushed from the thick prairie flowers. While plentiful and common right now, they are beautiful sparrows. White-throated Sparrow-8White-throated Sparrow-8These White-throated Sparrows were all over the prairie in flocks. Like the white-crowned sparrow, they are a larger sparrow and fairly easy to spot, yet easily startled and flushed from the thick prairie flowers. While plentiful and common right now, they are beautiful sparrows. White-throated Sparrow-7White-throated Sparrow-7These White-throated Sparrows were all over the prairie in flocks. Like the white-crowned sparrow, they are a larger sparrow and fairly easy to spot, yet easily startled and flushed from the thick prairie flowers. While plentiful and common right now, they are beautiful sparrows. White-throated Sparrow-6White-throated Sparrow-6These White-throated Sparrows were all over the prairie in flocks. Like the white-crowned sparrow, they are a larger sparrow and fairly easy to spot, yet easily startled and flushed from the thick prairie flowers. While plentiful and common right now, they are beautiful sparrows. White-throated Sparrow-5White-throated Sparrow-5These White-throated Sparrows were all over the prairie in flocks. Like the white-crowned sparrow, they are a larger sparrow and fairly easy to spot, yet easily startled and flushed from the thick prairie flowers. While plentiful and common right now, they are beautiful sparrows. White-throated Sparrow-4White-throated Sparrow-4These White-throated Sparrows were all over the prairie in flocks. Like the white-crowned sparrow, they are a larger sparrow and fairly easy to spot, yet easily startled and flushed from the thick prairie flowers. While plentiful and common right now, they are beautiful sparrows. White-throated Sparrow-3White-throated Sparrow-3These White-throated Sparrows were all over the prairie in flocks. Like the white-crowned sparrow, they are a larger sparrow and fairly easy to spot, yet easily startled and flushed from the thick prairie flowers. While plentiful and common right now, they are beautiful sparrows. White-throated SparrowWhite-throated SparrowThese White-throated Sparrows were all over the prairie in flocks. Like the white-crowned sparrow, they are a larger sparrow and fairly easy to spot, yet easily startled and flushed from the thick prairie flowers. While plentiful and common right now, they are beautiful sparrows.

These White-throated Sparrows were all over the prairie in flocks. Like the white-crowned sparrow, they are a larger sparrow and fairly easy to spot, yet easily startled and flushed from the thick prairie flowers. While plentiful and common right now, they are beautiful sparrows.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois lake mclean midwest migration nature r sparrow white-throated wildlife Tue, 26 Oct 2021 01:32:39 GMT
White-crowned Sparrow-4 White-crowned Sparrow-4White-crowned Sparrow-4The white-crowned sparrow is a strikingly good looking sparrow with the black and white crown on mature birds. They are fairly large compared to other sparrows and many times they like to sit on top of the prairie plants, which makes them a bit easier to spot. They do still fly for cover as soon as you get within range so being as calm as possible when approaching to take images is key.

White-crowned SparrowWhite-crowned SparrowThe white-crowned sparrow is a strikingly good looking sparrow with the black and white crown on mature birds. They are fairly large compared to other sparrows and many times they like to sit on top of the prairie plants, which makes them a bit easier to spot. They do still fly for cover as soon as you get within range so being as calm as possible when approaching to take images is key. White-crowned Sparrow-2White-crowned Sparrow-2The white-crowned sparrow is a strikingly good looking sparrow with the black and white crown on mature birds. They are fairly large compared to other sparrows and many times they like to sit on top of the prairie plants, which makes them a bit easier to spot. They do still fly for cover as soon as you get within range so being as calm as possible when approaching to take images is key. White-crowned Sparrow-3White-crowned Sparrow-3The white-crowned sparrow is a strikingly good looking sparrow with the black and white crown on mature birds. They are fairly large compared to other sparrows and many times they like to sit on top of the prairie plants, which makes them a bit easier to spot. They do still fly for cover as soon as you get within range so being as calm as possible when approaching to take images is key.   White-crowned Sparrow-5White-crowned Sparrow-5The white-crowned sparrow is a strikingly good looking sparrow with the black and white crown on mature birds. They are fairly large compared to other sparrows and many times they like to sit on top of the prairie plants, which makes them a bit easier to spot. They do still fly for cover as soon as you get within range so being as calm as possible when approaching to take images is key. White-crowned Sparrow-6White-crowned Sparrow-6The white-crowned sparrow is a strikingly good looking sparrow with the black and white crown on mature birds. They are fairly large compared to other sparrows and many times they like to sit on top of the prairie plants, which makes them a bit easier to spot. They do still fly for cover as soon as you get within range so being as calm as possible when approaching to take images is key. White-crowned Sparrow-7White-crowned Sparrow-7The white-crowned sparrow is a strikingly good looking sparrow with the black and white crown on mature birds. They are fairly large compared to other sparrows and many times they like to sit on top of the prairie plants, which makes them a bit easier to spot. They do still fly for cover as soon as you get within range so being as calm as possible when approaching to take images is key. White-crowned Sparrow-8White-crowned Sparrow-8The white-crowned sparrow is a strikingly good looking sparrow with the black and white crown on mature birds. They are fairly large compared to other sparrows and many times they like to sit on top of the prairie plants, which makes them a bit easier to spot. They do still fly for cover as soon as you get within range so being as calm as possible when approaching to take images is key.

The white-crowned sparrow is a strikingly good looking sparrow with the black and white crown on mature birds. They are fairly large compared to other sparrows and many times they like to sit on top of the prairie plants, which makes them a bit easier to spot. They do still fly for cover as soon as you get within range so being as calm as possible when approaching to take images is key.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois lake mclean midwest migration nature r sparrow white-crowned wildlife Mon, 25 Oct 2021 01:30:29 GMT
Morning on the Open Prairie Morning on the Open PrairieMorning on the Open PrairieI was excited to be able to capture this image of an American Kestrel patrolling the prairie for breakfast just before sunrise.


I was excited to be able to capture this image of an American Kestrel patrolling the prairie for breakfast just before sunrise.


(Troy Marcy Photography) american autumn canon eos r central illinois colors dawn fall kestrel landscape mclean county nature prairie sunrise Sun, 24 Oct 2021 17:24:32 GMT
Harris's Sparrow Harris's SparrowHarris's SparrowThe sparrows were in full force in the prairie today around Lake Evergreen. I took 100's of sparrow images. Of course most are of a bird's butt as they fly for deeper cover, but I have several keepers and this is the most exciting so far. This is a Harris's Sparrow and it isn't very common here in Illinois so I was excited to see it as I was reviewing my images from the day. I truly thought it was another one of the many more common sparrows I photographed. What a great surprise and reward as this is my first time seeing and photographing one.

Harris's Sparrow-2Harris's Sparrow-2The sparrows were in full force in the prairie today around Lake Evergreen. I took 100's of sparrow images. Of course most are of a bird's butt as they fly for deeper cover, but I have several keepers and this is the most exciting so far. This is a Harris's Sparrow and it isn't very common here in Illinois so I was excited to see it as I was reviewing my images from the day. I truly thought it was another one of the many more common sparrows I photographed. What a great surprise and reward as this is my first time seeing and photographing one.

The sparrows were in full force in the prairie today around Lake Evergreen. I took 100's of sparrow images. Of course most are of a bird's butt as they fly for deeper cover, but I have several keepers and this is the most exciting so far. This is a Harris's Sparrow and it isn't very common here in Illinois so I was excited to see it as I was reviewing my images from the day. I truly thought it was another one of the many more common sparrows I photographed. What a great surprise and reward as this is my first time seeing and photographing one.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos evergreen f/5.6l harris's illinois lake lifer mclean nature r sparrow uncommon wildlife Sat, 23 Oct 2021 23:23:02 GMT
Midwest Sunset on Fire Midwest Sunset on FireMidwest Sunset on FireTonight's sunset was beautiful and vibrant. I will always love and appreciate Midwest sunsets.


Tonight's sunset was beautiful and vibrant. I will always love and appreciate Midwest sunsets.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm autumn canon corn eos f/5.6l fall fields fire landscape midwest nature r sunset vibrant Sat, 23 Oct 2021 02:02:45 GMT
Blue Jay Flyover Blue Jay FlyoverBlue Jay FlyoverWhile photographing the Osprey on Lake Bloomington, this Blue jay flew over trying to steal the show. Valiant effort little bluejay.


While photographing the Osprey on Lake Bloomington, this Blue Jay flew over trying to steal the show. Valiant effort little bluejay.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm and bird black bloomington bluejay canon county eos f/5.6l illinois lake mclean nature r white wildlife Thu, 21 Oct 2021 21:53:23 GMT
Messy Eater Messy EaterMessy EaterThis squirrel was a noisy and messy eater as you can see the crumbs flying. This image was taken at 16000 ISO and I'm so impressed with the quality of the file.


This squirrel was a noisy and messy eater as you can see the crumbs flying. This image was taken at 16000 ISO and I'm so impressed with the quality of the file.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 16000iso bloomington illinois canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park mclean county migration nature wildlife Tue, 19 Oct 2021 21:21:02 GMT
Turkey on the Run Turkey on the RunTurkey on the RunThis image was taken on a rainy day in early October as several female turkey were running for cover a tree line as the rain started coming down. They can really move!


This image was taken on a rainy day in early October as several female turkey were running for cover a tree line as the rain started coming down. They can really move!


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r illinois mclean county migration nature turkey wild wildlife Mon, 18 Oct 2021 21:22:03 GMT
Swamp Sparrow in Dappled Light Swamp Sparrow in Dappled LightSwamp Sparrow in Dappled LightI just love the rich colors and tones in this image of a swamp sparrow. The light was dapple in the thick bushes and reeds and the sparrows weren't very cooperative but I got luck with this one when the swamp sparrow looked back into the light. Hopefully I can get a few more opportunities with the sparrows when isn't so windy.


I just love the rich colors and tones in this image of a swamp sparrow. The light was dapple in the thick bushes and reeds and the sparrows weren't very cooperative but I got luck with this one when the swamp sparrow looked back into the light. Hopefully I can get a few more opportunities with the sparrows when isn't so windy.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm autumn bird canon central county dappled eos f/5.6l fall grove illinois light mclean nature park r sparrow swamp wildlife Sun, 17 Oct 2021 21:39:54 GMT
Great Egret through Fall Leaves Great Egret through Fall LeavesGreat Egret through Fall LeavesIf you have to shoot through foliage, might as well make it pretty, fall colors. While most of our trees haven't changed yet, there are a few pockets of yellows and oranges popping out. These leaves framed this Egret nicely.


If you have to shoot through foliage, might as well make it pretty, fall colors. While most of our trees haven't changed yet, there are a few pockets of yellows and oranges popping out. These leaves framed this Egret nicely.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r cloudy egret great il lake bloomington lake evergreen low light mclean county nature overcast wildlife Sat, 16 Oct 2021 22:19:38 GMT
GBH in Flight at Sunset GBH in Flight at SunsetGBH in Flight at SunsetA Great Blue Heron in flight is so majestic but even more so in the golden hour sunset.


A Great Blue Heron in flight is so majestic but even more so in the golden hour sunset.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm beauty bird bird-in-flight blue canon comlara county eos evergreen f/5.6l great heron illinois lake light mclean nature park r wildlife Thu, 14 Oct 2021 22:16:53 GMT
Palm Warbler in the Fall Palm Warbler in the FallPalm Warbler in the FallA friendly palm warbler popped in the opening of grass and reeds to give me a nice long look. I was able to get fairly close and get this image.


A friendly palm warbler popped in the opening of grass and reeds to give me a nice long look. I was able to get fairly close and get this image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r cloudy il lake bloomington lake evergreen low light mclean county nature overcast palm warbler wildlife Thu, 14 Oct 2021 00:21:55 GMT
Swamp Sparrow in some Reeds Swamp Sparrow in some ReedsSwamp Sparrow in some ReedsI saw the poms of this common reed moving like crazy and so I kept the camera pointed ready to see what bird might appear. This little swamp sparrow showed itself for a brief moment before hopping back into the thick cover of reeds. I think it was just as curios as I was.


I saw the poms of this common reed moving like crazy and so I kept the camera pointed ready to see what bird might appear. This little swamp sparrow showed itself for a brief moment before hopping back into the thick cover of reeds. I think it was just as curios as I was.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos evergreen f/5.6l lake mclean nature r reeds sparrow swamp wildlife Wed, 13 Oct 2021 03:38:21 GMT
Red-tailed Hawk Liftoff Red-tailed Hawk LiftoffRed-tailed Hawk LiftoffCheck out this moment as the Red-tailed Hawk was about to take off.


Check out this moment as the Red-tailed Hawk was about to take off.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action and b&w bird black canon county eos f/5.6l hawk illinois mclean midwest nature r red-tailed white wildlife Mon, 11 Oct 2021 17:41:06 GMT
Red-tailed Hawk Wings Out Red-tailed Hawk Wings OutRed-tailed Hawk Wings OutI was able to get several images of this beautiful red-tailed hawk this morning. I can't make it out but it was eating something while on the utility pole and it has it in its left talon. I think it is a headless vole or mouse. I love this majestic pose with the outstretched wings.


I was able to get several images of this beautiful red-tailed hawk this morning. I can't make it out but it was eating something while on the utility pole and it has it in its left talon. I think it is a headless vole or mouse. I love this majestic pose with the outstretched wings.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos f/5.6l hawk il illinois mclean nature r red-tailed wildlife wings Sun, 10 Oct 2021 21:31:12 GMT
October Sunrise in Illinois October Sunrise in IllinoisOctober Sunrise in IllinoisI didn't go out this morning expecting much of a sunrise due to the cloud cover so I was pleasantly surprised to find this beauty of a dramatic sunrise over a freshly harvested corn field.


I didn't go out this morning expecting much of a sunrise due to the cloud cover so I was pleasantly surprised to find this beauty of a dramatic sunrise over a freshly harvested corn field.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 2021 24-70 autumn barn canon clouds dramatic eos f/2.8l fall field harvest landscape nature october plowed r rural sunrays sunrise Sun, 10 Oct 2021 19:08:52 GMT
Nashville Warbler Blending in with the Goldenrod Nashville Warbler Blending in with the GoldenrodNashville Warbler Blending in with the GoldenrodIt is amazing how many times we walk by these little warblers and don't know they are even there until they fly off. This Nashville Warbler blends in quite effectively among the blooming goldenrod.


It is amazing how many times we walk by these little warblers and don't know they are even there until they fly off. This Nashville Warbler blends in quite effectively among the blooming goldenrod.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon eos evergreen f/5.6l fall goldenrod lake migration nashville nature r warbler wildlife Sun, 10 Oct 2021 03:32:50 GMT
Yellow-rumped Warbler Eating Dinner Yellow-rumped Warbler Eating DinnerYellow-rumped Warbler Eating DinnerYellow-rumped Warbler enjoying an evening snack of poison ivy berries.

Yellow-rumped Warbler on the AttackYellow-rumped Warbler on the AttackThis yellow-rumped warbler darted from the tree to grab a small insect mid-air.

