Standing Among Giants

August 09, 2013  •  Leave a Comment
Standing Among GiantsStanding Among Giants

We took our daughter on a trip to Chicago for her birthday gift and one of her must see destinations was the Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower). I was pretty excited as I had never been up to the 103rd floor observation deck. Of course I brought my camera with hopes of capturing some beautiful vistas. The weather cooperated with a clear, cool day and dramatic clouds high enough in the sky to still have a good view. I have many images to sift through, but I also took a few HDR's (stacking multiple images of various exposures to capture the dynamic range of highlights and shadows). Here is one of those HDR images. While the images are nice, nothing compares to the breathtaking views you actually get. I'm still happy with the results despite the loss of clarity due to shooting through the glass. This particular view looks out over Lake Michigan. You can see the darker spots in the water due to the shadows form the clouds. I titled this "Standing with Giants" as you are looking down on some pretty impressive skyscrapers, which is an amazing feeling. Enjoy!


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