The Wonderful JourneyI really love this image. I took it this morning very early and when there was still some fog in the cool air. I was moved by the sight of the male and female finch alone in the road and, since, have had time to reflect on its meaning to me. The male and female house finch seem so insignificant in the road yet together appear confident and safe. The road is long, sometimes rocky, sometimes uphill and not always clear but together you know they will make it. Around every corner there are surprises, good and bad, but they experience them together. Tomorrow my wife and I celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary and I am enjoying this wonderful journey we have been experiencing together. We have been and continue to be blessed so deeply and I thank God everyday for the love I have in my life.
I really love this image. I took it this morning very early and when there was still some fog in the cool air. I was moved by the sight of the male and female finch alone in the road and, since, have had time to reflect on its meaning to me. The male and female house finch seem so insignificant in the road yet together appear confident and safe. The road is long, sometimes rocky, sometimes uphill and not always clear but together you know they will make it. Around every corner there are surprises, good and bad, but they experience them together. Tomorrow my wife and I celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary and I am enjoying this wonderful journey we have been experiencing together. We have been and continue to be blessed so deeply and I thank God everyday for the love I have in my life.