Yellow-rumped Warbler enjoying an evening snack of poison ivy berries.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm berries bird canon central dawson eos f/5.6l illinois lake moraine nature park r state view warbler wildlife yellow-rumped Fri, 08 Oct 2021 23:39:41 GMT
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned KingletRuby-crowned KingletThese little Kinglets are fast. This Ruby-crowned Kinglet was cute as he would hang from the side of branches like this. Look how small their little legs are.

Golden-crowned KingletGolden-crowned KingletI love the way this little Golden-crowned Kinglet looks like he is about to pounce on a bug.

These little Kinglets are fast. This Ruby-crowned Kinglet was cute as he would hang from the side of branches like this. Look how small their little legs are.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r dawson lake illinois kinglet mclean county nature ruby-crowned wildlife Fri, 08 Oct 2021 01:33:43 GMT
Fall Goldfinch on some Spent Thistle Fall Goldfinch on some Spent ThistleFall Goldfinch on some Spent ThistleThis American Goldfinch found a little perch on a thistle plant.


This American Goldfinch found a little perch on a thistle plant.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm autumn bird canon central county eos f/5.6l fall illinois mclean moraine nature park r state view wildlife Wed, 06 Oct 2021 22:18:23 GMT
Northern Flicker Pose Northern Flicker PoseNorthern Flicker PoseA Northern Flicker in warm evening light is a view to behold!


A Northern Flicker in warm evening light is a view to behold!


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county dawson eos f/5.6l flicker illinois lake mclean moraine nature northern park r state view wildlife Wed, 06 Oct 2021 00:01:41 GMT
Northern Flicker's Flashy Colors Northern Flicker's Flashy ColorsNorthern Flicker's Flashy ColorsI absolutely love catching a norther flicker with its wings spread in good light. They have such brilliant colors.


I absolutely love catching a norther flicker with its wings spread in good light. They have such brilliant colors.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central colors dawson eos f/5.6l flicker illinois lake moraine nature northern park r state view wildlife Tue, 05 Oct 2021 21:57:10 GMT
Osprey Eye Contact Osprey Eye ContactOsprey Eye ContactI captured this quick glance as the Osprey flew by at Lake Bloomington. I have always loved the Osprey.


I captured this quick glance as the Osprey flew by at Lake Bloomington. I have always loved the Osprey.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r contact eye illinois mclean county migration nature osprey wildlife Tue, 05 Oct 2021 01:39:09 GMT
Double-crested Cormorant Swimming By Double-crested Cormorant Swimming ByDouble-crested Cormorant Swimming ByI got to watch this double-crested cormorant swim quite close to the shore while hiking at Lake Evergreen. I was on one of the trails that hugs the lake but is divided by a row of trees and bushes. I sat still when I saw it coming and it never spotted me...normally it would have taken off if it saw me. I was able to find an opening to take this beautifully, sunlit photo.


I got to watch this double-crested cormorant swim quite close to the shore while hiking at Lake Evergreen. I was on one of the trails that hugs the lake but is divided by a row of trees and bushes. I sat still when I saw it coming and it never spotted me...normally it would have taken off if it saw me. I was able to find an opening to take this beautifully, sunlit photo.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon cormorant county double-crested eos evergreen f/5.6l lake mclean nature r waterfowl wildlife Mon, 04 Oct 2021 22:36:46 GMT
Lake Bloomington Osprey with a Fish Lake Bloomington Osprey with a FishLake Bloomington Osprey with a FishAs I was driving around Lake Bloomington, I noticed the Osprey was out circling over the lake. By the time I got to the Dam I noticed that it might be zeroing in on a fish. I parked the car and quickly got into position. I noticed it dove a couple of different times and finally caught a fish but it was to far out to get usable photos, but I was thankful that it flew over the dam to find a place to eat its fresh fish so I could get some images. Usually it gets both sets of talons into the fish and flies with the fish facing forward, but you can see it missed and only had it by one set of talons.


As I was driving around Lake Bloomington, I noticed the Osprey was out circling over the lake. By the time I got to the Dam I noticed that it might be zeroing in on a fish. I parked the car and quickly got into position. I noticed it dove a couple of different times and finally caught a fish but it was to far out to get usable photos, but I was thankful that it flew over the dam to find a place to eat its fresh fish so I could get some images. Usually it gets both sets of talons into the fish and flies with the fish facing forward, but you can see it missed and only had it by one set of talons.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird bloomington canon county eos f/5.6l fish fishing illinois lake mclean nature of osprey prey r wildlife Sun, 03 Oct 2021 23:12:41 GMT
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Posing Yellow-bellied Sapsucker PosingYellow-bellied Sapsucker PosingA nice closeup of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Posing for me.


A nice closeup of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Posing for me.


(Troy Marcy Photography) canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r dawson lake mclean county migration nature sapsucker wildlife yellow-bellied Sun, 03 Oct 2021 21:05:23 GMT
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Takeoff Yellow-bellied Sapsucker TakeoffYellow-bellied Sapsucker TakeoffSeeing a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker on a bare pole so I could get a nice look with no limbs blocking my way was nice but getting one taking off as well was a total bonus.


Seeing a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker on a bare pole so I could get a nice look with no limbs blocking my way was nice but getting one taking off as well was a total bonus.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county dawson eos f/5.6l illinois lake mclean moraine nature park r sapsucker state view wildlife wings woodpecker yellow-bellied Sun, 03 Oct 2021 01:31:47 GMT
White-breasted Nuthatch in Autumn White-breasted Nuthatch in AutumnWhite-breasted Nuthatch in AutumnI had just finished hiking one of the trails out at Dawson Lake and was getting ready to leave. As I was closing the car door, I saw this little nuthatch pop out on the tree. I quickly rolled down the window, adjusted my settings, and snapped this image. It is probably my favorite from the day.


I had just finished hiking one of the trails out at Dawson Lake and was getting ready to leave. As I was closing the car door, I saw this little nuthatch pop out on the tree. I quickly rolled down the window, adjusted my settings, and snapped this image. It is probably my favorite from the day.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 4000 400mm autumn bird canon colors county dawson eos f/5.6l fall high il iso lake mclean moraine nature nuthatch park r state view white-breasted wildlife Sat, 02 Oct 2021 18:44:24 GMT
Golden-winged Warbler in the Fall Golden-winged Warbler in the FallGolden-winged Warbler in the FallThis brilliant Golden-winged Warbler almost got by me without me getting an image. It is always nice to see one so vibrant in the Fall. This was taken at Moraine View State Park in McLean County, Illinois.


This brilliant Golden-winged Warbler almost got by me without me getting an image. It is always nice to see one so vibrant in the Fall. This was taken at Moraine View State Park in McLean County, Illinois.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm art autumn beauty bird canon colors dawson eos f/5.6l fall golden-winged lake nature r season warbler wildlife Sat, 02 Oct 2021 18:05:05 GMT
Common Yellowthroat Basking in the Sun Common Yellowthroat Basking in the SunCommon Yellowthroat Basking in the SunI wonder why they call them yellowthroats? HA! This little guy was soaking up the morning sun. This was taken out by Lake Bloomington.


I wonder why they call them yellowthroats? HA! This little guy was soaking up the morning sun. This was taken out by Lake Bloomington.


(Troy Marcy Photography) canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r common illinois lake bloomington lake evergreen mclean county migration nature rural yellowthroat Sat, 02 Oct 2021 00:41:30 GMT
Black and White Warbler in Action Black and White Warbler in ActionBlack and White Warbler in ActionAction shot of a black and white warbler reaching for a bug that has no idea what is about to happen.


Action shot of a black and white warbler reaching for a bug that has no idea what is about to happen.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action and bird black canon county eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois insect lake mclean migration nature r warbler white wildlife Fri, 01 Oct 2021 21:07:24 GMT
Chestnut-sided Warbler with a Moth Chestnut-sided Warbler with a MothChestnut-sided Warbler with a MothSometimes I get lucky when I catch a warbler with an insect but I feel very blessed when I get bird, insect, and studio quality backdrop all in one image.


Sometimes I get lucky with when I catch a warbler with an insect but I feel very blessed when I get bird, insect, and studio quality backdrop all in one image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon chestnut-sided color eos ewing f/5.6l fall insect migration nature park r warbler wildlife Fri, 01 Oct 2021 02:23:01 GMT
Black-throated Green Warbler Approaching a White Oak Tree Black-throated Green Warbler Approaching a White Oak TreeBlack-throated Green Warbler Approaching a White Oak TreeThis black-throated green warbler would hop from branch to branch in this white oak tree, but when it did, it would hover for a moment. I picked up on this pattern and pre-focused where I thought it would go next and was rewarded with this in-flight image.


This black-throated green warbler would hop from branch to branch in this white oak tree, but when it did, it would hover for a moment. I picked up on this pattern and pre-focused where I thought it would go next and was rewarded with this in-flight image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action bird bird-in-flight black-throated bloomington canon county eos f/5.6l green illinois lake mclean nature r warbler wildlife Tue, 28 Sep 2021 20:45:03 GMT
Red-tailed Hawk Flyby Red-tailed Hawk FlybyRed-tailed Hawk FlybyI had this great look of a red-tailed hawk as it flew by. The shot wasn't easy to get with the back light and how fast the hawk flew by.


I had this great look of a red-tailed hawk as it flew by. The shot wasn't easy to get with the back light and how fast the hawk flew by.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird bloomington canon central county eos f/5.6l flight hawk illinois in lake mclean nature r red-tailed wildlife Tue, 28 Sep 2021 01:06:18 GMT
Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth Illinois-3 Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth Illinois-3Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth Illinois-3Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth, Illinois.

Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth Illinois-4Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth Illinois-4Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth, Illinois. Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth Illinois-2Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth Illinois-2Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth, Illinois. Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth IllinoisGreat Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth IllinoisGreat Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth, Illinois.

Great Blue Heron at Centennial Park in Heyworth, Illinois.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird blue canon centennial county eos f/5.6l great heron heyworth illinois mclean nature park r wildlife Sun, 26 Sep 2021 19:34:14 GMT
Hummingbird Finds a Web-2 Hummingbird Finds a Web-2Hummingbird Finds a Web-2This series of ruby-throated hummingbird images was one of the coolest hummingbird experiences I've been able to observe. I was sitting low along a very shaded creek waiting for a few warblers, when this hummingbird hovered about 5 feed above the water at my eye level about 6 feet away from me. I couldn't tell what it was doing until I saw the very small web in front of it. I watched this little hummingbird pick bugs from the web for several minutes. I'm thankful I was able to get images of the event in such low light conditions.

Hummingbird Finds a Web-5Hummingbird Finds a Web-5This series of ruby-throated hummingbird images was one of the coolest hummingbird experiences I've been able to observe. I was sitting low along a very shaded creek waiting for a few warblers, when this hummingbird hovered about 5 feed above the water at my eye level about 6 feet away from me. I couldn't tell what it was doing until I saw the very small web in front of it. I watched this little hummingbird pick bugs from the web for several minutes. I'm thankful I was able to get images of the event in such low light conditions. Hummingbird Finds a Web-4Hummingbird Finds a Web-4This series of ruby-throated hummingbird images was one of the coolest hummingbird experiences I've been able to observe. I was sitting low along a very shaded creek waiting for a few warblers, when this hummingbird hovered about 5 feed above the water at my eye level about 6 feet away from me. I couldn't tell what it was doing until I saw the very small web in front of it. I watched this little hummingbird pick bugs from the web for several minutes. I'm thankful I was able to get images of the event in such low light conditions. Hummingbird Finds a WebHummingbird Finds a WebThis series of ruby-throated hummingbird images was one of the coolest hummingbird experiences I've been able to observe. I was sitting low along a very shaded creek waiting for a few warblers, when this hummingbird hovered about 5 feed above the water at my eye level about 6 feet away from me. I couldn't tell what it was doing until I saw the very small web in front of it. I watched this little hummingbird pick bugs from the web for several minutes. I'm thankful I was able to get images of the event in such low light conditions. Hummingbird Finds a Web-3Hummingbird Finds a Web-3This series of ruby-throated hummingbird images was one of the coolest hummingbird experiences I've been able to observe. I was sitting low along a very shaded creek waiting for a few warblers, when this hummingbird hovered about 5 feed above the water at my eye level about 6 feet away from me. I couldn't tell what it was doing until I saw the very small web in front of it. I watched this little hummingbird pick bugs from the web for several minutes. I'm thankful I was able to get images of the event in such low light conditions.

This series of ruby-throated hummingbird images was one of the coolest hummingbird experiences I've been able to observe. I was sitting low along a very shaded creek waiting for a few warblers, when this hummingbird hovered about 5 feed above the water at my eye level about 6 feet away from me. I couldn't tell what it was doing until I saw the very small web in front of it. I watched this little hummingbird pick bugs from the web for several minutes. I'm thankful I was able to get images of the event in such low light conditions.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos ewing f5.6l hummingbird illinois light low mclean nature park r web wildlife Sun, 26 Sep 2021 16:52:29 GMT
Bay-breasted Warbler Hunting an Ant Bay-breasted Warbler Hunting an AntBay-breasted Warbler Hunting an AntThis ant had no idea what was about to hit it. The bay-breasted warbler was looking under every leaf in its path. I would like to say no ant was harmed in the making of this photo, but I can't. The bay-breasted warbler was successful.


This ant had no idea what was about to hit it. The bay-breasted warbler was looking under every leaf in its path. I would like to say no ant was harmed in the making of this photo, but I can't. The bay-breasted warbler was successful.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm ant bay-breasted bird canon county eos f/5.6l insect mclean migration nature r warbler wildlife Sat, 25 Sep 2021 17:52:36 GMT
Magnolia Warbler-3 Magnolia Warbler-3Magnolia Warbler-3The, always beautiful, magnolia warbler.


The, always beautiful, magnolia warbler.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos f/5.6l il magnolia mclean migration nature r warbler wildlife Fri, 24 Sep 2021 01:59:45 GMT
Fall Palm Warbler Fall Palm WarblerFall Palm WarblerI was pleasantly surprised to see some palm warblers flying back and forth from the corn field to the trees along a rural McLean County country road. I pulled over and watched them for awhile. I managed a few photos form the car window.

Fall Palm Warbler-2Fall Palm Warbler-2I was pleasantly surprised to see some palm warblers flying back and forth from the corn field to the trees along a rural McLean County country road. I pulled over and watched them for awhile. I managed a few photos form the car window.

I was pleasantly surprised to see some palm warblers flying back and forth from the corn field to the trees along a rural McLean County country road. I pulled over and watched them for awhile. I managed a few photos form the car window.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r fall illinois mclean county migration nature palm warbler wildlife Thu, 23 Sep 2021 02:26:23 GMT
Beautifully Backlit Great Egret Beautifully Backlit Great EgretBeautifully Backlit Great EgretThe sun was heavily back-lighting this beautiful Great Egret making it difficult to get a good exposure, but I do love the rim lighting it gave. The lighting gave the bird some definition and separation from the bright sun-reflected water behind. The Great Egret had just dipped its beak into the water for a quick drink.


The sun was heavily back-lighting this beautiful Great Egret making it difficult to get a good exposure, but I do love the rim lighting it gave. The lighting gave the bird some definition and separation from the bright sun-reflected water behind. The Great Egret had just dipped its beak into the water for a quick drink.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon county egret eos evergreen f/5.6l great illinois lake mclean nature r wildlife Wed, 22 Sep 2021 04:28:06 GMT
Great Egret with a Fresh Catch Great Egret with a Fresh CatchGreat Egret with a Fresh CatchI had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful Great Egret at Lake Evergreen a couple of days ago (9/18) as it was fishing. It was fascinating watching it creep up on fish with its long neck stretched to the max and striking down and fast into the water. While violent, it was extremely beautiful and graceful to observe.


