Beautiful Magnificence

January 28, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Beautiful MagnificenceBeautiful MagnificenceMost of my images of eagles this season have been from my Jan. 10th visit to the Mississippi and I love going through them slowly over time posting one or two images a day. That way I'm able to enjoy them individually and re-live the moments...image by image. When I opened this image today (much like opening a Christmas present on Christmas morning), I surprised even myself. I probably scanned over this image earlier without spending much time looking at it, but today my jaw dropped. I love everything about this image....the color, the pose, the clarity, and the eagle's confident stare. It is iconic and classic...yet punchy and bright. The bald eagle is simply beautiful magnificence.

Most of my images of eagles this season have been from my Jan. 10th visit to the Mississippi and I love going through them slowly over time posting one or two images a day. That way I'm able to enjoy them individually and re-live the moments...image by image. When I opened this image today (much like opening a Christmas present on Christmas morning), I surprised even myself. I probably scanned over this image earlier without spending much time looking at it, but today my jaw dropped. I love everything about this image....the color, the pose, the clarity, and the eagle's confident stare. It is iconic and classic...yet punchy and bright. The bald eagle is simply beautiful magnificence.


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