Basking Barn Swallow

June 11, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Basking Barn SwallowBasking Barn Swallow- Basking Barn Swallow -

I love the way the sunlight casts across this colorful barn swallow as he takes a break from his constant patrolling of bugs in the open fields. They are awesome to observe flying inches above the ground and other structures. This is one of my dad's favorite birds and whenever I watch them, I have fond memories of him enjoying them as he cut grass at our old 2.5 acre home many years ago. To this day he still talks to them when they fly around. It is funny how nature can remind us of family and loved ones. We all have some tie to a favorite animal, bird, location, etc. This image goes out to my dad, happy early father's day dad!

I love the way the sunlight casts across this colorful barn swallow as he takes a break from his constant patrolling of bugs in the open fields. They are awesome to observe flying inches above the ground and other structures. This is one of my dad's favorite birds and whenever I watch them, I have fond memories of him enjoying them as he cut grass at our old 2.5 acre home many years ago. To this day he still talks to them when they fly around. It is funny how nature can remind us of family and loved ones. We all have some tie to a favorite animal, bird, location, etc. This image goes out to my dad, happy early father's day dad!


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