I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful Great Egret at Lake Evergreen a couple of days ago (9/18) as it was fishing. It was fascinating watching it creep up on fish with its long neck stretched to the max and striking down and fast into the water. While violent, it was extremely beautiful and graceful to observe.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central county egret eos evergreen f/5.6l fall fish fishing great illinois lake mclean nature r wildlife Tue, 21 Sep 2021 03:58:16 GMT
Black-throated Green Warbler on the Attack Black-throated Green Warbler on the WatchBlack-throated Green Warbler on the WatchA Black-throated Green Warbler on the lookout for an insect. The next image shows it on the pursuit. Black-throated Green Warbler on the AttackBlack-throated Green Warbler on the AttackThe Black-throated Green Warbler wasted no time going after this unsuspecting insect that invaded its airspace.


The Black-throated Green Warbler wasted no time going after this unsuspecting insect that invaded its airspace.


(Troy Marcy Photography) black-throated canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r green illinois lake bloomington lake evergreen mclean county migration nature rural warbler Mon, 20 Sep 2021 02:17:04 GMT
Late Summer Sunrise in Illinois Late Summer Sunrise in IllinoisLate Summer Sunrise in IllinoisThis morning's sunrise was as beautiful as ever with a striking dramatic sky. Love when the clouds reflect that fiery orange. The bean field in the foreground helped to reflect that same warmth and I got lucky to have a few birds fly into the scene. It was such a beautiful day today.


This morning's sunrise was as beautiful as ever with a striking dramatic sky. Love when the clouds reflect that fiery orange. The bean field in the foreground helped to reflect that same warmth and I got lucky to have a few birds fly into the scene. It was such a beautiful day today.


(Troy Marcy Photography) barn beans canon corn county cows eos illinois landscape mclean nature r rural sunrise Sun, 19 Sep 2021 03:28:07 GMT
Eastern Wood-Pewee-5 Eastern Wood-Pewee-5Eastern Wood-Pewee-5I really enjoyed a 20 minute log photo session with this Eastern Wood-Pewee at Ewing park on 9/13/21. It has a perfect little perch and would dart off for insects and right back to the perch. I love watching flycatchers do this and it makes for getting some nice images. The other challenge was trying to get a high enough shutter speed to capture the movement in dark shade. I had to shoot at 6400 ISO just to get my shutter speed to 1/1600.

Eastern Wood-Pewee-4Eastern Wood-Pewee-4I really enjoyed a 20 minute log photo session with this Eastern Wood-Pewee at Ewing park on 9/13/21. It has a perfect little perch and would dart off for insects and right back to the perch. I love watching flycatchers do this and it makes for getting some nice images. The other challenge was trying to get a high enough shutter speed to capture the movement in dark shade. I had to shoot at 6400 ISO just to get my shutter speed to 1/1600. Eastern Wood-Pewee-3Eastern Wood-Pewee-3I really enjoyed a 20 minute log photo session with this Eastern Wood-Pewee at Ewing park on 9/13/21. It has a perfect little perch and would dart off for insects and right back to the perch. I love watching flycatchers do this and it makes for getting some nice images. The other challenge was trying to get a high enough shutter speed to capture the movement in dark shade. I had to shoot at 6400 ISO just to get my shutter speed to 1/1600. Eastern Wood-Pewee-2Eastern Wood-Pewee-2I really enjoyed a 20 minute log photo session with this Eastern Wood-Pewee at Ewing park on 9/13/21. It has a perfect little perch and would dart off for insects and right back to the perch. I love watching flycatchers do this and it makes for getting some nice images. The other challenge was trying to get a high enough shutter speed to capture the movement in dark shade. I had to shoot at 6400 ISO just to get my shutter speed to 1/1600. Eastern Wood-PeweeEastern Wood-PeweeI really enjoyed a 20 minute log photo session with this Eastern Wood-Pewee at Ewing park on 9/13/21. It has a perfect little perch and would dart off for insects and right back to the perch. I love watching flycatchers do this and it makes for getting some nice images. The other challenge was trying to get a high enough shutter speed to capture the movement in dark shade. I had to shoot at 6400 ISO just to get my shutter speed to 1/1600.

I really enjoyed a 20 minute log photo session with this Eastern Wood-Pewee at Ewing park on 9/13/21. It has a perfect little perch and would dart off for insects and right back to the perch. I love watching flycatchers do this and it makes for getting some nice images. The other challenge was trying to get a high enough shutter speed to capture the movement in dark shade. I had to shoot at 6400 ISO just to get my shutter speed to 1/1600.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm 6400 bird bloomington canon county eastern eos ewing f/5.6 high illinois iso light low mclean nature park r wildlife wood-pewee Sat, 18 Sep 2021 02:07:54 GMT
Small but Beautiful-6 Small but Beautiful-6Small but Beautiful-6It is important to stop and enjoy the beauty in the small things in nature while out birding. There is always so much life happening right in front of us if we take a minute to look. Enjoy these macro images.

Small but Beautiful-8Small but Beautiful-8 Small but Beautiful-7Small but Beautiful-7 Small but Beautiful-5Small but Beautiful-5 Small but Beautiful-4Small but Beautiful-4 Small but Beautiful-3Small but Beautiful-3 Small but BeautifulSmall but Beautiful

It is important to stop and enjoy the beauty in the small things in nature while out birding. There is always so much life happening right in front of us if we take a minute to look. Enjoy these macro images.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon county eos f/5.6l macro mclean nature r wildlife Fri, 17 Sep 2021 20:55:58 GMT
Black-throated Green Warbler Posing Black-throated Green Warbler PosingBlack-throated Green Warbler PosingIts always nice when you know a little warbler is moving among the leaves and you prefocus on a spot just hoping and waiting it will show itself. This little Black-throated Green Warbler did just that.


Its always nice when you know a little warbler is moving among the leaves and you prefocus on a spot just hoping and waiting it will show itself. This little Black-throated Green Warbler did just that.


(Troy Marcy Photography) black-throated green warbler canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r central illinois mclean county migration nature wildlife Fri, 17 Sep 2021 01:30:37 GMT
Blackburnian Warbler Wings Up Blackburnian Warbler Wings UpBlackburnian Warbler Wings UpI caught this blackburnian warbler just as it landed on this limb showing off the beautiful colors and markings on its side. The colors contrast nicely against the white sky background.


I caught this blackburnian warbler just as it landed on this limb showing off the beautiful colors and markings on its side. The colors contrast nicely against the white sky background.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird blackburnian canon centennial colors county eos f/5.6l heyworth illinois mclean migration nature park r warbler wildlife Thu, 16 Sep 2021 00:15:03 GMT
Double-breasted Cormorant Panoramic Double-breasted Cormorant PanoramicDouble-breasted Cormorant Panoramic3 Double-breasted Cormorants in this panoramic image at sunrise.


3 Double-breasted Cormorants in this panoramic image at sunrise.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm birds canon cormorant county double-crested eos f/5.6l golden heyworth hour illinois mclean nature r sunrise wildlife Wed, 15 Sep 2021 18:50:59 GMT
Vibrant Canada Warbler Vibrant Canada WarblerVibrant Canada WarblerI was so excited that this little Canada Warbler popped out of the leaves to give me a good look. I usually don't get a full, unobstructed view of them as they like to stay low and undercover.


I was so excited that this little Canada Warbler popped out of the leaves to give me a good look. I usually don't get a full, unobstructed view of them as they like to stay low and undercover.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird bloomington canada canon county eos ewing f/5.6l illinois mclean migration nature park r vibrant warbler wildlife Wed, 15 Sep 2021 01:26:25 GMT
Beautiful Doe Along the Kickapoo Creek Beautiful Doe Along the Kickapoo CreekBeautiful Doe Along the Kickapoo CreekI was looking for warblers high up in the trees so intently that I almost missed this beautiful doe watching me through the trees. It was on the other side of the Kickapoo Creek and stood there for a long while observing my every move.


I was looking for warblers high up in the trees so intently that I almost missed this beautiful doe watching me through the trees. It was on the other side of the Kickapoo Creek and stood there for a long while observing my every move.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central county deer doe eos f/5.6l golden hour illinois landscape mammal mclean nature r wildlife Tue, 14 Sep 2021 20:17:26 GMT
Double-crested Cormorant at Sunrise Double-crested Cormorant at SunriseDouble-crested Cormorant at SunriseA Double-crested Cormorant enjoying a beautiful sunrise at Heyworth Centennial Park in Central, Illinois.


A Double-crested Cormorant enjoying a beautiful sunrise at Heyworth Centennial Park in Central, Illinois.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm birds canon centennial cormorant double-crested eos f/5.6l golden heyworth hour illinois nature park r sunrise wildlife Tue, 14 Sep 2021 02:19:37 GMT
Snacking Squirrel at Ewing Park Snacking Squirrel at Ewing ParkSnacking Squirrel at Ewing ParkThis squirrel was so cute as it was eating its snack in the tree, quite loudly I might add. I could help but smile as I saw its little eyes peaking over the tree limbs.
I'm impressed with the ISO capabilities of these modern cameras. This series of squirrel images were taken at ISO 5000 and 8000. As long as I get my exposure right, the images are completely usable at high ISOs. That combined with good noise reduction and processing, the images turn out beautifully.

Snacking Squirrel at Ewing Park-2Snacking Squirrel at Ewing Park-2I'm impressed with the ISO capabilities of these modern cameras. This series of squirrel images were taken at ISO 5000 and 8000. As long as I get my exposure right, the images are completely usable at high ISOs. That combined with good noise reduction and processing, the images turn out beautifully. Snacking Squirrel at Ewing Park-3Snacking Squirrel at Ewing Park-3I'm impressed with the ISO capabilities of these modern cameras. This series of squirrel images were taken at ISO 5000 and 8000. As long as I get my exposure right, the images are completely usable at high ISOs. That combined with good noise reduction and processing, the images turn out beautifully.

This squirrel was so cute as it was eating its snack in the tree, quite loudly I might add. I could help but smile as I saw its little eyes peaking over the tree limbs.
I'm impressed with the ISO capabilities of these modern cameras. This series of squirrel images were taken at ISO 5000 and 8000. As long as I get my exposure right, the images are completely usable at high ISOs. That combined with good noise reduction and processing, the images turn out beautifully.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central county eos ewing f/5.6l high illinois iso light low mclean nature park r squirrel wildlife Mon, 13 Sep 2021 01:57:35 GMT
Black-and-white Warbler at Ewing Park-2 Black-and-white Warbler at Ewing Park-2Black-and-white Warbler at Ewing Park-2The black-and-white warbler doesn't get always get a much attention as the more colorful warblers, I really do love their markings. They are also fun to watch as they work the trunks of trees like a woodpecker or a nuthatch.

Black-and-white Warbler at Ewing Park-3Black-and-white Warbler at Ewing Park-3 Black-and-white Warbler at Ewing ParkBlack-and-white Warbler at Ewing Park

The black-and-white warbler doesn't get always get a much attention as the more colorful warblers, I really do love their markings. They are also fun to watch as they work the trunks of trees like a woodpecker or a nuthatch.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird black-and-white canon county eos ewing f/5.6l il mclean migration nature park r warbler wildlife Mon, 13 Sep 2021 00:40:01 GMT
Black-throated Blue Warbler Black-throated Blue WarblerBlack-throated Blue WarblerI was so very excited to see this warbler this morning at Heyworth Centennial Park. This black-throated blue warbler was deep in some thick honeysuckle bushes eating the berries. I wish I could have gotten a better image, but I'll take this for now as it is a lifer bird for me. I can now focus on getting a better image next time. I just love the markings on this bird.


I was so very excited to see this warbler this morning at Heyworth Centennial Park. This black-throated blue warbler was deep in some thick honeysuckle bushes eating the berries. I wish I could have gotten a better image, but I'll take this for now as it is a lifer bird for me. I can now focus on getting a better image next time. I just love the markings on this bird.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird black-throated blue canon centennial county eos f/5.6l heyworth mclean migration nature park r warbler wildlife Sat, 11 Sep 2021 20:06:00 GMT
Golden-winged in Golden Light Golden-winged in Golden LightGolden-winged in Golden LightThis beautiful golden-winged warbler gave a very nice pose looking into the light.


This beautiful golden-winged warbler gave a very nice pose looking into the light.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central colors county eos ewing f/5.6l golden-winged illinois light mclean migration nature park pose r warbler warm wildlife Fri, 10 Sep 2021 02:01:53 GMT
Red-eyed Vireo Profile Red-eyed Vireo ProfileRed-eyed Vireo ProfileI love when the light hits the eyes just right showing off the beautiful red eyes of these vireos.


I love when the light hits the eyes just right showing off the beautiful red eyes of these vireos.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county eos ewing f/5.6l illinois mclean migration nature park r red-eyed vireo wildlife Thu, 09 Sep 2021 22:10:36 GMT
A Nashville and Tennessee Warbler Nashville WarblerNashville WarblerSweet little Nashville Warbler...I saw this bird the same day I found a Tennessee Warbler. Jackpot! Tennessee WarblerTennessee WarblerSweet little Tennessee Warbler...I saw this bird the same day I found a Nashville Warbler. Yes!


Sweet little Tennessee Warbler...I saw this bird the same day I found a Nashville Warbler. Yes!


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon eos ewing f/5.6l nature park r tennessee warbler wildlife Thu, 09 Sep 2021 02:00:35 GMT
Black-throated Green Warbler Browsing the Web Black-throated Green Warbler Browsing the WebBlack-throated Green Warbler Browsing the WebI saw more little warblers and even a hummingbird looking at spider webs for insects in could steal. They were browsing the web.

Inquisitive Black-throated Green WarblerInquisitive Black-throated Green WarblerSometimes I think I'm being pretty sneaky as I photograph birds, but every now and then they turn and look directly at the camera and tilt their head in a very curious way. Obviously I'm not as sneaky as I though. Black-throated Green WarblerBlack-throated Green WarblerThis black-throated green warbler popped its pretty, yellow head out of the shadows for me to get this quick photo. Black-throated Green Warbler ProfileBlack-throated Green Warbler ProfileI was thankful this black-throated green warbler looked into the light for me...very cooperative little bird.


I saw more little warblers and even a hummingbird looking at spider webs for insects in could steal. They were browsing the web.  Enjoy this series of images of a black-throated green warbler taken this week at Ewing Park.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird black-throated green warbler canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park fall 2021 mclean county migration nature warbler wildlife Wed, 08 Sep 2021 01:12:37 GMT
Golden-winged Warbler Attacking an Insect Golden-winged Warbler Attacking an InsectGolden-winged Warbler Attacking an InsectI had a fun time watching this golden-winged warbler checking all of the dead leaves of this tree looking for breakfast. Then, while checking the dead leaves seen in this image, a bug flew out and the little warbler sprung into action to catch it. You can see it just in front of the golden winged warbler's beak. While a shot like this requires correct settings, good light, and anticipation, getting the image requires a lot of luck.


