See Food"See Food"....see what I did there? I love taking photos and finding out later that I caught a mid-air expression or interaction that you wouldn't normally be able to see from the bank of the river just watching the birds. Freezing the moment is a cliche' in photography, but it really does add a sense of wonder when you capture interactions that would have been missed otherwise. This goes for any photography (nature, wildlife, children, families, street, etc.). This may not be one of my sharpest, best lit images, but I like it for the interaction it caught between this eagle and his dinner. If you like my work, please like my Facebook Photography Page - Troy Marcy Photography.
"See Food"....see what I did there? I love taking photos and finding out later that I caught a mid-air expression or interaction that you wouldn't normally be able to see from the bank of the river just watching the birds. Freezing the moment is a cliche' in photography, but it really does add a sense of wonder when you capture interactions that would have been missed otherwise. This goes for any photography (nature, wildlife, children, families, street, etc.). This may not be one of my sharpest, best lit images, but I like it for the interaction it caught between this eagle and his dinner. If you like my work, please like my Facebook Photography Page - Troy Marcy Photography.