Always Remembered

November 17, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Always RememberedAlways RememberedThe 2nd image I'm sharing from our trip to New York is this very special image of the 9/11 Memorial. One of our first stops in New York was to the 9/11 Memorial at the site of the former World Trade Center. I have heard so much about this but no words can prepare you for how emotional and overwhelming the museum and memorial are. I won't try to put it into words but I recommend that you experience it if you are ever in New York. For this image, I was able to get the sun flare as it backlit the beautiful fall colors and provided a warmth and glow over the memorial. Their light still shines and they will always be remembered.


The 2nd image I'm sharing from our trip to New York is this very special image of the 9/11 Memorial. One of our first stops in New York was to the 9/11 Memorial at the site of the former World Trade Center. I have heard so much about this but no words can prepare you for how emotional and overwhelming the museum and memorial are. I won't try to put it into words but I recommend that you experience it if you are ever in New York. For this image, I was able to get the sun flare as it backlit the beautiful fall colors and provided a warmth and glow over the memorial. Their light still shines and they will always be remembered.



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