I had a fun time watching this golden winged warbler checking all of the dead leaves of this tree looking for breakfast. Then, while checking the dead leaves seen in this image, a bug flew out and the little warbler sprung into action to catch it. You can see it just in front of the golden winged warbler's beak. While a shot like this requires correct settings, good light, and anticipation, getting the image requires a lot of luck.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action bird canon central county eos f/5.6l golden illinois in-flight mclean migration nature r warbler wildlife winged Mon, 06 Sep 2021 21:38:45 GMT
Mourning Warbler Mourning WarblerMourning WarblerI was very excited to find this mourning warbler this morning on a very nice and cool day. With the crisp 59 degree in the mornings, these little warblers will be traveling through more and more as Fall approaches. This mourning warbler was a nice little start to my season.


I was very excited to find this mourning warbler this morning on a very nice and cool day. With the crisp 59 degree in the mornings, these little warblers will be traveling through more and more as Fall approaches. This mourning warbler was a nice little start to my season.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central colors county eos ewing f/5.6l illinois mclean migration mourning nature park r warbler wildlife Mon, 06 Sep 2021 04:24:41 GMT
Killdeer KilldeerKilldeerKilldeer were very active in the flooded fields I was photographing around Bloomington/Normal. While this large plover is common around here, they are beautiful birds and a fun bird to photograph in flight.

Killdeer-2Killdeer-2 Killdeer-3Killdeer-3 Killdeer-5Killdeer-5 Killdeer-10Killdeer-10 Killdeer-17Killdeer-17 Killdeer-19Killdeer-19 Killdeer-24Killdeer-24 Killdeer-25Killdeer-25

Killdeer were very active in the flooded fields I was photographing around Bloomington/Normal. While this large plover is common around here, they are beautiful birds and a fun bird to photograph in flight.  To see more images of these birds, check out the album.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon eos f/5.6l killdeer nature r wildlife Sat, 04 Sep 2021 18:46:45 GMT
American Redstart -2 American Redstart -2American Redstart -2I'm seeing a bunch of American Redstarts lately, which means more and more warblers should be migrating through now. Here is a series from this today at Ewing.

American Redstart -6American Redstart -6I'm seeing a bunch of American Redstarts lately, which means more and more warblers should be migrating through now. Here is a series from this today at Ewing. American Redstart -5American Redstart -5I'm seeing a bunch of American Redstarts lately, which means more and more warblers should be migrating through now. Here is a series from this today at Ewing. American Redstart -4American Redstart -4I'm seeing a bunch of American Redstarts lately, which means more and more warblers should be migrating through now. Here is a series from this today at Ewing. American RedstartAmerican RedstartI'm seeing a bunch of American Redstarts lately, which means more and more warblers should be migrating through now. Here is a series from this today at Ewing. American Redstart -3American Redstart -3I'm seeing a bunch of American Redstarts lately, which means more and more warblers should be migrating through now. Here is a series from this today at Ewing.

I'm seeing a bunch of American Redstarts lately, which means more and more warblers should be migrating through now. Here is a series from this today at Ewing.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm american canon eos ewing f/5.6l migration nature park r redstart warblers wildlife Fri, 03 Sep 2021 04:29:05 GMT
Least Sandpiper Least SandpiperLeast SandpiperThis little shore bird is a Least Sandpiper, I believe. It was much smaller than the other shore birds and stuck to the edges of the mud around the flooded field. There was a feather that it stepped over, which I thought was about 1 inch long and nice to show a size comparison.


This little shore bird is a Least Sandpiper, I believe. It was much smaller than the other shore birds and stuck to the edges of the mud around the flooded field. There was a feather that it stepped over, which I thought was about 1 inch long and nice to show a size comparison.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county eos f/5.6l illinois least mclean midwest migration nature r sandpiper wildlife Wed, 01 Sep 2021 21:18:50 GMT
Lesser Yellowlegs Looking for a Sunset Snack Lesser Yellowlegs Looking for a Sunset SnackLesser Yellowlegs Looking for a Sunset SnackThe beautiful light and reflection make this image really pop. I love how the eye is reflected just above the water line and the warm light on the side of this lesser yellowlegs.


The beautiful light and reflection make this image really pop. I love how the eye is reflected just above the water line and the warm light on the side of this lesser yellowlegs.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central eos f/5.6l illinois lesser midwest migration nature r reflection sunset water wildlife yellowlegs Wed, 01 Sep 2021 01:28:51 GMT
Solitary Sandpiper Solitary SandpiperSolitary SandpiperI managed to capture this pretty Solitary Sandpiper as it flew by low above the water. I love that it showed off those beautiful markings under the wing.


I managed to capture this pretty Solitary Sandpiper as it flew by low above the water. I love that it showed off those beautiful markings under the wing.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county eos f/5.6l flight illinois in mclean nature r sandpiper solitary water wildlife Tue, 31 Aug 2021 23:57:40 GMT
Wilson's Phalarope Wilson's PhalaropeWilson's PhalaropeI believe this is a Wilson's Phalarope. It was fascinating watching them swim in circles (there were 2 of them). I didn't know what they were doing so I did a little google search to find out that they were stirring up small invertebrates to eat. Once again, birds are amazing! I went with a simple black and white edit to show off this elegant looking shore birds.

Wilson's Phalarope-4Wilson's Phalarope-4I believe this is a Wilson's Phalarope. It was fascinating watching them swim in circles (there were 2 of them). I didn't know what they were doing so I did a little google search to find out that they were stirring up small invertebrates to eat. Once again, birds are amazing! I went with a simple black and white edit to show off this elegant looking shore birds. Wilson's Phalarope-3Wilson's Phalarope-3I believe this is a Wilson's Phalarope. It was fascinating watching them swim in circles (there were 2 of them). I didn't know what they were doing so I did a little google search to find out that they were stirring up small invertebrates to eat. Once again, birds are amazing! I went with a simple black and white edit to show off this elegant looking shore birds. Wilson's Phalarope-5Wilson's Phalarope-5I believe this is a Wilson's Phalarope. It was fascinating watching them swim in circles (there were 2 of them). I didn't know what they were doing so I did a little google search to find out that they were stirring up small invertebrates to eat. Once again, birds are amazing! I went with a simple black and white edit to show off this elegant looking shore birds. Wilson's Phalarope-2Wilson's Phalarope-2I believe this is a Wilson's Phalarope. It was fascinating watching them swim in circles (there were 2 of them). I didn't know what they were doing so I did a little google search to find out that they were stirring up small invertebrates to eat. Once again, birds are amazing! I went with a simple black and white edit to show off this elegant looking shore birds.

I believe this is a Wilson's Phalarope. It was fascinating watching them swim in circles (there were 2 of them). I didn't know what they were doing so I did a little google search to find out that they were stirring up small invertebrates to eat. Once again, birds are amazing! I went with a simple black and white edit to show off this elegant looking shore birds.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm and b&w bird birds black canon central county eos f/5.6l illinois mclean migration nature phalarope r shore white wildlife wilson's Tue, 31 Aug 2021 01:57:01 GMT
Lesser Yellowlegs Liftoff Lesser Yellowlegs LiftoffLesser Yellowlegs LiftoffI was thankful to capture this moment of a lesser yellowlegs taking off from the water. It all happens so quickly and many times I'm a second too late or I miss focus, but this one turned out perfectly.


I was thankful to capture this moment of a lesser yellowlegs taking off from the water. It all happens so quickly and many times I'm a second too late or I miss focus, but this one turned out perfectly.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county drops eos f/5.6l flight golden hour illinois in lesser liftoff mclean nature r reflection shore water wildlife yellowlegs Mon, 30 Aug 2021 20:42:25 GMT
Barn Swallow in Flight in Golden Light Barn Swallow in Flight in Golden LightBarn Swallow in Flight in Golden LightI so enjoyed myself while photographing these barn swallows swooping low over the water for insects among the shore birds. The light was perfect and the action was frequent. I know I missed some shots but these keepers were worth the work.

Barn Swallow in FlightBarn Swallow in FlightI so enjoyed myself while photographing these barn swallows swooping low over the water for insects among the shore birds. The light was perfect and the action was frequent. I know I missed some shots but these keepers were worth the work. Barn Swallow in FlightBarn Swallow in FlightI so enjoyed myself while photographing these barn swallows swooping low over the water for insects among the shore birds. The light was perfect and the action was frequent. I know I missed some shots but these keepers were worth the work. Barn Swallow in FlightBarn Swallow in FlightI so enjoyed myself while photographing these barn swallows swooping low over the water for insects among the shore birds. The light was perfect and the action was frequent. I know I missed some shots but these keepers were worth the work. Barn Swallow in FlightBarn Swallow in FlightI so enjoyed myself while photographing these barn swallows swooping low over the water for insects among the shore birds. The light was perfect and the action was frequent. I know I missed some shots but these keepers were worth the work. Barn Swallow in FlightBarn Swallow in FlightI so enjoyed myself while photographing these barn swallows swooping low over the water for insects among the shore birds. The light was perfect and the action was frequent. I know I missed some shots but these keepers were worth the work. Barn Swallow in FlightBarn Swallow in FlightI so enjoyed myself while photographing these barn swallows swooping low over the water for insects among the shore birds. The light was perfect and the action was frequent. I know I missed some shots but these keepers were worth the work. Barn Swallow in FlightBarn Swallow in FlightI so enjoyed myself while photographing these barn swallows swooping low over the water for insects among the shore birds. The light was perfect and the action was frequent. I know I missed some shots but these keepers were worth the work.


I so enjoyed myself while photographing these barn swallows swooping low over the water for insects among the shore birds. The light was perfect and the action was frequent. I know I missed some shots but these keepers were worth the work.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action barn bird canon central eos f/5.6l farm fast golden hour illinois in-flight midwest nature pond r swallows wildlife Thu, 26 Aug 2021 01:58:13 GMT
The Next Step of a Lesser Yellowlegs The Next Step of a Lesser YellowlegsThe Next Step of a Lesser YellowlegsIt is amazing watching shore birds work shallow ponds and puddles. I sat for hours watching these lesser yellowlegs moving delicately through the water so beautifully.


It is amazing watching shore birds work shallow ponds and puddles. I sat for hours watching these lesser yellowlegs moving delicately through the water so beautifully.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm beauty bird canon central county eos f/5.6l illinois lesser mclean nature r reflection water wildlife yellowlegs Wed, 25 Aug 2021 04:09:28 GMT
Check Out those Yellowlegs Check Out those YellowlegsCheck Out those YellowlegsJust a couple of Dowitchers checking out the Yellowlegs strolling by.


Just a couple of Dowitchers checking out the Yellowlegs strolling by.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central dowitcher eos f/5.6l fluddle illinois lesser midwest migration nature r reflection shore short-billed water wildlife yellowlegs Tue, 24 Aug 2021 20:45:39 GMT
Lesser Yellowlegs Race Lesser Yellowlegs RaceLesser Yellowlegs RaceA couple of lesser yellowlegs chasing each other off "their" spots.


A couple of lesser yellowlegs chasing each other off "their" spots.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action birds canon central eos f/5.6l fields fluddle illinois lesser midwest migration nature r reflections wildlife yellowlegs Tue, 24 Aug 2021 03:17:28 GMT
Preening Short-billed Dowitcher Preening Short-billed DowitcherPreening Short-billed DowitcherI got this pretty cool angle of the short-billed dowitcher preening itself. What great balance!


I got this pretty cool angle of the short-billed dowitcher preening itself. What great balance!


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county dowitcher eos f/5.6l field fluddle illinois mclean migration nature r reflection rural short-billed water wildlife Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:57:30 GMT
Wading Short-billed Dowitcher Wading Short-billed DowitcherWading Short-billed DowitcherJust enjoy the beauty of this wading Short-billed Dowitcher as you end the weekend and gear up for a new week. I know it brings me peace photographing such beauty in nature.


Just enjoy the beauty of this wading Short-billed Dowitcher as you end the weekend and gear up for a new week. I know it brings me peace photographing such beauty in nature.


(Troy Marcy Photography) canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r dowitcher golden hour mclean county nature reflection short-billed wading water wildlife Mon, 23 Aug 2021 03:01:47 GMT
Flock of Foraging Shore Birds in Evening Light Flock of Foraging Shore Birds in Evening LightFlock of Foraging Shore Birds in Evening LightThe last bit of light illuminated these beautiful shore birds as they foraged for food. I believe these are short-billed dowitchers. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Their feathers started to almost glow golden across the water as the sun lowered. It was quite beautiful.


The last bit of light illuminated these beautiful shore birds as they foraged for food. I believe these are short-billed dowitchers. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Their feathers started to almost glow golden across the water as the sun lowered. It was quite beautiful.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm birds canon central county dowitchers eos evening f/5.6l farm field golden hour illinois light mclean migration nature r shore water wildlife Mon, 23 Aug 2021 02:00:42 GMT
Shore Birds on the Move Shore Birds on the MoveShore Birds on the MoveEvery now and then the shore birds would take flight and make a loop around the field puddle and reposition. I'm not a great at identifying all of the shore birds but in this one image you can see yellowlegs, sandpipers, and killdear. I thought this image captured the scene nicely.


Every now and then the shore birds would take flight and make a loop around the field puddle and reposition. I'm not a great at identifying all of the shore birds but in this one image you can see yellowlegs, sandpipers, and killdear. I thought this image captured the scene nicely.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action bird birds canon central corn county eos f/5.6l flight illinois in killdear mclean midwest migration nature r reflections sandpiper shore water wildlife yellowlegs Sun, 22 Aug 2021 16:33:48 GMT
Lesser Yellowleg in B&W Lesser Yellowlegs in B&WLesser Yellowlegs in B&WThe reflections on the standing water in this rural field were amazing last night and the light was perfect. Perfect for the numerous shore birds working the water for insects. This lesser yellowlegs posed just before he dipped his beak into the water...the reflection topped off the composition. The simplicity of the scene craved a black and white edit. I have many images to go through from this one shoot, but this was the perfect one to start with. I love the simplicity.


The reflections on the standing water in this rural field were amazing last night and the light was perfect. Perfect for the numerous shore birds working the water for insects. This lesser yellowleg posed just before he dipped his beak into the water...the reflection topped off the composition. The simplicity of the scene craved a black and white edit. I have many images to go through from this one shoot, but this was the perfect one to start with. I love the simplicity.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm and b&w bird black canon county eos f/5.6l lesser mclean migration nature pond r reflection rural shore summer water white wildlife yellowleg Sat, 21 Aug 2021 21:03:36 GMT
Driving into the Rocky Mountains Driving into the Rocky MountainsDriving into the Rocky MountainsI don't normally use many images shooting through car windows but I felt this one offered a pretty scene of the ride from Denver into the Rocky Mountains to the West.


I don't normally use many images shooting through car windows but I felt this one offered a pretty scene of the ride from Denver into the Rocky Mountains to the West.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 canon colorado drive eos f/4l landscape mountains nature r roads rocky travel vacation Sat, 14 Aug 2021 20:41:18 GMT
Colorado Whitetails-8 Colorado Whitetails-8Colorado Whitetails-8The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target.

