In the ShadowsThe gorillas at Brookfield Zoo are amazing, but very difficult to photograph sometimes. The lighting in their enclosure is very dim in many of the spots that they sit. This ponderous gorilla was sitting at the bottom of the enclosure under an overhang. There was just enough light hitting her face to get a shot. This was taken at 3200 iso with my 70-200 f/4L (I would have loved an f/2.8 in this situation). I like how she blends into the darkness with only a few of her features noticeable. They really are magnificent!
The gorillas at Brookfield Zoo are amazing, but very difficult to photograph sometimes. The lighting in their enclosure is very dim in many of the spots that they sit. This ponderous gorilla was sitting at the bottom of the enclosure under an overhang. There was just enough light hitting her face to get a shot. This was taken at 3200 iso with my 70-200 f/4L (I would have loved an f/2.8 in this situation). I like how she blends into the darkness with only a few of her features noticeable. They really are magnificent!