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Fall Day in Central Park

Fall Day in Central Park

We took the family on a trip to New York along with my son's High School band as they were set to march in the Veteran's Day Parade. It was quite an honor for our school to be invited and the kids did an amazing job. While there, I enjoyed all of the photography opportunities the city had to offer. It was our first trip to New York. My old camera has been having issues so I rented the new Canon EOS R and the Canon RF 24-70 f/2.8L IS lens. Wow, what a difference this camera is from my old classic 7D. It was a good thing I rented it as my 7D stopped working all together on the trip. I'm not sure what I'll do without a camera for awhile but the rental sure was a blessing as I made several memorable images with it.

Here is one of the first of many images I will share of this incredible city. This was taken in Central Park. Fall in Central Park was breathtaking and this scene was just to perfect not to capture. Imagine the sound of families playing in the park and ice skating on a brisk but pleasant 40 degree day. The rink is nestled among these colorful trees with a massive city surrounding the park. Not far from the rink is 5th avenue where you will find a sea of honking taxi's and many horse-drawn carriages. The whole park was alive and magical. I can't wait to share more images over time.