Red-eyed Vireo Found a Fall Berry

September 05, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Red-eyed Vireo Found a Fall BerryRed-eyed Vireo Found a Fall BerryI found this red-eyed vireo yesterday at Ewing Park as it found a red berry. The fall migration has begun and I hope to see more beautiful migratory birds as they pass through. It isn't going to be very easy this time of year as the trees are still full of leaves making it hard to spot these small birds and making the lighting difficult for images. This image was taken at 12,800 ISO. This setting isn't ideal but the birds are just too cute not to photograph, so high ISO it is.


I found this red-eyed vireo yesterday at Ewing Park as it found a red berry. The fall migration has begun and I hope to see more beautiful migratory birds as they pass through. It isn't going to be very easy this time of year as the trees are still full of leaves making it hard to spot these small birds and making the lighting difficult for images. This image was taken at 12,800 ISO. This setting isn't ideal but the birds are just too cute not to photograph, so high ISO it is.



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