Tiny Catch

January 11, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Tiny CatchTiny CatchThis is my last edit and update for the evening. The shad among the ice flows were quite small and made for some snack-sized meals for these huge birds. you can barely see a fin sticking out from the side of this eagle's right talon...even he has to look to make sure he has it. Actually these fish were so small that they just raised them up and gulped them down while in flight.

This is my last edit and update for the evening. The shad among the ice flows were quite small and made for some snack-sized meals for these huge birds. you can barely see a fin sticking out from the side of this eagle's right talon...even he has to look to make sure he has it. Actually these fish were so small that they just raised them up and gulped them down while in flight.


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