In The OpenI love this time of year...the colors and mild temps make autumn in Illinois one of my favorite seasons. The warm, Earthy tones of this image help to express the mood of the season for me. This is the same doe that I posted a couple of days ago as a silhouette. She was "in the open" but in the shadows so I set my exposure so that she could be exposed properly. The previous silhouette photo was exposed purposefully for the silhouette effect I was going for. Knowing the camera and making it do what you know it can do is an important part of photography and my art.
I love this time of year...the colors and mild temps make autumn in Illinois one of my favorite seasons. The warm, Earthy tones of this image help to express the mood of the season for me. This is the same doe that I posted a couple of days ago as a silhouette. She was "in the open" but in the shadows so I set my exposure so that she could be exposed properly. The previous silhouette photo was exposed purposefully for the silhouette effect I was going for. Knowing the camera and making it do what you know it can do is an important part of photography and my art.