Winter Geese

December 24, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Winter GeeseWinter GeeseI have a new lens to play with and this was one of my first images with it. It is the 400mm f/5.6. It will be a great addition for my wildlife photography. This image isn't cropped at all! I was able to fill the frame with these geese. It gives the sense that you are there with the geese as they are flying off. I love the background colors and blur, which compliments the geese nicely. I've used this lens before for Bald Eagles but it was a rental. It is nice to have one of my own now.

I have a new lens to play with and this was one of my first images with it. It is the 400mm f/5.6. It will be a great addition for my wildlife photography. This image isn't cropped at all! I was able to fill the frame with these geese. It gives the sense that you are there with the geese as they are flying off. I love the background colors and blur, which compliments the geese nicely. I've used this lens before for Bald Eagles but it was a rental. It is nice to have one of my own now.


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