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1st Birthday

1st Birthday

Have you ever had one of those surreal moments where you think to yourself, "I've been here before"? Tonight my brother and his wife threw an excellent 1st birthday party for my niece. She was adorable and she seemed to really enjoy having so many people at her house. She especially loved the presents and sweets...but while I was taking photos of her opening presents, I couldn't help but think of my daughter's 1st birthday party. There are times when my niece looks very similar to my daughter at that age and it blows my mind to think that it was almost 12 years ago that we threw a very similar party for her. Time is a fickle thing but it does seem to repeat itself giving us the pleasure of reliving a memory that we don't ever want to we wish we could go back and savor every second all over again.

I love my niece and children very much and I cherish the memories we've made.

Happy Birthday K!