Colorado Whitetails-4Colorado Whitetails-4The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target. Colorado Whitetails-10Colorado Whitetails-10The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target. Colorado Whitetails-7Colorado Whitetails-7The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target. Colorado Whitetails-11Colorado Whitetails-11The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target. Colorado Whitetails-9Colorado Whitetails-9The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target. Colorado WhitetailsColorado WhitetailsThe Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target. Colorado Whitetails-5Colorado Whitetails-5The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target. Colorado Whitetails-3Colorado Whitetails-3The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target. Colorado Whitetails-2Colorado Whitetails-2The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target. Colorado Whitetails-6Colorado Whitetails-6The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target.

The Whitetail Deer population is alive and well in Colorado. A doe and 2 fawns would stroll through the yard almost daily. The fawns were super cute and all would stay for a few minutes before moving into cover. One afternoon we saw a large bobcat, which I never got a photo of, but I would think these fawns could be a target.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon castle colorado deer doe eos f/5.6l family fawns nature r rock whitetail wildlife Sat, 14 Aug 2021 04:34:27 GMT
Rocky Mountain Beauty Rocky Mountain BeautyRocky Mountain BeautyThis striking view caught my eye while hiking a short trail near Breckenridge. The sun blasting through hazy clouds illuminating the mountains and this bank of purple Rocky Mountain Beardtongue was breathtaking.


This striking view caught my eye while hiking a short trail near Breckenridge. The sun blasting through hazy clouds illuminating the mountains and this bank of purple Rocky Mountain Beardtongue was breathtaking.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 beardtongue breckenridge canon colorado eos f/4l flowers landscape mountain nature r rays rocky Fri, 13 Aug 2021 01:57:44 GMT
Moody Mountain View Moody Mountain ViewMoody Mountain ViewThe clouds add such a great mood to the mountain views and make for some great black and white images.


The clouds add such a great mood to the mountain views and make for some great black and white images.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 24-70 and b&w black breckenridge canon clouds colorado eos f/2.8l landscape lift mood mountains nature r rocky white Thu, 12 Aug 2021 14:16:24 GMT
Soaring Mountain High Soaring Mountain HighSoaring Mountain HighI was lucky to get this image of this red-tailed hawk soaring into the scene as I was trying to compose an image of this mountain side and clouds. Oh to be a hawk to soar the Great Rocky Mountains...what views they must get!


I was lucky to get this image of this red-tailed hawk soaring into the scene as I was trying to compose an image of this mountain side and clouds. Oh to be a hawk to soar the Great Rocky Mountains...what views they must get!


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird bird in flight canon 70-200 f/4l canon eos r colorado landscape mountains nature red-tailed hawk rockies summer wildlife Thu, 12 Aug 2021 01:59:55 GMT
Breckenridge in the Clouds Breckenridge in the CloudsBreckenridge in the CloudsCheck out this view of a few of the peaks and ski slopes of Breckenridge, Colorado. The skies seemed so close that you could touch the clouds. The large mountain homes nestled in the trees and the ski slopes and ski lift to the right give a hint as to the fun that happens all winter long in these mountains.


Check out this view of a few of the peaks and ski slopes of Breckenridge, Colorado. The skies seemed so close that you could touch the clouds. The large mountain homes nestled in the trees and the ski slopes and ski lift to the right give a hint as to the fun that happens all winter long in these mountains.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 breckenridge canon colorado eos f/4l landscape mountains nature r ski slopes town Wed, 11 Aug 2021 02:27:37 GMT
Devil's Head in the Front Range Devil's Head in the Front RangeDevil's Head in the Front RangeI hear the Devil's Head Fire Tower Lookout is a pretty amazing view and someday I'd like to check it out, but it is currently closed until December. This unmistakable range sits prominently to the west of Castle Rock and offers amazing views of the Mountains to the West. The park in the foreground is where our kids enjoyed ziplining.


I hear the Devil's Head Fire Tower Lookout is a pretty amazing view and someday I'd like to check it out, but it is currently closed until December. This unmistakable range sits prominently to the west of Castle Rock and offers amazing views of the Mountains to the West. The park in the foreground is where our kids enjoyed ziplining.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm and b&w black canon castle colorado devil's eos f/5.6l head landscape mountains r rock white Tue, 10 Aug 2021 19:59:13 GMT
Morning in Castlewood Canyon Morning in Castlewood CanyonMorning in Castlewood CanyonCastlewood Canyon was a pretty cool state park not far from Castle Rock. The bluffs were beautiful and the plants and birds were plentiful.


Castlewood Canyon was a pretty cool state park not far from Castle Rock. The bluffs were beautiful and the plants and birds were plentiful.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bluffs canon canyon castle castlewood colorado colors dawn eos f/5.6l landscape morning nature r rock Tue, 10 Aug 2021 01:32:27 GMT
Black-headed Grosbeak Black-headed GrosbeakBlack-headed GrosbeakAnother cool first time bird I photographed in Colorado last week...a female/immature Black-headed Grosbeak. I spent weeks taking photos of a blue grosbeak in Central Illinois, so it was cool having this guy show in the backyard of where we stayed in Castle Rock, Co.


Another cool first time bird I photographed in Colorado last week...a female/immature Black-headed Grosbeak. I spent weeks taking photos of a blue grosbeak in Central Illinois, so it was cool having this guy show in the backyard of where we stayed in Castle Rock, Co.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird black-headed canon castle colorado eos f/5.6l grosbeak nature r rock summer wildlife Mon, 09 Aug 2021 17:51:58 GMT
Broad-tailed Hummingbird-5 Broad-tailed Hummingbird-10Broad-tailed Hummingbird-10I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-7Broad-tailed Hummingbird-7I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-8Broad-tailed Hummingbird-8I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-9Broad-tailed Hummingbird-9I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-11Broad-tailed Hummingbird-11I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-14Broad-tailed Hummingbird-14I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-15Broad-tailed Hummingbird-15I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-13Broad-tailed Hummingbird-13I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Rufous Hummingbird-2Rufous Hummingbird-2I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-12Broad-tailed Hummingbird-12I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Rufous Hummingbird-3Rufous Hummingbird-3I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Rufous HummingbirdRufous HummingbirdI really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Rufous Hummingbird-4Rufous Hummingbird-4I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Calliope Hummingbird-2Calliope Hummingbird-2I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Calliope HummingbirdCalliope HummingbirdI really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-6Broad-tailed Hummingbird-6I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-2Broad-tailed Hummingbird-2I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-3Broad-tailed Hummingbird-3I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-4Broad-tailed Hummingbird-4I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed HummingbirdBroad-tailed HummingbirdI really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds. Broad-tailed Hummingbird-5Broad-tailed Hummingbird-5I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds.


I really enjoyed photographing 3 types of hummingbirds in Castle Rock, Colorado. All 3 were new to me...the Broad-tailed hummingbird, the Rufous hummingbird, and then a few of the magnificent Calliope hummingbirds.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon castle colorado eos f/5.6l hummingbird nature r rock wildlife Mon, 09 Aug 2021 05:29:34 GMT
Castle Rock, Colorado Castle Rock, ColoradoCastle Rock, ColoradoI just love this image of a neighborhood in Castle Rock, Colorado resting in the shadows of the mountains to the West.


I just love this image of a neighborhood in Castle Rock, Colorado resting in the shadows of the mountains to the West.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon castle colorado dusk eos f/5.6l landscape mountains nature r rock town Sun, 08 Aug 2021 20:03:47 GMT
Pikes Peak from Castle Rock Pikes Peak from Castle RockPikes Peak from Castle RockHere is a two image panorama of Pikes Peak as seen from the base of Castle Rock, Colorado. This image features I-25 along the right side of the image with an incoming train to the right of that. It was taken at dusk with a beautiful sidelight illuminating the town and mountains. There was a summer haze in the air during the week we were there giving a beautiful atmosphere to the landscapes.


Here is a two image panorama of Pikes Peak as seen from the base of Castle Rock, Colorado. This image features I-25 along the right side of the image with an incoming train to the right of that. It was taken at dusk with a beautiful sidelight illuminating the town and mountains. There was a summer haze in the air during the week we were there giving a beautiful atmosphere to the landscapes.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm atmosphere canon castle colorado dusk eos f/5.6l landscape mirrorless mood mountains nature peak pikes r rock summer towns traffic train Fri, 06 Aug 2021 20:24:02 GMT
Good Morning Deer Good Morning DeerGood Morning DeerThis deer surprised me as I rounded the corner of the trail she raised her head from the leaves. She sat for a long time watching me cautiously. She let me continue on and she never took off. I always feel better when I can enjoy the wildlife but leave without scaring them off. I kept walking and she kept eating.


This deer surprised me as I rounded the corner of the trail she raised her head from the leaves. She sat for a long time watching me cautiously. She let me continue on and she never took off. I always feel better when I can enjoy the wildlife but leave without scaring them off. I kept walking and she kept eating.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central county deer doe eos f/5.6l illinois mammal mclean midwest nature r wildlife Mon, 19 Jul 2021 17:45:54 GMT
Midwest Dusk Midwest DuskMidwest DuskA peaceful, tranquil scene in the Midwest worthy of a photograph.


A peaceful, tranquil scene in the Midwest worthy of a photograph.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central county eos f/5.6l illinois landscape mclean midwest nature r rural Sun, 18 Jul 2021 00:16:35 GMT
Red Winged Blackbird in Good Light-3 Red Winged Blackbird in Good Light-3Red Winged Blackbird in Good Light-3Beautiful Red-Winged Blackbird in good light at Shroeder nature preserve last week. This bird was fine with flying form tree to tree and singing fairly close to me. I love this summer resident in Central Illinois.

Red Winged Blackbird in Good LightRed Winged Blackbird in Good LightBeautiful Red-Winged Blackbird in good light at Shroeder nature preserve last week. This bird was fine with flying form tree to tree and singing fairly close to me. I love this summer resident in Central Illinois. Red Winged Blackbird in Good Light-2Red Winged Blackbird in Good Light-2Beautiful Red-Winged Blackbird in good light at Shroeder nature preserve last week. This bird was fine with flying form tree to tree and singing fairly close to me. I love this summer resident in Central Illinois.


Beautiful Red-Winged Blackbird in good light at Shroeder nature preserve last week. This bird was fine with flying form tree to tree and singing fairly close to me. I love this summer resident in Central Illinois.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird blackbird canon central county eos f/5.6l illinois mclean midwest nature r red-winged summer wildlife Fri, 16 Jul 2021 16:44:36 GMT
Sassy Doe  

Sassy Doe-2Sassy Doe-2I feel like she was getting fresh with me. Sassy DoeSassy DoeI feel like she was getting fresh with me.


I feel like she was getting fresh with me.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central county doe eos f/5.6l fresh funny. illinois mclean nature preserve r sassy shroeder wildlife Tue, 13 Jul 2021 19:35:48 GMT
Eastern Meadowlark-1 Eastern Meadowlark-1Eastern Meadowlark-1The Eastern Meadowlark is one of those birds that makes their presence known from their calls along country roads, fields, and prairies. I love their yellow chest with the black V and their brown steaks on the back.

Eastern Meadowlark-7Eastern Meadowlark-7The Eastern Meadowlark is one of those birds that makes their presence known from their calls along country roads, fields, and prairies. I love their yellow chest with the black V and their brown steaks on the back. Eastern Meadowlark-6Eastern Meadowlark-6The Eastern Meadowlark is one of those birds that makes their presence known from their calls along country roads, fields, and prairies. I love their yellow chest with the black V and their brown steaks on the back. Eastern Meadowlark-2Eastern Meadowlark-2The Eastern Meadowlark is one of those birds that makes their presence known from their calls along country roads, fields, and prairies. I love their yellow chest with the black V and their brown steaks on the back. Eastern Meadowlark-3Eastern Meadowlark-3The Eastern Meadowlark is one of those birds that makes their presence known from their calls along country roads, fields, and prairies. I love their yellow chest with the black V and their brown steaks on the back. Eastern Meadowlark-5Eastern Meadowlark-5The Eastern Meadowlark is one of those birds that makes their presence known from their calls along country roads, fields, and prairies. I love their yellow chest with the black V and their brown steaks on the back. Eastern Meadowlark-4Eastern Meadowlark-4The Eastern Meadowlark is one of those birds that makes their presence known from their calls along country roads, fields, and prairies. I love their yellow chest with the black V and their brown steaks on the back.


The Eastern Meadowlark is one of those birds that makes their presence known from their calls along country roads, fields, and prairies. I love their yellow chest with the black V and their brown steaks on the back.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon eastern eos f/5.6 grasslands meadowlark nature prairies r summer wildlife Sat, 10 Jul 2021 23:19:19 GMT
A White-tail in the Prairie A White-tail in the PrairieA White-tail in the PrairieI took this image from my car as I was leaving Shroeder Nature Preserve in McLean County. It was pretty awesome seeing this white-tail doe walking through the tall prairie flowers near sunset. There wasn't much light left so I was thankful there was enough to get this image before heading home. I watched her for awhile and once she noticed me she didn't seem to mind at all and I have a few more images of her making faces at me, unfortunately, in dimmer light. I'll try to share them if they are usable. She was a joy to watch.


I took this image from my car as I was leaving Shroeder Nature Preserve in McLean County. It was pretty awesome seeing this white-tail doe walking through the tall prairie flowers near sunset. There wasn't much light left so I was thankful there was enough to get this image before heading home. I watched her for awhile and once she noticed me she didn't seem to mind at all and I have a few more images of her making faces at me, unfortunately, in dimmer light. I'll try to share them if they are usable. She was a joy to watch.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central county deer doe eos f/5.6l illinois mclean nature preserve r shroeder white-tail wildlife Sat, 10 Jul 2021 00:48:31 GMT
Young Buck Springing Through the Beans Young Buck Springing Through the BeansYoung Buck Springing Through the BeansI estimate this young buck cleared 4 rows of beans per leap. Impressive leaping ability!


I estimate this young buck cleared 4 rows of beans per leap. Impressive leaping ability!


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bean buck canon central country county deer eos evergreen f/5.6l field illinois lake mclean nature r white-tailed wildlife Fri, 09 Jul 2021 20:38:41 GMT
Mourning Dove Sitting Pretty Mourning Dove Sitting PrettyMourning Dove Sitting PrettyI love the common, yet beautiful, mourning dove. They are in abundance in North America. I also love the sound their wings make when they take off. After a little research, I found that they can reach speeds of 55mph! That is impressive.


I love the common, yet beautiful, mourning dove. They are in abundance in North America. I also love the sound their wings make when they take off. After a little research, I found that they can reach speeds of 55mph! That is impressive.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county day dove eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois lake light low mclean mourning nature r stormy wildlife Fri, 09 Jul 2021 19:11:22 GMT
Ruby Throated Hummingbird Hovering Ruby Throated Hummingbird HoveringRuby Throated Hummingbird HoveringIt was a beautiful night with beautiful light to get hummingbird images. Here is a ruby throated hummingbird hovering nicely for a portrait.


