Flying Into the Last Remaining Light of the Day

July 06, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Flying Into the Last Remaining Light of the DayFlying Into the Last Remaining Light of the DayThis might be my new personal favorite cardinal image. The light in the wooded area was almost gone as the sun was close to setting. There were a couple of cardinals flying around actively and I really wanted to get one in flight. As luck would have it, a cardinal flew directly into the last bit of light piercing the trees and I was able to snap a series of images. The light illuminates the red face and gives the cardinal separation from the lush background nicely. Nature photography is very technical and being ready for the moment is key, but, ultimately, much of it depends on what the animal gives you.


This might be my new personal favorite cardinal image. The light in the wooded area was almost gone as the sun was close to setting. There were a couple of cardinals flying around actively and I really wanted to get one in flight. As luck would have it, a cardinal flew directly into the last bit of light piercing the trees and I was able to snap a series of images. The light illuminates the red face and gives the cardinal separation from the lush background nicely. Nature photography is very technical and being ready for the moment is key, but, ultimately, much of it depends on what the animal gives you.



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