Osprey Stare Down at Lake Bloomington

April 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Osprey Stare Down at Lake BloomingtonOsprey Stare Down at Lake BloomingtonOne of the greatest things about nature photography is the story that goes along with each image. While in the field, sometimes the most hair-raising, jaw-dropping, take-your-breath-away moments happen. While at Lake Bloomington photographing the pelicans last weekend, I heard an osprey let out an early morning call. The sun was still coming up so it was still dark in parts of the cove. I looked around and saw this osprey rise above the tree line. Then I heard a second call that I could of swore sounded like an eagle. Sure enough a bald eagle drops out of the tree chasing the osprey. The osprey had a fish in its talons and was trying to maneuver to avoid the eagle. I took a couple of shots but it was too far to get anything usable. I just stood there with my jaw dropped as I took in the whole experience. Luckily about 20 minutes later the osprey was back gliding over and gave me this good stare down as if to say, "did you enjoy the show?". Why yes I did; thank you Mr. Osprey.

One of the greatest things about nature photography is the story that goes along with each image. While in the field, sometimes the most hair-raising, jaw-dropping, take-your-breath-away moments happen. While at Lake Bloomington photographing the pelicans last weekend, I heard an osprey let out an early morning call. The sun was still coming up so it was still dark in parts of the cove. I looked around and saw this osprey rise above the tree line. Then I heard a second call that I could of swore sounded like an eagle. Sure enough a bald eagle drops out of the tree chasing the osprey. The osprey had a fish in its talons and was trying to maneuver to avoid the eagle. I took a couple of shots but it was too far to get anything usable. I just stood there with my jaw dropped as I took in the whole experience. Luckily about 20 minutes later the osprey was back gliding over and gave me this good stare down as if to say, "did you enjoy the show?". Why yes I did; thank you Mr. Osprey.


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