It was a beautiful night with beautiful light to get hummingbird images. Here is a ruby throated hummingbird hovering nicely for a portrait.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird bird-in-flight canon central county eos f/5.6l funk's grove hovering hummingbird illinois mclean nature r ruby summer throated wildlife Fri, 09 Jul 2021 02:59:03 GMT
Barn Swallows Getting Fed Barn Swallows Getting FedBarn Swallows Getting FedA two-image series of a barn swallow feeding its fledglings. The past week and a half swallows have been swooping fields and ponds not only feeding themselves but also their many fledglings. While the light and sharpness weren't ideal for these two images, I just love this series and the nature caught, especially the barn swallow diving for an insect.

Barn Swallows Getting Fed-2Barn Swallows Getting Fed-2A two-image series of a barn swallow feeding its fledglings. The past week and a half swallows have been swooping fields and ponds not only feeding themselves but also their many fledglings. While the light and sharpness weren't ideal for these two images, I just love this series and the nature caught, especially the barn swallow diving for an insect.

A two-image series of a barn swallow feeding its fledglings. The past week and a half swallows have been swooping fields and ponds not only feeding themselves but also their many fledglings. While the light and sharpness weren't ideal for these two images, I just love this series and the nature caught, especially the barn swallow diving for an insect.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm and b&w barn birds black canon central county eos evergreen f/5.6l fledglings illinois lake mclean nature r summer swallows white wildlife Thu, 08 Jul 2021 20:32:04 GMT
Young Central Illinois Buck Young Central Illinois BuckYoung Central Illinois BuckThis was taken on my way home after driving around Lake Evergreen. I spotted this young buck with velvet still on his developing antlers. I just love this entire scene epitomizing Central Illinois.


This was taken on my way home after driving around Lake Evergreen. I spotted this young buck with velvet still on his developing antlers. I just love this entire scene epitomizing Central Illinois.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm buck canon central county eos evening evergreen f/5.6l illinois lake landscape mclean nature r white-tailed wildlife Thu, 08 Jul 2021 18:26:25 GMT
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Yellow-billed CuckooYellow-billed CuckooA cool bird that I usually hear more than I see and now I can say I finally have a good usable image of one. There were a pair of them that stayed high up in the trees chasing insects. It was a challenge to get a clear image at all and I was dealing with swarms of mosquitoes myself. I'm sure I will have several new bites in the morning but it was worth it getting a photograph and to watch this pair chasing insects from tree top to tree top.


A cool bird that I usually hear more than I see and now I can say I finally have a good usable image of one. There were a pair of them that stayed high up in the trees chasing insects. It was a challenge to get a clear image at all and I was dealing with swarms of mosquitoes myself. I'm sure I will have several new bites in the morning but it was worth it getting a photograph and to watch this pair chasing insects from tree top to tree top.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county cuckoo eos f/5.6l illinois mclean merwin nature preserve r wildlife yellow-billed Thu, 08 Jul 2021 05:23:11 GMT
Tree Swallow Skimming the Pond for Bugs Tree Swallow Skimming the Pond for BugsTree Swallow Skimming the Pond for BugsAnother image of a bird in flight flying fast and low over the pond. The swallows are fun to watch as they pick off bugs in midair. I have several missed/failed attempts but this one was worth the trial and errors.


Another image of a bird in flight flying fast and low over the pond. The swallows are fun to watch as they pick off bugs in midair. I have several missed/failed attempts but this one was worth the trial and errors.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird-in-flight canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r central illinois fast mclean county nature shroeder nature preserve summer swallow tree wildlife Wed, 07 Jul 2021 20:58:55 GMT
Cruising Spotted Sandpiper Cruising Spotted SandpiperCruising Spotted SandpiperI observed several swallows working this pond for insects but this spotted sandpiper surprised me as it whipped by across the pond. It made one pass before looping back around for another pass. I was ready for the second fly-by. I did my best to track this bird and get this image.


I observed several swallows working this pond for insects but this spotted sandpiper surprised me as it whipped by across the pond. It made one pass before looping back around for another pass. I was ready for the second fly-by. I did my best to track this bird and get this image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird-in-flight canon central county eos f/5.6l illinois mclean nature pond preserve r sandpiper shorebird shroeder spotted summer wildlife Wed, 07 Jul 2021 02:09:30 GMT
Flying Into the Last Remaining Light of the Day Flying Into the Last Remaining Light of the DayFlying Into the Last Remaining Light of the DayThis might be my new personal favorite cardinal image. The light in the wooded area was almost gone as the sun was close to setting. There were a couple of cardinals flying around actively and I really wanted to get one in flight. As luck would have it, a cardinal flew directly into the last bit of light piercing the trees and I was able to snap a series of images. The light illuminates the red face and gives the cardinal separation from the lush background nicely. Nature photography is very technical and being ready for the moment is key, but, ultimately, much of it depends on what the animal gives you.


This might be my new personal favorite cardinal image. The light in the wooded area was almost gone as the sun was close to setting. There were a couple of cardinals flying around actively and I really wanted to get one in flight. As luck would have it, a cardinal flew directly into the last bit of light piercing the trees and I was able to snap a series of images. The light illuminates the red face and gives the cardinal separation from the lush background nicely. Nature photography is very technical and being ready for the moment is key, but, ultimately, much of it depends on what the animal gives you.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bif bird bird-in-flight canon cardinal central county eos f/5.6l illinois light mclean nature preserve r red shroeder wildlife Tue, 06 Jul 2021 17:09:25 GMT
Common Yellowthroat Singing From a Compass Plant Common Yellowthroat Singing From a Compass PlantCommon Yellowthroat Singing From a Compass PlantThe prairie is full of these tall compass plants sticking up through the sea of perennials. They have beautiful yellow blooms and as a photographer I always dream of what colorful bird might be perched on top singing. On this particular July evening, the common yellowthroat was belting out a tune. I had to look carefully as it blended in so well with the yellow blooms in the early evening light. Their songs are one of the first I hear this time of year along the trails as I'm learning to recognize more bird calls.


The prairie is full of these tall compass plants sticking up through the sea of perennials. They have beautiful yellow blooms and as a photographer I always dream of what colorful bird might be perched on top singing. On this particular July evening, the common yellowthroat was belting out a tune. I had to look carefully as it blended in so well with the yellow blooms in the early evening light. Their songs are one of the first I hear this time of year along the trails as I'm learning to recognize more bird calls.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central common compass county eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois lake mclean nature plant r summer wildlife yellow yellowthroat Mon, 05 Jul 2021 20:46:19 GMT
4th of July in Central Illinois 4th of July in Central Illinois4th of July in Central IllinoisIn an attempt to get some Bloomington/Normal rireworks to celebrate 4th of July 2021, we went out looking for a fairly remote spot just outside of town. My idea was to try to get a more rural setting with a farm or pasture in the foreground. We pulled over on the rural road in front of Rader Family Farm, a place we have always taken the kids in the fall to check out pumpkins and enjoy fall games. Rader Pumpkin Patch has always been a fun time for our family every year (I'll include a link to their page below). When we pulled up, the red barn was just perfect but I didn't know if it would show up enough as the sun set. Within a few minutes the lights on the barn lit up as if to say, "no worries". The scene was perfect for a firework show. In the distance were the Fairview Park fireworks in Normal. With several images and some editing, this turned out better than anticipated.

Rader Family Farm


In an attempt to get some Bloomington/Normal rireworks to celebrate 4th of July 2021, we went out looking for a fairly remote spot just outside of town. My idea was to try to get a more rural setting with a farm or pasture in the foreground. We pulled over on the rural road in front of Rader Family Farm, a place we have always taken the kids in the fall to check out pumpkins and enjoy fall games. Rader Pumpkin Patch has always been a fun time for our family every year (I'll include a link to their page below). When we pulled up, the red barn was just perfect but I didn't know if it would show up enough as the sun set. Within a few minutes the lights on the barn lit up as if to say, "no worries". The scene was perfect for a firework show. In the distance were the Fairview Park fireworks in Normal. With several images and some editing, this turned out better than anticipated.

Rader Family Farm


(Troy Marcy Photography) 4th 70-200 bloomington/normal canon central eos f/4l family farm festive fireworks fun holiday illinois july landscape midwest of r rader Mon, 05 Jul 2021 04:58:07 GMT
Female Orchard Oriole Says Happy 4th! Female Orchard Oriole Says Happy 4th!Female Orchard Oriole Says Happy 4th!The orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all!

Orchard Oriole On WatchOrchard Oriole On WatchThe orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all! Baltimore Oriole in Beautiful Side LightBaltimore Oriole in Beautiful Side LightThe orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all! Baltimore Oriole in a White Mulberry TreeBaltimore Oriole in a White Mulberry TreeThe orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all! Oriole Sitting Pretty in a TreeOriole Sitting Pretty in a TreeThe orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all! Oriole in the Tree Tops with an InsectOriole in the Tree Tops with an InsectThe orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all! Orchard Oriole Flying Under a Shade TreeOrchard Oriole Flying Under a Shade TreeThe orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all! Oriole Looking Majestic on her Blackberry BushOriole Looking Majestic on her Blackberry BushThe orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all! Pretty Oriole in a Black Walnut TreePretty Oriole in a Black Walnut TreeThe orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all!

Orchard Oriole in the Thick PrairieOrchard Oriole in the Thick PrairieThe orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all!

The orioles, both the Baltimore and Orchard, were out if full force this week at Lake Evergreen. I'll share a series of images on this beautiful 4th of July Weekend! Happy 4th of July all!


(Troy Marcy Photography) birds canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r central illinois lake evergreen mclean county mirrorless nature orioles wildlife Sun, 04 Jul 2021 22:31:15 GMT
Female Red-winged Blackbird with a Moth Female Red-winged Blackbird with a MothFemale Red-winged Blackbird with a MothI watched this female red-winged blackbird flying all over the place and when it finally flew by in a straight line, I noticed it had a big, juicy moth in its beak. She flew close enough to me to show off what she caught. I was just happy that I was able to catch a quick image of her with her prize.


I watched this female red-winged blackbird flying all over the place and when it finally flew by in a straight line, I noticed it had a big, juicy moth in its beak. She flew close enough to me to show off what she caught. I was just happy that I was able to catch a quick image of her with her prize.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird blackbird canon central county eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois insect lake mclean nature r red-winged wildlife Sun, 04 Jul 2021 03:08:56 GMT
Evening Song by a Dickcissel Evening Song by a DickcisselEvening Song by a DickcisselThese vibrant little birds have been lining the prairie singing their songs from all directions. Dickcissels were everywhere at Lake Evergreen.


These vibrant little birds have been lining the prairie singing their songs from all directions. Dickcissels were everywhere at Lake Evergreen.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county dickcissel eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois lake mclean nature r song wildlife Sat, 03 Jul 2021 16:28:58 GMT
Eastern Towhee Making Himself Heard Eastern Towhee Making Himself HeardEastern Towhee Making Himself HeardI always enjoy hearing their song carrying through the prairie. The eastern towhee has striking looks especially with their red eyes that really pop against their black head feathers.


I always enjoy hearing their song carrying through the prairie. The eastern towhee has striking looks especially with their red eyes that really pop against their black head feathers.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon central county eastern eos evergreen f/5.6l illinois lake mclean midwest nature r singing towhee wildlife Sat, 03 Jul 2021 01:27:57 GMT
Storming on the Plains Storming on the PlainsStorming on the PlainsOne of the many waves of storms that pushed through Central Illinois last week.


One of the many waves of storms that pushed through Central Illinois last week.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm beauty canon central colors eos f/5.6l illinois landscape nature plains r storms Fri, 02 Jul 2021 21:20:56 GMT
Portrait of a Female Blue Grosbeak Portrait of a Blue GrosbeakPortrait of a Blue GrosbeakI spent another evening with this Blue Grosbeak pair as they worked hard catching insects and taking them to their fledglings. This was the very last image I took of the evening. He landed on a bush maybe 12 feet away...the closest he got to me all night. I feel like we established a trust. He knew I would stay behind my camera and tripod and not make any sudden moves while he tended to his nest. I did get more images of both males in better light tonight so I'll share more over time. The other cool thing is when I was walking much further on the trail over 2 pastures away, I ran into another blue grosbeak pair that were working along a fence line by a bean field.


I spent another evening with this Blue Grosbeak pair as they worked hard catching insects and taking them to their fledglings. This was the very last image I took of the evening. She landed on a bush maybe 12 feet away...the closest she got to me all night. I feel like we established a trust. She knew I would stay behind my camera and tripod and not make any sudden moves while she tended to her nest. I did get more images of both the male and female in better light tonight so I'll share more over time. The other cool thing is when I was walking much further on the trail over 2 pastures away, I ran into another blue grosbeak pair that were working along a fence line by a bean field.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird blue canon central colors county eos evergreen f/5.6l female grosbeak illinois lake mclean mirrorless nature portrait r summer wildlife Fri, 02 Jul 2021 03:04:00 GMT
Blend In Young Buck Blend In Young BuckBlend In Young BuckWhile hiking I saw some dear across the bean field. If I wasn't looking through my camera/lens, I totally would have missed this young buck as he was standing perfectly between bean rows.


While hiking I saw some dear across the bean field. If I wasn't looking through my camera/lens, I totally would have missed this young buck as he was standing perfectly between bean rows.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm beans buck canon central county deer eos evergreen f/5.6l field illinois lake mclean midwest mirrorless nature r summer wildlife Thu, 01 Jul 2021 16:24:16 GMT
Female Blue Grosbeak-1 Blue Grosbeak-1Blue Grosbeak-1This male blue grosbeak has become one of my favorite little birds. He has been very active and photogenic. He would give his beautiful call and fly back and forth across the walking path and perch in the tall prairie flowers, giving several opportunities to photograph him. He has such personality while the other male usually stayed fairly hidden in the taller branches of the trees. I also enjoy his rich brown and blue colors and markings. He has been a joy to photograph.

Blue Grosbeak-2Blue Grosbeak-2This male blue grosbeak has become one of my favorite little birds. He has been very active and photogenic. He would give his beautiful call and fly back and forth across the walking path and perch in the tall prairie flowers, giving several opportunities to photograph him. He has such personality while the other male usually stayed fairly hidden in the taller branches of the trees. I also enjoy his rich brown and blue colors and markings. He has been a joy to photograph. Blue Grosbeak-3Blue Grosbeak-3This male blue grosbeak has become one of my favorite little birds. He has been very active and photogenic. He would give his beautiful call and fly back and forth across the walking path and perch in the tall prairie flowers, giving several opportunities to photograph him. He has such personality while the other male usually stayed fairly hidden in the taller branches of the trees. I also enjoy his rich brown and blue colors and markings. He has been a joy to photograph. Blue Grosbeak-8Blue Grosbeak-8This male blue grosbeak has become one of my favorite little birds. He has been very active and photogenic. He would give his beautiful call and fly back and forth across the walking path and perch in the tall prairie flowers, giving several opportunities to photograph him. He has such personality while the other male usually stayed fairly hidden in the taller branches of the trees. I also enjoy his rich brown and blue colors and markings. He has been a joy to photograph. Blue Grosbeak-7Blue Grosbeak-7This male blue grosbeak has become one of my favorite little birds. He has been very active and photogenic. He would give his beautiful call and fly back and forth across the walking path and perch in the tall prairie flowers, giving several opportunities to photograph him. He has such personality while the other male usually stayed fairly hidden in the taller branches of the trees. I also enjoy his rich brown and blue colors and markings. He has been a joy to photograph. Female Blue Grosbeak-6Female Blue Grosbeak-6This male blue grosbeak has become one of my favorite little birds. He has been very active and photogenic. He would give his beautiful call and fly back and forth across the walking path and perch in the tall prairie flowers, giving several opportunities to photograph him. He has such personality while the other male usually stayed fairly hidden in the taller branches of the trees. I also enjoy his rich brown and blue colors and markings. He has been a joy to photograph. Blue Grosbeak-4Blue Grosbeak-4This male blue grosbeak has become one of my favorite little birds. He has been very active and photogenic. He would give his beautiful call and fly back and forth across the walking path and perch in the tall prairie flowers, giving several opportunities to photograph him. He has such personality while the other male usually stayed fairly hidden in the taller branches of the trees. I also enjoy his rich brown and blue colors and markings. He has been a joy to photograph. Blue Grosbeak-5Blue Grosbeak-5This male blue grosbeak has become one of my favorite little birds. He has been very active and photogenic. He would give his beautiful call and fly back and forth across the walking path and perch in the tall prairie flowers, giving several opportunities to photograph him. He has such personality while the other male usually stayed fairly hidden in the taller branches of the trees. I also enjoy his rich brown and blue colors and markings. He has been a joy to photograph.

