Rattle The Window Panes

June 23, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Rattle The Window PanesRattle The Window PanesThis is another image from yesterday except zoomed in to 70mm with my 24-70mm. It is a gamble zooming in to capture lighting since you don't know for sure when and where the next bolt will strike. I zoomed in on the same homestead and was rewarded with this spectacular bolt. You can almost image the sound this strike created and the number of windows it may have rattled. Nature is so powerful!

This is another image from yesterday except zoomed in to 70mm with my 24-70mm. It is a gamble zooming in to capture lighting since you don't know for sure when and where the next bolt will strike. I zoomed in on the same homestead and was rewarded with this spectacular bolt. You can almost image the sound this strike created and the number of windows it may have rattled. Nature is so powerful!


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