This female blue grosbeak has become one of my favorite little birds. Unlike the male blue grosbeak, she has been very active and photogenic. She would give her beautiful call and fly back and forth across the walking path and perch in the tall prairie flowers, giving several opportunities to photograph her. She has such personality while the male usually stayed fairly hidden in the taller branches of the trees. I also enjoy her rich brown and blue colors and markings. She has been a joy to photograph.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird blue canon county eos evergreen f/5.6l female grosbeak il lake mclean mirrorless nature r summer wildlife Thu, 01 Jul 2021 05:50:54 GMT
Barns in a Storm Barns in a StormBarns in a StormI drive by these barns from time to time and always think what a great subject for a photo in the right conditions. Yesterday I drove by them and thought this passing storm as a backdrop would be the perfect opportunity to photograph them. I got a late start and couldn't get out in front of the storm so I decided to lag behind the storm and hang out by these barns to wait for the right moment.


I drive by these barns from time to time and always thin what a great subject for a photo in the right conditions. Yesterday I drove by them and thought this passing storm as a backdrop would be the perfect opportunity to photograph them. I got a late start and couldn't get out in front of the storm so I decided to lag behind the storm and hang out by these barns to wait for the right moment.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 24-70 barns beauty canon central eos f/2.8l illinois june landscape nature r storms summer Tue, 29 Jun 2021 23:21:17 GMT
Male Blue Grosbeak Male Blue Grosbeak-4Male Blue Grosbeak-4I had fun taking photos of a male and female blue grosbeak at Lake Evergreen last night. The storms rolled through and the clouds were heavy so I didn't get the best light for these images but it was fun trying. It is such a beautiful bird. Male Blue Grosbeak-3Male Blue Grosbeak-3I had fun taking photos of a male and female blue grosbeak at Lake Evergreen last night. The storms rolled through and the clouds were heavy so I didn't get the best light for these images but it was fun trying. It is such a beautiful bird. Male Blue GrosbeakMale Blue GrosbeakI had fun taking photos of a male and female blue grosbeak at Lake Evergreen last night. The storms rolled through and the clouds were heavy so I didn't get the best light for these images but it was fun trying. It is such a beautiful bird. Male Blue Grosbeak-6Male Blue Grosbeak-6I had fun taking photos of a male and female blue grosbeak at Lake Evergreen last night. The storms rolled through and the clouds were heavy so I didn't get the best light for these images but it was fun trying. It is such a beautiful bird. Male Blue Grosbeak-5Male Blue Grosbeak-5I had fun taking photos of a male and female blue grosbeak at Lake Evergreen last night. The storms rolled through and the clouds were heavy so I didn't get the best light for these images but it was fun trying. It is such a beautiful bird. Male Blue Grosbeak-2Male Blue Grosbeak-2I had fun taking photos of a male and female blue grosbeak at Lake Evergreen last night. The storms rolled through and the clouds were heavy so I didn't get the best light for these images but it was fun trying. It is such a beautiful bird.


I had fun taking photos of a male and female blue grosbeak at Lake Evergreen last night. The storms rolled through and the clouds were heavy so I didn't get the best light for these images but it was fun trying. It is such a beautiful bird.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird blue canon eos evergreen f/5.6l grosbeak illinois lake landscape light low male midwest nature r wildlife Tue, 29 Jun 2021 20:47:55 GMT
Acadian Flycatcher Acadian FlycatcherAcadian FlycatcherI spotted this sweet little flycatcher along the gold mine trail in Tazewell County, near the Mackinaw River. I can never really tell these flycatchers apart but after hearing the song and checking against the merlin bird app, sure enough, this had to be an Acadian Flycatcher.


I spotted this sweet little flycatcher along the gold mine trail in Tazewell County, near the Mackinaw River. I can never really tell these flycatchers apart but after hearing the song and checking against the merlin bird app, sure enough, this had to be an Acadian Flycatcher.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 6-22-21 acadian flycatcher bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r gold mine trail illinois mackinaw river valley midwest nature summer tazewell county wildlife Sat, 26 Jun 2021 05:24:53 GMT
Leaping Through the Fields Leaping Through the FieldsLeaping Through the FieldsI startled this doe as she was feeding in the fields...she startled me too. I didn't know she was there until I heard something brushing the bushes as she leaped by. I managed a couple of quick images before she vanished in the tree line.


I startled this doe as she was feeding in the fields...she startled me too. I didn't know she was there until I heard something brushing the bushes as she leaped by. I managed a couple of quick images before she vanished in the tree line.


(Troy Marcy Photography) canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r frolic illinois jump mackinaw river valley nature summer tazewell county white-tailed deer wildlife Thu, 24 Jun 2021 22:52:39 GMT
The Beautiful Chipping Sparrow The Beautiful Chipping SparrowThe Beautiful Chipping SparrowI love the markings of the chipping sparrow. The best thing about photographing small birds that are always on the move is the ability to freeze them to really study their beautiful features and markings. These chipping sparrows always seem to be ducking under cover so fast that it can be difficult to really appreciate how beautiful they are.


I love the markings of the chipping sparrow. The best thing about photographing small birds that are always on the move is the ability to freeze them to really study their beautiful features and markings. These chipping sparrows always seem to be ducking under cover so fast that it can be difficult to really appreciate how beautiful they are.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon chipping county eos f/5.6l feathers mackinaw markings nature r river sparrow tazewell valley wildlife Thu, 24 Jun 2021 05:36:09 GMT
Indigo Bunting Peeking Through the Wildflowers Indigo Bunting Peeking Through the WildflowersIndigo Bunting Peeking Through the WildflowersThere were so many indigo buntings patrolling the wooded areas near the Mackinaw River in Tazewell County today. I was hoping to get one on some wildflowers but had to settle for this image of the bunting peeking out through these beautiful wildflowers.


There were so many indigo buntings patrolling the wooded areas near the Mackinaw River in Tazewell County today. I was hoping to get one on some wildflowers but had to settle for this image of the bunting peeking out through these beautiful wildflowers.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird bunting canon central colors county eos f/5.6l flowers illinois indigo mackinaw mirrorless nature r river summer tazewell valley wildlife Wed, 23 Jun 2021 03:01:18 GMT
Bluejay with a Bug Blue Jay with a BugBlue Jay with a BugGoing through some images I took this spring and I came across this one of a bluejay that had been hopping around on the ground and found a snack. I was able to get an image of it posing on this metal post before taking off. I just love the vibrancy of this image and clarity of the jay.


Going through some images I took this spring and I came across this one of a bluejay that had been hopping around on the ground and found a snack. I was able to get an image of it posing on this metal post before taking off. I just love the vibrancy of this image and clarity of the jay.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird blue bluejay canon colors county eos ewing f/5.6l insect mclean nature park r spring wildlife Sun, 20 Jun 2021 06:19:09 GMT
Magnolia Warbler Looking for Bugs Magnolia Warbler Looking for BugsMagnolia Warbler Looking for BugsI know I got in a little late on the warbler action this year and pretty much only saw a few varieties. The magnolia warbler was probably the most abundant warbler during the times I went. I'm not complaining as they are so very beautiful with their colors and markings. I liked this scene as the warbler was in the pounce position looking for a the next unsuspecting bug to fly by.


I know I got in a little late on the warbler action this year and pretty much only saw a few varieties. The magnolia warbler was probably the most abundant warbler during the times I went. I'm not complaining as they are so very beautiful with their colors and markings. I liked this scene as the warbler was in the pounce position looking for a the next unsuspecting bug to fly by.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos ewing f/5.6l il magnolia mclean migration mirrorless nature park r spring warbler wildlife Thu, 27 May 2021 23:05:07 GMT
Singing Gray Catbird Singing Gray CatbirdSinging Gray CatbirdI could listen to these Gray Catbirds sing all day long...such beautiful songs! This was taken May 19th at Ewing Park in McLean County.


I could listen to these Gray Catbirds sing all day long...such beautiful songs! This was taken May 19th at Ewing Park in McLean County.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon catbird county eos ewing f/5.6l gray mclean midwest migration mirrorless nature park r singing song spring wildlife Wed, 26 May 2021 21:38:11 GMT
Posing Scarlet Tanager Posing Scarlet TanagerPosing Scarlet TanagerI was in awe of this posing scarlet tanager in beautiful evening light last Wednesday. Despite having vibrant colors, he blended in nicely with the sunlit leaves. I believe this is a non-breeding male and he posed nicely for a quick photo.


I was in awe of this posing scarlet tanager in beautiful evening light last Wednesday. Despite having vibrant colors, he blended in nicely with the sunlit leaves. I believe this is a non-breeding male and he posed nicely for a quick photo.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird bloomington canon colors eos ewing f/5.6l il migration nature park r scarlet spring tanager vibrant wildlife Mon, 24 May 2021 22:59:15 GMT
Red-eyed Vireo Among the Honeysuckle Red-eyed Vireo Among the HoneysuckleRed-eyed Vireo Among the HoneysuckleI was happy to just enough light on the eye of this pretty vireo to see the red. Such a sweet little bird surrounded by the sweet smells of the honeysuckle blooms.


I was happy to just enough light on the eye of this pretty vireo to see the red. Such a sweet little bird surrounded by the sweet smells of the honeysuckle blooms.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bloomington canon eos ewing f/5.6l honeysuckle illinois migrations nature park r red-eyed vireo wildlife Sun, 23 May 2021 15:34:33 GMT
Indigo Bunting Looking Vibrant Indigo Bunting Looking VibrantIndigo Bunting Looking VibrantThe indigo bunting is one beautiful little bird. Thankfully a friend of mine and his son are getting into birding and I ran into him while at the park today and mentioned that I haven't seen many indigo buntings this year. This young man, new to birding, says, "follow me, I have seen them over here". Sure enough we see a couple of pairs of indigo buntings flying around. Thank you Bode! I love seeing the next generation getting into birding and nature.


The indigo bunting is one beautiful little bird. Thankfully a friend of mine and his son are getting into birding and I ran into him while at the park today and mentioned that I haven't seen many indigo buntings this year. This young man, new to birding, says, "follow me, I have seen them over here". Sure enough we see a couple of pairs of indigo buntings flying around. Thank you Bode! I love seeing the next generation getting into birding and nature.


(Troy Marcy Photography) Sun, 23 May 2021 02:44:08 GMT
Olive-sided Flycatcher with a Bee Olive-sided Flycatcher with a BeeOlive-sided Flycatcher with a BeeThe flycatchers have been out in full force at Ewing this week and this olive-sided flycatcher is one of my favorites. If you look close you can see a bee held firmly in its beak. Unfortunately this image is cropped fairly heavily, sacrificing image quality, as these birds like to sit at the top of the tallest trees in the park to scout out their next insect.


The flycatchers have been out in full force at Ewing this week and this olive-sided flycatcher is one of my favorites. If you look close you can see a bee held firmly in its beak. Unfortunately this image is cropped fairly heavily, sacrificing image quality, as these birds like to sit at the top of the tallest trees in the park to scout out their next insect.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park illinois insect mclean county mirrorless nature olive-sided flycatcher wildlife Sat, 22 May 2021 20:02:57 GMT
Hooded Warbler Series Side Profile of the Hooded WarblerSide Profile of the Hooded WarblerAn image from a series of images of this beautiful little hooded warbler.

Hooded Warbler in the ThicketHooded Warbler in the ThicketAn image from a series of images of this beautiful little hooded warbler. Hooded Warbler in the ShadowsHooded Warbler in the ShadowsAn image from a series of images of this beautiful little hooded warbler. Hooded Warbler PoseHooded Warbler PoseAn image from a series of images of this beautiful little hooded warbler. Hooded Warbler on SticksHooded Warbler on SticksAn image from a series of images of this beautiful little hooded warbler.

An image from a series of images of this beautiful little hooded warbler.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r canon mirrorless color ewing park hooded warbler mclean county nature wildlife yellow Fri, 21 May 2021 03:11:00 GMT
Hooded Warbler Hooded WarblerHooded WarblerI'm very excited about this hooded warbler that I spotted this evening at Ewing park. I was heading back to the parking lot and decided to take a look along the creek one last time. I saw something yellow pop out of the brush and I couldn't believe my eyes once I looked through the viewfinder. The most beautiful little yellow warbler...a hooded warbler! I'm so thankful this little bird gave me a chance for this image. This is a lifer for me.


I'm very excited about this hooded warbler that I spotted this evening at Ewing park. I was heading back to the parking lot and decided to take a look along the creek one last time. I saw something yellow pop out of the brush and I couldn't believe my eyes once I looked through the viewfinder. The most beautiful little yellow warbler...a hooded warbler! I'm so thankful this little bird gave me a chance for this image. This is a lifer for me.


(Troy Marcy Photography) bird canon 400mm f/5.6l canon eos r ewing park hooded lifer mclean county nature warbler wildlife yellow Thu, 20 May 2021 00:50:41 GMT
Inquisitive Cardinal Inquisitive CardinalInquisitive CardinalI love when a bird poses for me. Usually I only get a second or two before they fly off, hop to another branch, or duck under cover. Every now and then I get lucky and a bird will sit still for me and give me a quick pose or two. This male cardinal was very cooperative. His female friend flew off but he stuck around for a few extra minutes to pose for a quick photo.


I love when a bird poses for me. Usually I only get a second or two before they fly off, hop to another branch, or duck under cover. Every now and then I get lucky and a bird will sit still for me and give me a quick pose or two. This male cardinal was very cooperative. His female friend flew off but he stuck around for a few extra minutes to pose for a quick photo.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon cardinal colors county eos ewing f/5.6l illinois male mclean nature park r red spring wildlife Tue, 18 May 2021 21:52:28 GMT
Magnolia Warbler Among the Leaves Magnolia Warbler Among the LeavesMagnolia Warbler Among the LeavesI love this image of a sweet little magnolia warbler spotted through the thick branches and leaves. It shows just how difficult it can be to spot and photograph these little birds. The out of focus foreground and background leaves really help to frame and bring out the focus of this bird.


I love this image of a sweet little magnolia warbler spotted through the thick branches and leaves. It shows just how difficult it can be to spot and photograph these little birds. The out of focus foreground and background leaves really help to frame and bring out the focus of this bird.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon county eos ewing f/5.6l magnolia mclean nature park r warbler wildlife Mon, 17 May 2021 03:54:26 GMT
Chestnut-sided Warbler Basking in the Glow Chestnut-sided Warbler Basking in the GlowChestnut-sided Warbler Basking in the GlowLife has been busy and full lately, which has limited my ability and energy to get out and enjoy the spring migration. Yesterday I was able to take advantage of one of the nicer days of the Spring and see some beautiful birds. It is never easy photographing these little birds, especially with the trees full of leaves but several gave me some good looks. This little chestnut-sided warbler stopped to enjoy a bit of sun on its face long enough for me to take a profile image. Hopefully I can enjoy a few more moments with these colorful little warblers this Spring.


Life has been busy and full lately, which has limited my ability and energy to get out and enjoy the spring migration. Yesterday I was able to take advantage of one of the nicer days of the Spring and see some beautiful birds. It is never easy photographing these little birds, especially with the trees full of leaves but several gave me some good looks. This little chestnut-sided warbler stopped to enjoy a bit of sun on its face long enough for me to take a profile image. Hopefully I can enjoy a few more moments with these colorful little warblers this Spring.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird canon chestnut-sided colors eos f/5.6l nature r warbler wildlife Sat, 15 May 2021 22:56:45 GMT
Pretty Pitbull Pretty PitbullPretty PitbullHere is Bella, the first of our 2 puppies we adopted in the winter. She is so sweet and loving to our family, and especially our son. They are buddies already. She has the most loving temperament and it shows in her beautiful eyes. Thank you for blessing our family Bella.


Here is Bella, the first of our 2 puppies we adopted in the winter. She is so sweet and loving to our family, and especially our son. They are buddies already. She has the most loving temperament and it shows in her beautiful eyes. Thank you for blessing our family Bella.


(Troy Marcy Photography) canon 70-200 f/4l canon eos r familiy family photojournalist fox resort missouri puppies Sun, 28 Mar 2021 16:35:40 GMT
Sneaking a Peek Sneaking a PeekSneaking a PeekSo our family adopted two puppies leading into winter. This is Kip and we get a kick out of Kip's stare. He is always watching and we catch him just staring at us for long periods of time...if he wasn't so cute, it would be creepy. These puppies have so much personality. I hope to post more here on my photography page over time.


So our family adopted two puppies leading into winter. This is Kip and we get a kick out of Kip's stare. He is always watching and we catch him just staring at us for long periods of time...if he wasn't so cute, it would be creepy. These puppies have so much personality. I hope to post more here on my photography page over time.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 canine canon dog eos f/4l family leaf peeking pet photojournalist r stare Sat, 27 Mar 2021 23:37:38 GMT
Basking in the Sunrise Basking in the SunriseBasking in the SunriseI really enjoyed this tranquil scene of this barn basking in the warm light of a sunrise reflected in the windows.


I really enjoyed this tranquil scene of this barn basking in the warm light of a sunrise reflected in the windows.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 barn canon central county eos f/4l illinois landscape mclean midwest r rural Tue, 23 Mar 2021 18:54:03 GMT
Good Morning McLean County Good Morning McLean CountyGood Morning McLean CountyWhen my daughter asked, "Dad can we go get some photos in the morning for my art class?"... I said "you bet!" We stumbled upon this beautiful sunrise this Monday morning. Sharing it with her made it all that much better.


When my daughter asked, "Dad can we go get some photos in the morning for my art class?"... I said "you bet!" We stumbled upon this beautiful sunrise this Monday morning. Sharing it with her made it all that much better.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 canon county creek eos f/4l landscape mclean monday morning nature r reflection rural sunrise Mon, 22 Mar 2021 16:33:09 GMT
Great Blue Heron In Flight Great Blue Heron In FlightGreat Blue Heron In FlightThe great blue heron is such a majestic bird. They cast an unmistakable shadow as they fly over.


The great blue heron is such a majestic bird. They cast an unmistakable shadow as they fly over.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm bird blue canon comlara county eos evergreen f/5.6l great heron illinois in-flight lake mclean nature park r wildlife Sun, 07 Mar 2021 17:46:12 GMT
Dramatic Ring-billed Gull Catch and Eat Dramatic Ring-billed Gull Catch and EatDramatic Ring-billed Gull Catch and EatThese Ring-billed Gulls can be fun to watch fish. They aren't an eagle but they are quite agile in the air. I love that this gull just caught a fish and adjusted it mid-flight despite having webbed feet and not talons like eagles.


These Ring-billed Gulls can be fun to watch fish. They aren't an eagle but they are quite agile in the air. I love that this gull just caught a fish and adjusted it mid-flight despite having webbed feet and not tallons like eagles.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action bird canon comlara eos evergreen f/5.6l gull illinois in-flight lake midwest nature park r ring-billed wildlife Sat, 06 Mar 2021 22:05:33 GMT
Ring-billed Gull Suspended in Air Ring-billed Gull Suspended in AirRing-billed Gull Suspended in AirI was able to freeze this moment as the ring-billed gull made a dive and came up empty. The suspended-in-midair pose looking right at the camera made for a pretty cool image.


I was able to freeze this moment as the ring-billed gull made a dive and came up empty. The suspended-in-midair pose looking right at the camera made for a pretty cool image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action bird canon comlara county eos evergreen f/5.6l gull illinois in-flight lake mclean midwest nature park r ring-billed wildlife Thu, 04 Mar 2021 21:20:08 GMT
Common Mergansers on the Move Common Mergansers on the MoveCommon Mergansers on the MoveBeautiful male and female common mergansers on the move, low over the water. When these water fowl decide to take off, I have to be ready with the camera because they are really flying! I mean really!


Beautiful male and female common mergansers on the move, low over the water. When these water fowl decide to take off, I have to be ready with the camera because they are really flying! I mean really!


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action bird canon comlara common eos evergreen f/5.6l flight fowl in lake merganser migration nature park r water wildlife Wed, 03 Mar 2021 22:34:50 GMT
Common Goldeneye Landing in a Foggy Mist Common Goldeneye Landing in a Foggy MistCommon Goldeneye Landing in a Foggy MistFour males and a female common goldeneye flying in on Lake Evergreen with a thin mist on the lake. I believe there is a canvasback duck in the background. I feel lucky to get a usable image after taking several images of ducks in the mist that just didn't turn out due to difficulty getting focus. These goldeneyes are beautiful birds, especially in good light.


Four males and a female common goldeneye flying in on Lake Evergreen with a thin mist on the lake. I believe there is a canvasback duck in the background. I feel lucky to get a usable image after taking several images of ducks in the mist that just didn't turn out due to difficulty getting focus. These goldeneyes are beautiful birds, especially in good light.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm birds canon comlara common ducks eos evergreen f/5.6l fog goldeneye illinois in-flight lake midwest migration mist nature r wildlife Wed, 03 Mar 2021 00:19:58 GMT
The Point of No Return The Point of No ReturnThe Point of No ReturnA ring-billed gull diving beak first into the water to fetch a fish that it spotted well above the water. The whole process is a lot of fun to watch.


A ring-billed gull diving beak first into the water to fetch a fish that it spotted well above the water. The whole process is a lot of fun to watch.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action bird canon central comlara diving eos evergreen f/5.6l fishing gull illinois in-flight lake midwest nature park r ring-billed wildlife Tue, 02 Mar 2021 02:05:14 GMT
Showing Off In Flight Showing Off In FlightShowing Off In FlightOne of the signs of early spring in our area are the numbers of ring-billed gulls fishing in the open waters of frozen lakes. I have 1000's of images of these birds soaring, fishing, and fighting each other and other birds for their catch. They can be quite entertaining as they are very acrobatic in the air and fun to watch dive into the water. Even with 1000's of images of these birds, getting one like this is special. I could try year after year and never get another one like this with the fish in the air between the open beak of the bird. I swear it looked back and struck this pose for me just to show off.


One of the signs of early spring in our area are the numbers of ring-billed gulls fishing in the open waters of frozen lakes. I have 1000's of images of these birds soaring, fishing, and fighting each other and other birds for their catch. They can be quite entertaining as they are very acrobatic in the air and fun to watch dive into the water. Even with 1000's of images of these birds, getting one like this is special. I could try year after year and never get another one like this with the fish in the air between the open beak of the bird. I swear it looked back and struck this pose for me to show off.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm action bird canon central comlara eating eos evergreen f/5.6l fish gull illinois in-flight lake midwest nature park r ring-billed wildlife Mon, 01 Mar 2021 01:58:45 GMT
Tufted Titmouse Bath Time-4 Tufted Titmouse Bath Time-4Tufted Titmouse Bath Time-4How cute is this tufted titmouse bathing in a puddle along the trail? It was enjoying the ice cold bath and then would shake until it looked like one of the spiky sweet gum balls that surrounded it on the ground.

Tufted Titmouse Bath TimeTufted Titmouse Bath TimeHow cute is this tufted titmouse bathing in a puddle along the trail? It was enjoying the ice cold bath and then would shake until it looked like one of the spiky sweet gum balls that surrounded it on the ground. Tufted Titmouse Bath Time-3Tufted Titmouse Bath Time-3How cute is this tufted titmouse bathing in a puddle along the trail? It was enjoying the ice cold bath and then would shake until it looked like one of the spiky sweet gum balls that surrounded it on the ground. Tufted Titmouse Bath Time-2Tufted Titmouse Bath Time-2How cute is this tufted titmouse bathing in a puddle along the trail? It was enjoying the ice cold bath and then would shake until it looked like one of the spiky sweet gum balls that surrounded it on the ground.

How cute is this tufted titmouse bathing in a puddle along the trail? It was enjoying the ice cold bath and then would shake until it looked like one of the spiky sweet gum balls that surrounded it on the ground.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm balls bath bird canon central comlara county eos evergreen f/5.6l gum illinois lake mclean nature park r sweet titmouse tufted water wildlife Sun, 28 Feb 2021 19:07:43 GMT
What a Sunset What a SunsetWhat a SunsetI was blessed with this incredible sunset on the way home from photographing birds at Lake Evergreen tonight. I pulled down a country road so I could pull over and this was the spot that spoke to me. I decided to make this a 3 image panoramic to capture the full beauty of the scene.


I was blessed with this incredible sunset on the way home from photographing birds at Lake Evergreen tonight. I pulled down a country road so I could pull over and this was the spot that spoke to me. I decided to make this a 3 image panoramic to capture the full beauty of the scene.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 canon central colors country eos f/4l illinois landscape midwest nature panoramic r rural sunset Sun, 28 Feb 2021 01:47:35 GMT
Saturday Morning in Central Illinois Saturday Morning in the MidwestSaturday Morning in the MidwestThe full moon was beautiful this morning. I found this sleepy little farm north of Bloomington, IL to make this image.


The full moon was beautiful this morning. I found this sleepy little farm north of Bloomington, IL to make this image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 70-200 canon central eos f/4l il landscape midwest moon morning nature r saturday sky sleepy Sat, 27 Feb 2021 19:01:54 GMT
Texture TextureTextureI was struck by the various examples of texture in this scene. The board of the dock leading into the rocks and prairie grass followed by the trees and incredible clouds. All of these layers demonstrate a rich variety of texture.


I was struck by the various examples of texture in this scene. The board of the dock leading into the rocks and prairie grass followed by the trees and incredible clouds. All of these layers demonstrate a rich variety of texture.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 24-70 canon central colors county eos evergreen f/2.8l illinois lake landscape mclean midwest nature r texture Sat, 27 Feb 2021 01:43:39 GMT
Spotted SpottedSpottedI think she spotted me before I spotted her but, ultimately, we were both spotted. I appreciate the simplicity of this lone deer in a snowy field before dusk.


I think she spotted me before I spotted her but, ultimately, we were both spotted. I appreciate the simplicity of this lone deer in a snowy field before dusk.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central eos f/5.6l illinois landscape midwest nature r snow wildlife winter Wed, 24 Feb 2021 23:18:06 GMT
As Dusk Nears As Dusk NearsAs Dusk NearsI love these moments of the day just as the sun sets and the light is at its best. It is a magical and peaceful moment that never seems to last long enough yet provides the much-needed time to recharge.


I love these moments of the day just as the sun sets and the light is at its best. It is a magical and peaceful moment that never seems to last long enough yet provides the much-needed time to recharge.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm art barn beauty canon central colors dusk eos f/5.6l illinois landscape midwest nature r sunset Mon, 22 Feb 2021 22:13:07 GMT
Young White Tail Young White TailYoung White TailA cute youngling slowly walks through the snow...such a sweet face.


A cute youngling slowly walks through the snow...such a sweet face.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central deer eos f/5.6l illinois midwest nature r snow wildlife winter woods youngling Mon, 22 Feb 2021 00:53:33 GMT
Snowy Field Sunset Snowy Field SunsetSnowy Field SunsetI went out with the hopes of finding some wildlife this evening and while I found a few pretty images, the sunset stole the show. Nothing like getting a Malibu sunset with some Midwest snow on the fields. It was worth pulling the car over to grab an image.


I went out with the hopes of finding some wildlife this evening and while I found a few pretty images, the sunset stole the show. Nothing like getting a Malibu sunset with some Midwest snow on the fields. It was worth pulling the car over to grab an image.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 24-70 canon colors dreamy eos f/2.9l illinois landscape midwest nature r sunset warmth winter Sun, 21 Feb 2021 02:11:24 GMT
Midwest Winter Tones Midwest Winter TonesMidwest Winter TonesI love the color palate of winter and especially the tones in this image. The muted blues and beige colors work incredibly well together. I find these tones soothing and peaceful.


I love the color palate of winter and especially the tones in this image. The muted blues and beige colors work incredibly well together. I find these tones soothing and peaceful.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central colors county eos f/5.6l farm illinois landscape mclean midwest nature r tones Sun, 14 Feb 2021 17:18:35 GMT
Evening Meal Evening MealEvening MealA peaceful scene of several does enjoying a meal before before sunset. There wasn't much available light for this image, but I'm happy with the results.


A peaceful scene of several does enjoying a meal before before sunset. There wasn't much available light for this image, but I'm happy with the results.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central county deer dusk eos evening f/5.6l fields illinois landscape light low mammals mclean midwest nature r wildlife Sun, 14 Feb 2021 02:33:28 GMT
Hunting Fox Hunting FoxHunting FoxI interrupted this fox as he was hunting just before sunset...either that or he was pooping. I'd like to think he was hunting.


I interrupted this fox as he was hunting just before sunset...either that or he was pooping. I'd like to think he was hunting.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm canon central eos f/5.6l fox illinois landscape light low midwest nature r red rural snow wildlife winter Sat, 13 Feb 2021 06:41:54 GMT
Illinois Farm in the Winter Illinois Farm in the WinterIllinois Farm in the WinterSimple black and white landscape of a farm in the winter.


Simple black and white landscape of a farm in the winter.


(Troy Marcy Photography) 400mm and b&w black canon eos f/5.6l illinois landscape midwest nature r rural white Fri, 12 Feb 2021 00:42:28 GMT
Horned Lark on the Roadside